
February 2025 Meeting & January Updates

Thanks to everyone involved in producing these updates, your efforts are much appreciated. You can also read these updates as a PDF.

Join Amnesty International, get involved with our local AI Group and play your part in helping to promote and defend vital human rights across the world.

We warmly invite newcomers and familiar faces alike to attend the next meeting of the Amnesty International Glasgow West Group. This update includes:

  • Details of our forthcoming February 2025 meeting;

  • Information on current AIUK activities;

  • The minutes from our Group's January 2025 meeting; and

  • A note of our local Group's monthly meeting dates for the year ahead.

February 2025 Glasgow West AI Group Meeting

Thursday 13th February, Woodlands International Methodist Church, 7:30pm

The next Glasgow West Amnesty meeting takes place on Thursday 13th February 2025 at 7.30pm – 9pm in Woodlands International Church Woodlands Road, Glasgow, G3 6LW.

We would love to see you there!

Our next meeting will include:

  • Final planning for our annual Comedy Fundraiser event, which takes place on Thurs 20th February 2025;

  • Our local Group's AGM;

  • Updates from our local group co-ordinators on their activities; and

  • Undertaking letter writing in response to recent Urgent Action alerts from AIUK.


Amnesty International Comedy Fundraiser at The Stand, Glasgow

Thursday 20th February 2025, 8PM

Last Chance to Get Your Ticket!

Our Group's annual fundraiser will take place at The Stand comedy club, Glasgow on Thursday 20th February at 8pm – 10pm.

The host for the evening and all the performers have generously given their time for free in order to help raise funds for AI.

For details of the comedians performing, click on the link below.

Tickets priced £11 / £13 are on sale now via The Stand by clicking on the link. All entrance ticket sales proceeds will go to Amnesty UK charitable arm.

Previous AI Comedy Fundraisers at The Stand have sold out, so don't delay - Get tickets your tickets now via this link.

AIUK Local Updates

The latest updates for Local AI Groups produced by AIUK can be found via the following link.

Below is a sample of some of the items included in this latest update.

  • Local Groups' Planning Pack here (This resource is designed to help groups plan their year, by providing information, resources and connection across the movement that will help you campaign effectively for human rights, grow your impact and audience, and raise funds to support your group's activity)

  • An update on AIUK's 2024 Write for Rights Campaign (featuring both Glasgow West and Glasgow Daytime Groups' input amongst many other Groups across the UK)

Glasgow Daytime AI Group's Write for Rights event at Langside Library

Glasgow West AI Group's Write for Rights event at Hillhead Library

  • Toolkit and funding to encourage regional gatherings of Amnesty activists. In addition, it is noted that there will be an AI office-led Gathering in Scotland during Q2 of 2025 (date tbc).

  • Refugee Week will be celebrated from June 16–22, 2025 with the theme “Community as a Superpower”, focusing on the power of community, collaboration, and shared humanity in the face of displacement. If you are interested to organise a Refugee Week community event in your local area, please feel free to apply for a grant by clicking on the below button, the deadline to apply is 17 February.

  • Activism in Action for International Women's Day - Join us on Saturday 8 March for International Women's Day, to mark the occasion with a series of feminist activism focused sessions. Sat 8th Mar 2025 10:00 - 18:00, Location: Human Rights Action Centre, London

  • Country co-ordinator vacancies - The update lists a range of country co-ordinator volunteer positions that are open for application.

  • AIUK is also seeking to recruit a number of regional co-ordinator vacancies, including a post for Scotland. Deadline to apply is April.

  • New online courses - Gender Justice and Human Rights (online); Activism Skills Training: Digital Campaign Strategy (25th Feb or 23rd Sept).

Other upcoming dates / events

  • 18 Feb 6pm - 7:30pm - Campaign Connect: A briefing on Israel's Genocide against Palestinians in Gaza - Tickets here

  • 20 Feb 6:30pm - 7:40pm - Predictive Policing Report launch. The event will be hybrid, offering the option of joining in person at the HRAC - Tickets here

  • 26 Feb 10:30 - 1pm - Refugee Week 2025 Conference - Tickets here

  • 1-2 March - Amnesty UK Student Festival - Tickets here

(Please note that this is a students only festival but you can spread the word!)

  • 8 March 10am - 6pm - Activism In Action for International Women's Day by the Amnesty Feminist Network, HRAC London - Tickets here

  • 5-6 July - AIUK AGM, Birmingham -- (7th March is the deadline for self-nomination to be on AIUK board and also for submitting any AGM resolutions)

For further details of the above and other items featured in most recent AIUK Local Groups' Update, click on this link.

Amnesty Scotland Updates

Amnesty International's Scotland office recently introduced a bulletin, which can be found via this link.

AI Scotland's has template letters for activists in Scotland.

One current AI Scotland campaign relates to public funding being provided by Scottish Enterprise. An FOI request by AI indicated that funding may have been awarded to companies selling arms components to countries that are breaching international law. The AI Scotland campaign calls for proper due diligence concerning human rights checks in relation to public funding.

More general information is available on the work of Amnesty's Scotland office.

AIUK - Upcoming Dates & Events and Updates on Campaigns

Updates on planned AIUK training and events for AI activists, can be found on the AIUK website under 'events'.

Updates on current AIUK Priority Campaigns can also be found on the amnesty website (PDF link).

AI Glasgow West Group Meeting Updates - Thursday 9th January 2025


  1. Welcome and apologies

Attending: Carol, Jim, Luca, Mal, Andrew, Kirstie, Merle, Christine, Claire (Chair), Paolo, Clara

Also Attending: Neil Cowan, AI Scotland Director

Apologies: Neil and Mhairi

  1. Agreement of previous meeting minutes: here

  2. Team Updates (list of roles here):

    1. Treasurer (Kirstie)

      1. December: W4R donations: £70 donation cash in tins; £2 donated by Kirstie(!)

      2. £82.77 costs of postage (& Merle/Luca costs)

      3. Current balance: £487.48

      4. A Christmas card containing a donation of £10 from Susie K was opened and the money was given to the treasurer.

      5. Kirstie has ordered us a SumUpSolo card reader for our group so we can collect money through contactless payments for our own group bank account. Cost = £95; no monthly charge; 1.69% transaction fee

        We can either:

        • only use our group card reader so all donations go to our local group and then we do yearly donations to central AIUK, depending on our bank balance; or

        • use two card readers, including one for AIUK.

        • The Group's agreement was to just use our local group's card reader

    2. Social Media & website (Mal/Cait) - The Stand comedy fundraiser post - pls share / like / subscribe (The more people do this, the more coverage the post will achieve)

    3. Local Political Outreach (Neil) - not present at meeting

      1. Andrew to ask Neil to contact Kaukab Stewart re. attending a future meeting to talk re. Human Rights Bill
    4. Regional/ Country focus

      1. South East Asia/ Myanmar (Mal) - no updates

      2. Korea (Clara) - Seoul metro campaign - UK Country Co-ordinator got a response, no other countries did - Clara will let us know next steps

      3. Ramadan Iftar event - Claire to share w Clara doc re. 2023 iftar to see overview of tasks

    5. Theme focus - US Death penalty - Mal to inform Death Penalty Network / follow up work on California - no updates

    6. Prisoner of Conscience/Individual At Risk Update (Han -?) / (Cait - India BK16)

      • Cait - BK16 action - letter to send prisoners directly / research local UK politicians? – Cait was not present at meeting and no update on this had been provided
  3. Actions/updates from previous meeting Minutes:

    • Seenaryo (Lebanon) film screening: Mhairi update on February screening & panel discussion at Glasgow University inc. lecturer from Dept of Middle East studies & AIUK Country Coordinator (Clara re. Lebanon CC) – Mhairi was not present at meeting and no update had been provided

    • Update on 2024 Write for Rights case Neth Nahara - she has been released following a presidential pardon.

  4. Guest Speaker: Neil Cowan (Programme Director for Scotland Amnesty)

    • Neil was welcomed to the meeting. He advised that he had been in post for just less than a year and that he was keen to meet local groups. Amnesty's Scotland office has four staff – Neil (Director) Stewart (Policy Manager, dealing primarily with legal and related matters) Liz Thomson and Jackson (Admin / office management). The email address for the AI Scotland office is

    • Neil referenced the recent AI report on the Gaza genocide (“You Feel You are Subhuman: Israel's Genocide in Gaza)

    • Neil also spoke about the Prevent duty, which is intended to stop people becoming terrorists and which the Scottish Government has a responsibility for delivering within Scotland. The major AIUK report on the Prevent Duty in 2024 set out a wide range of concerns about the unfair and unintended effects implementation of the policy was having.

    • c.75% of the work of AI's Scotland Office involves a focus on seeking to influence the Scottish Government and/or interpreting AIUK policy to ensure coherence with the unique Scottish policy context in order that it properly reflects the situation in Scotland. This also includes advising AIUK staff of particular issues relating to Scotland.

    • A major focus had been on working with the Scottish Government and other key stakeholders on the development of a Scottish Human Rights Bill. This proposed policy has since been deprioritised by the Scottish Government with regard to the current Parliamentary business timetable. However, work is ongoing to seek to get this matter back on the agenda of the various political parties.

    • The AI Scotland office team has also been campaigning on the issue of how organisations such as Scottish Enterprise appraise grant aid to companies in order to ensure public money is not spent in unethical ways. This included a focus on Scottish Enterprise allegedly providing grant aid to defence sector companies whose products may have been used in Israel's campaign in Gaza. Further details on this campaign are included in this AI Press Release. Also see the Appendix to the minutes (below), including a call to action.

    • Neil summarised AI Scotland's priorities for 2025 as 1.) a Human Rights Bill for Scotland, 2. Abolition of Prevent, 3. The Scottish Enterprise issue noted above, and planning ahead to the 2026 Scottish Parliament elections.

    • A series of Q&A discussion then followed Neil's initial input. Neil was thanked for his input and he left the meeting.

  5. Planning for Comedy Night fundraiser at The Stand Comedy Club - Thursday 20th February 2025 - all to share AIGW - Tasks for Comedy Fundraiser - Feb 2025:

    Tickets: £13 / £11 - NB all entrance ticket sales proceeds will go to Amnesty UK charitable arm.

    Doors Open – 7pm ; Starts – 8pm approx. ; Finishes – 10pm approx. ;

    Planning Document.

    If ticket sales are low, we will take up the option of paying for social media advertising boosts. (Mal)

    Pre Stand Fundraiser event actions:

    • Chrstine - Glasgow Times - will seek to liaise with local press on getting publicity for the event.

    • Mal to share on social media

    • Andrew will check with The Stand if we need to do anything else – at doors, etc

    • Cait - flyer → people print & put up around town

    6.45pm arrive - Luca, Andrew, Merle

    • AI publicity materials - Mal will bring the AI Banner, Posters, Lanyards, Badges, etc


    • Prizes (e.g. Bottles of alcohol, boxes of chocolates, etc; more basic gifts can be grouped into gift bags): All to bring raffle prizes

    • Posters: Mal print this poster (stating that AI Glasgow West will be the beneficiary of the raffle); Andrew will email a copy of this to The Stand.

    • Tickets:

      • Raffle tickets: Andrew / Kirstie to bring from box in church hall

      • Raffle Ticket Sellers: Luca, Carol, others tbc

        • NB prices - £2 for 1 strip; £5 for 3 strips. (N.B. Do not detach individual tickets from strips!)
      • money collected: sellers to give funds raised from raffle to Kirstie (Treasurer).

    Collection Tins: Mal/Andrew will bring two AI Collection Tins for cash donations (follow around behind raffle sellers while people have their wallets open!)

    Photographs / Social Media:

    • Photo consent: Stand manager / Host for the evening announces that photos are being taken (make sure he does/we do)

    • Clara will take photographs at the event for use in publicity, inc. providing social media updates on the night

    AI Input on the night - Lead: Mal/Clara. Tasks:

    • liaising with the host and asking him to lead the raffle

    • providing a brief overview of the work of AI during the interval

    • thanking The Stand, the performers and others giving freely of their time

    • liaising with the host on buying the performers a drink (/Kirstie /(Treasurer) / /to reimburse cost from raffle proceeds).


    • Andrew will write a short article for the AIUK Local Groups Update on the Fundraiser and include photos from Clara.

    • Funds Raised - Once the final total raised for AIUK Charity is notified to Andrew by The Stand, he will contact Richard at AIUK and arrange for him to send an invoice to The Stand for the net amount raised on behalf of AIUK Charitable Trust.

  6. Urgent Appeals - Merle

  7. AIUK Local Group Updates – December link here

    • Refugees in Conversation: A Webinar - Thursday 30th January at 7:00-8:30pm

    A rare chance to hear the voices of Refugees and Asylum Seekers, and explore their journeys, struggles, and paths to well-being. With keynote speaker Enver Solomon, CEO of the Refugee Council and panellists talking about their lived experience of various stages towards refugee status.

    To attend, register: here

  8. Next meeting – Thurs 13th Feb 7.30pm-9pm - AGM / final planning for The Stand event

    AGM Reminder: Pls consider roles (see list here) and feel free to ask current role holders for more info on the role responsibilities if you are at all interested!

    Feb meeting: 7th March - deadline for self-nomination to be on AIUK board and submitting any AGM resolutions

  9. 2025 will be Glasgow West group's 50th anniversary!

    Do we want to do an event to mark it? Ideas:

    • publicity in local press to help raise awareness of AI & recruit new members & raise funds

    • Resources:

      1. Andrew has resources from former Group secretary, Brian Donnelly, who was active from the 1970s.

      2. Merle has a collection of carefully collated minutes and correspondence covering the period from the Group's founding in 1975 until 2002. This includes local press cuttings and information on the planning and events associated with our Freedom Festival, which was an art festival that took place in the city over several months in 1995.

      3. Involve John Gerard & wife Margaret - previous member - Mal has contact details

      4. Jill Young - Christine has contact details

      5. Mitchell Library might be able to take our archive (thanks Merle!) - Mitchell Library asked us to, firstly, confirm that neither AIUK nor AI Scotland Office wished to host the archive.

    • AIUK responded to Andrew confirmed they have no objection and that they think the Mitchell Library is a good solution for depositing the archive.

    • No response has been received from AI's Scotland Office regarding this.

      • Andrew suggested we may wish to delay depositing the archive in the Mitchell in case we wish to utilise some of the historic information in publicity events to help raise awareness of the work of AI

Additional Info

Email from Liz from the Scotland Office:

Some people had asked what they can do to support our recent work in the Amnesty Scotland office on Scottish public funding for arms companies.

We recently wrote to the Deputy First Minister calling for a review of the human rights due diligence performed before awarding companies public grants: read more about this on the AIUK website.

This also had some coverage on the BBC's news page and Reporting Scotland.

Freedom of Information requests we submitted showed that multiple arms manufacturers are being awarded grants by Scottish Enterprise, yet not a single company failed or was flagged as a concern by the due diligence procedures currently in place. Some of these companies have been linked to supplying states accused of war crimes, including Saudi Arabia and Israel.

Enterprise agencies administer public money. It is the Scottish government's overall responsibility to act if it is thought that public money could be caught up in supply chains linked to human rights abuses.

I have attached two template letters for anyone who would like to help by writing to politicians to underline our
calls. The first is a letter to the Scottish government's Minister for Business, Richard Lochhead, i have included his email address. The second is suggested wording for anyone who would like to write to their MSPs asking them to support our calls and raise the issue in parliament. As you are probably aware you can find contact details for your constituency and regional MSPs by entering your postcode here:

I would really appreciate it if you could share any responses you get with me as it's hugely helpful for my advocacy work. The MSPs we have already spoke to about this include Patrick Harvie, Ross Greer (Scottish Green Party) and Katy Clark (Scottish Labour).

Letters here:

AGM & National Conference: 5th-6th July 2025

Teaching & Learning Building, University of Birmingham

In 2025, Amnesty UK members and activists will be coming together for a weekend to celebrate our powerful movement, take part in AIUK democracy, meet, network and plan for the year to come.

We hope you enjoyed Amplify Festival 2024. In 2025, we'll be reimagining Amplify as a flagship moment for AIUK activists and members, a space for the movement to gather. Welcome to ‘Amplify Summit': a weekend bringing together the AGM alongside workshops and masterclasses.

We'll be…

  • Participating in AIUK democracy in the 2025 AGM
  • Meeting and networking with activists from across the movement
  • Hearing amazing activists and campaigners speak in masterclasses
  • Participating in campaigning and activism workshops
  • Celebrating the incredible work of AIUK activists and members

The event will be open to AIUK Section members and activists only. It will not be a public event, but rather a gathering space for the AIUK movement. The event will incorporate both important AIUK governance and additional sessions designed to entertain, upskill, and spark conversation.

Whether you are a long-time activist in a local group, or a brand-new activist who has recently joined your student network, this event is for you. It will be the largest gathering of AIUK's base. We cannot wait to welcome you to the Amplify Summit.

We hope you will join us in Birmingham!

Please note that the AIUK AGM is open to AIUK Section members only. If you would like to become a member, you can join as an individual on the AIUK website or the group you are a member of can affiliate. Please join by the end of March to receive the official notice of the AGM. Please reach out to your Community Organising staff member for more information.

Tickets and more information will be launched in early 2025, so keep an eye out for that. We're delighted to say that we will be offering bursaries for travel and accommodation for attendees to come to Birmingham for the full weekend. There will be a specific process to follow for this, information to follow.

Important Governance Information

Deadline for Resolutions is 7 March 2025. Forms to submit resolutions will be available on the AGM page of our website from January 2025 at the latest.

Any questions, please email

Elections for AGM and Board Roles

Amnesty International UK Section is a member-led movement. The Section Board and the key AGM officers are elected by the members. To keep our democracy healthy and to give members a choice of leaders, it is important that candidates put themselves forward. In 2025, we are seeking candidates for the following roles:

  • AGM Chair: to ensure that our most important members' meeting runs smoothly and everyone feels welcome and included on the day

  • One member of the Standing Orders Committee: to help the AGM Chair by interpreting the AGM rules and ensuring that they are followed by everyone.

  • Three members of the Members and Directors Appeals Committee: to act as an appeals body for members who have been expelled from the membership, or Board members who have been removed from the board. It is an important role but one that is, thankfully, rarely called on.

Four Board members:

  • One who is a member aged between 18 and 23 on 25 July 2025
  • One member over the age of 16 years on 25 July 2025, who must be nominated by a local group
  • Two “unreserved seats” meaning that any member over the age of 16 years can stand

The deadline for nominations for all of these roles is 7 March 2025. Further information about the roles and the nomination process will be available on the AIUK website before the end of the year. Please note that for the Board member roles, candidates must have been a member of the Section since at least 7 September 2024.

We know that these roles can seem daunting but support will be provided. If you have any questions, would like to find out more, or would like an informal discussion, please contact the Nominations Sub-Committee by emailing

Any questions about the event, please contact

2025 Meeting Dates

New Members very welcome!

The Group meets every second Thursday of each month at 7.30pm - 9pm.

The meetings take place at Woodlands Methodist Church, 229 Woodlands Road, G3 6LW

For further information contact

  • Thursday 9th January 2025

  • Thursday 13th February 2025

  • Thursday 13th March 2025

  • Thursday 10th April 2025

  • Thursday 8th May 2025

  • Thursday 12th June 2025

  • Thursday 10th July 2025

  • Thursday 14th August 2025

  • Thursday 11th September 2025

  • Thursday 9th October 2025

  • Thursday 13th November 2025

  • Thursday 11th December 2025



January 2025 Meeting & December 2024 Updates

Thanks to everyone invilved in producing these updates, your efforts are much appreciated. For those who prefer to read a PDF version of these updates, that will follow soon.

Happy New Year to all our email subscribers!

Looking for a New Year resolution that will make a difference?

Why not make 2025 the year you become an active Human Rights Defender?

Join Amnesty International, get involved with our local AI Group and play your part in helping to promote and defend vital human rights across the world.

We warmly invite newcomers and familiar faces alike to attend the next meeting of the Amnesty International Glasgow West Group. This email includes:

  • Details of our forthcoming January 2025 meeting;
  • A summary of our recent Write for Rights events;
  • Information on current AIUK activities;
  • The minutes from our Group's December 2024 meeting; and
  • A note of our local Group's meeting dates for the year ahead.

January 2025 Glasgow West AI Group Meeting

Thursday 9th January, Woodlands International Methodist Church, 7:30pm

The next Glasgow West Amnesty meeting takes place on Thursday 9th January 2025 at 7.30pm – 9pm in Woodlands International Church Woodlands Road, Glasgow, G3 6LW.

We would love to see you there!

Our next meeting will include:

  • A discussion with our guest for the evening, Neil Cowan, Scotland Director of Amnesty International.
  • Planning for our annual Comedy Fundraiser event, which takes place on Thurs 20th February 2025.
  • Updates from our local group co-ordinators on their activities; and
  • Undertaking letter writing in response to recent Urgent Action alerts from AIUK.

Annual Comedy Fundraiser at The Stand, Glasgow

Raising funds for Amnesty International UK

Our Group's annual fundraiser will take place at The Stand comedy club, Glasgow on Thursday 20th February at 8pm – 10pm.

The host for the evening and all the performers have generously given their time for free in order to help raise funds for AI.

For details of who will be appearing click on the link below.

Tickets priced £11 / £13 are on sale now via The Stand. All entrance ticket sales proceeds will go to Amnesty UK charitable arm.

Previous AI Comedy Fundraisers at The Stand have sold out, so don't delay - Get tickets your tickets now via this link.

Write for Rights

For this year's Write for Rights campaign, our local Glasgow West AI Group sent a total of 167 messages of support to human rights defenders who have been unjustly detained / messages of protestation to those responsible for these human rights abuses.

Amnesty International's annual Write for Rights campaign is the biggest human rights campaign in the world. In the twenty years since its launch, over 56million actions have taken place and over 100 activists have been freed.

Local Amnesty members and members of the public participated in the events, writing letters of solidarity to support individuals around the world who have been unjustly treated for their work in promoting human rights, and letters of protest to those responsible for their unfair detention.

A big thank you to all the local volunteers and members of the public who supported this most worthwhile of causes.

AIUK Local Updates

The latest updates for Local AI Groups produced by AIUK can be found via the following link.

Below is a short excerpt from the latest update.

Refugees in Conversation: A Webinar

Thursday 30th January at 7:00-8:30pm

You are invited to join the Amnesty Central England Network and the Refugee and Asylum Seeker Campaign Group at an online event.

A rare chance to hear the voices of Refugees and Asylum Seekers, and explore their journeys, struggles, and paths to well-being. With keynote speaker Enver Solomon, CEO of the Refugee Council and panellists talking about their lived experience of various stages towards refugee status.

To attend, register here.

For further details of the most recent AIUK Local Groups' Update, click on this link.

Amnesty Scotland Updates

Amnesty International's Scotland office recently introduced a bulletin. The latest update can be found via this link. Below is an excerpt from the bulletin.

When we win it's because of you! We've included the latest Amnesty actions that feed directly into our team's work below. Click on the links within each box for further details.

More general information on the work of Amnesty's Scotland office can be found via this link.

Upcoming Dates / events

For updates on planned AIUK training and events for AI activists, Click on this link.

Updates on AIUK Campaigns

For updates on current AIUK Priority Campaigns Click on this link.

AI Glasgow West Group Meeting - 12th November 2024 Updates

  1. Welcome and apologies (introductions round table)

    Attending: Claire (Chair), Clara, Mhairi, Lucca, Merle, Christine, Andrew and Elaine

    Apologies: Neil and Kirstie

  2. Agreement of previous meeting minutes here

  3. Team Updates (list of roles here):

    a. Treasurer (Kirstie): We raised £360 for AIUK through card reader, as well as £70 other cash donations (including for t-shirts), which will be put into our local group's bank account; £510 is the current balance (after £82.77 postage costs)

    b. Social Media & website (Mal/Cait)

    c. Local Political Outreach (Neil)

    d. Regional/ Country focus – South East Asia/ Myanmar (Mal); Korea (Clara)

    e. Korea / disability rights - petition? - activism linked to Seoul metro; Write for Rights targeted Seoul metro and Seoul metro has replied → Action - Clara working on response

    f. Theme focus - US Death penalty - Mal to inform Death Penalty Network / follow up work on California Action - Mal

    g. Prisoner of Conscience/Individual At Risk Update (Han) / (Cait)

    h. Cait - BK16 action - letter to send prisoners directly / research local UK politicians?

  4. Actions/updates from previous meeting Minutes:

    a. AI Scotland office online meeting (27.11) about Scotland's Human Rights Bill being deprioritised

    b. Write for Rights - Southside / Sunday Assembly / Library; did anyone email organisations with particular cases?

    128 cards total & 39 in this meeting = 167 Total number of messages posted by Glasgow West Group

    • Angola: 25 & 3 in this meeting
    • Turkiye: 20 & 5 in this meeting
    • Saudi Arabia: 19 & 3 in this meeting
    • Egypt: 16 & 4 in this meeting
    • Belarus: 13 & 5 in this meeting
    • Argentina: 10 & 5 in this meeting
    • South Korea: 9 & 7 in this meeting
    • Canada: 8 & 7 in this meeting
    • Vietnam: 8 & 5 in this meeting

    c. [@c] St Andrew's Day 30.11.24

    d. Neil Cowan (Programme Director for Scotland Amnesty) has previously confirmed his attendance for Jan meeting (09.01.24)

    Action - Andrew to email Daytime and Univ groups to invite them

    In light of Neil Cowan of AI Scotland attending, it was agreed to move our AGM from January to February

    AGM Reminder: pls start considering roles (see list here) and ask current role holders for more info on the role responsibilities if you are at all interested! Action - All to consider

    Seenaryo (Lebanon) film screening: Actions - Mhairi

    February screening & panel discussion at Glasgow University inc. lecturer from Dept of Middle East studies

    Ask Country Coordinator from Amnesty to come - Action - Clara to check Lebanon CC

    Also, there will be a June 2025 screening to take place in CCA for Refugee Festival Action - Mhairi

    Clara suggested a donation tin is available for those attending the screenings.

  5. Email received from Watford group: to ask for your support in lobbying the AIUK Section Board to respect democracy and implement the decision that was made at the 2024 AIUK AGM regarding resolution O10, which stated: “Delay the sale of the Human Rights Action Centre until a full and transparent consultation with the AIUK membership has been undertaken.” This resolution was passed at the AGM with over two thirds of the vote, yet the AIUK Section Board has decided not to implement the decision, thereby calling into question the serious nature of democracy within AIUK. Please can you support us by emailing this letter (or a similar letter in your own words) urging the Chairs of both the Section and Charitable Trust Boards to implement Decision O10 – ideally before 31 December 2024. - Do we want to send letter?

    Agreed → Action - Andrew to send

    Post meeting: The following text was sent to the Chairs of AIUK Section Board and AIUK Charitable Trust:-

    Dear Helen and Andrew,

    I am writing on behalf of the Glasgow West AI local group regarding the decision by the AIUK Section Board to ignore the resolution 010, which was passed at the 2024 AIUK AGM.

    As you know, Resolution O10 called for the delay to the sale of the Human Rights Action Centre until there has been a full and transparent consultation with the membership of AIUK, with options then voted on at a subsequent AIUK AGM.

    Following the Watford AI Group's meetings with both of you, it is clear that the Section does indeed have a say in the decisions made by the Charitable Trust. Andrew Lines said in this meeting that if the Section were to express any desire to delay the sale or rethink the decision, then they would reconsider.

    This is contrary to what the Section Board has been saying in their “Implementation of AGM resolutions - September 2024” update.

    We are therefore asking you to immediately take the HRAC off the market and, instead to respect and implement the results of 2024 AGM Decision O10.

    At our recent local AI Group discussion in Glasgow, the major concern amongst our local membership was not neccesarily about the proposed sale of the property. Rather, it was about the apparent failure to follow the spirit of the decision taken at the AGM, with the consequent effect of raising concerns about the legitimacy of the Board's mandate and its apparent willingness to undermine democratic principles.

    We look forward to hearing from you with regard to how you propose to address these concerns.

    Yours sincerely

    Secretary, Glasgow West AI Group

  6. Planning for Comedy Night fundraiser at The Stand Comedy Club - Thursday 20th February 2024 - see planning doc here

    Event link is now live!:

    Tickets: £13 / £11

    Action – Cait to update flyer and share for people to print and put up around town

    Action – Mal to advertise the Comedy Fundraiser on our social media

    Action – All to save the date in diaries, buy tickets, and encourage others to also do so

  7. Urgent Appeals - Merle → Write for Rights

    Most of the evening was devoted to writing further cards for the W4R cases.

  8. AIUK Local Group Updates – November link here

    Thea of AUIK Activism team has now left her role and the new contact will be Philippa.

    Demand the UK suspend all arms transfers to Israel now - petition here

    -> Write to your MP - General Letter; Lib Dem, SNP, Greens Letter; Sinn Féin Letter

    Protect UK nationals arbitrarily detained abroad

    AIUK 2024 Priority Campaigns here; Amnesty training courses: Activist Education; & Updates from various local AI Groups across the UK

  9. AOB

    7th March - deadline for self-nomination to be on AIUK board and submitting any AGM resolutions. We need to add this to the agenda for the Feb meeting

    5th/6th July - AIUK AGM

  10. Next meetingThurs 9th January 2025 @ 7.30pm - 9pm – The planned visit by Neil Cowan (AI Scotland Programme Director) will be main item on the agenda.

2025 Meeting Dates

New Members very welcome!

The Group meets every second Thursday of each month at 7.30pm - 9pm.

The meetings take place at Woodlands Methodist Church, 229 Woodlands Road, G3 6LW

For further information contact

  • Thursday 9th January 2025

  • Thursday 13th February 2025

  • Thursday 13th March 2025

  • Thursday 10th April 2025

  • Thursday 8th May 2025

  • Thursday 12th June 2025

  • Thursday 10th July 2025

  • Thursday 14th August 2025

  • Thursday 11th September 2025

  • Thursday 9th October 2025

  • Thursday 13th November 2025

  • Thursday 11th December 2025



December 2024 Meeting and Updates

Thank you to everyone who was involved in these updates, all your efforts are appreciated. You can read these updates as a PDF here.

We warmly invite you to attend the next meeting of the Amnesty International Glasgow West Group. Please come and join in our lively and friendly discussions and help us make a positive difference to supporting Human Rights around the world.

This email includes:

  • Details of our forthcoming December 2024 meeting
  • Information on current AIUK activities
  • The minutes from our Group's November 2024 meeting
  • A note of our local Group's meeting dates for the year ahead.

December 2024 Glasgow West AI Group Meeting

Thursday 12th December, Woodlands International Methodist Church, 7:30pm

The next Glasgow West Amnesty meeting takes place on Thursday 12th December 2024 at 7.30pm – 9pm in Woodlands International Church, Woodlands Road, Glasgow, G3 6LW.

We would love to see you there!

Our next meeting will include:

  • Reviewing our 2024 Write for Rights event.

  • Planning for our annual Comedy Fundraiser event, which takes place on Thurs 20th February 2025.

  • Updates from our local group co-ordinators on their activities; and

Undertaking letter writing in response to recent Urgent Action alerts from AIUK.

Amnesty International investigation concludes Israel is committing genocide against Palestinians in Gaza

Amnesty International's research has found sufficient basis to conclude that Israel has committed and is continuing to commit genocide against Palestinians in the occupied Gaza Strip, the organization said in a landmark new report published today.

The report, 'You Feel Like You Are Subhuman': Israel's Genocide Against Palestinians in Gaza, documents how during its military offensive launched in the wake of the deadly Hamas-led attacks in southern Israel on 7 October 2023, Israel has unleashed hell and destruction on Palestinians in Gaza brazenly, continuously and with total impunity.

“Amnesty International's report demonstrates that Israel has carried out acts prohibited under the Genocide Convention, with the specific intent to destroy Palestinians in Gaza. These acts include killings, causing serious bodily or mental harm and deliberately inflicting on Palestinians in Gaza conditions of life calculated to bring about their physical destruction. Month after month, Israel has treated Palestinians in Gaza as a subhuman group unworthy of human rights and dignity, demonstrating its intent to physically destroy them,” said Agnès Callamard, Secretary General of Amnesty International.

“Our damning findings must serve as a wake-up call to the international community: this is genocide. It must stop now.

For further information, click on this link.

AIUK Local Updates

The latest updates for Local AI Groups produced by AIUK can be found via the following link. Below are some excerpts from that update.

"In Conversation with…" Sacha Deshmukh

To mark International Human Rights Day and, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948, City Lit's Principal, Mark Malcomson will be “In Conversation….” with Sacha Deshmukh, the Head of Amnesty UK.

They will discuss human rights, what has been achieved over the last 75 years and what there is to do, and the ongoing role of Amnesty UK.

  • What? Talk/Training
  • Date: 10th December 2024
  • Time: 12:00 - 13:00 (GMT)
  • Location: Online and in-person (Book your ticket by clicking on the right link!)
  • Price: Free

Amnesty Feminists 16 Days of Activism

Amnesty Feminists have a lot coming up for the 16 Days of Activism, which marks the international day for the elimination of violence against women.

  • 📢 We're launching our brand-new report: Women's Rights Around the World
  • 📱 Daily feminist actions and resources on our Instagram
  • 🎤 Come and meet us in London at Amplify and see a live recording of the Guilty Feminist podcast
  • 💥 And so much more to come! Stay tuned!

Follow here.

Amnesty Shop catalogue

This year, we are pleased to be able to offer local groups 10% off everything at the Amnesty Shop, as well as FREE P&P, on orders over £75. We know that Local Groups and Student activists do amazing work for Amnesty. Buying and sending out cards and gifts from the Amnesty Shop is another way in which you can get involved and help spread our message. As always, we really appreciate your on-going support.

Amnesty Shop Catalogue

Many groups also buy cards and gifts at the discounted rate, to sell at your stalls or Write for Rights events. All the money you make goes straight to your group fundraising efforts. Christmas cards are always very popular, so make sure to stock up on those for your stalls!

Order online here and set yourself up with an account and log-on. Enter the code 10AMNGRP into the Gift & Promo Codes box on the Payment Options stage of the checkout to receive your 10% off and FREE P&P (minimum spend: £75). Email SCT to a request a copy of our new catalogue.

For further details of the most recent AIUK Local Groups' Update, click on this link.

Amnesty Scotland Updates

Amnesty International's Scotland office has recently introduced a regular bulletin. The latest update can be found via this link.

More general information on the work of Amnesty's Scotland office can be found via this link.

Future local events

Visit from AI Scotland Director

Neil Cowan, Programme Director at Amnesty Scotland will join our meeting on 9th January. All are welcome to attend.

Annual Comedy Fundraiser at The Stand

Our Group's annual fundraiser will take place at The Stand, Glasgow on Thursday 20th February at 8pm – 10pm. Tickets priced £11 / £13 are on sale now via The Stand. All ticket sales proceeds will go to Amnesty UK charitable arm.

Get tickets here.

Write for Rights

Amnesty International's Write for Rights 2024 campaign is the biggest human rights campaign in the world. In the twenty years since its launch, over 56million actions have taken place and over 100 activists have been freed.

The Glasgow Daytime Amnesty Group held a Write for Rights event on Saturday 7th December in Langside Library, Sinclair Drive, Glasgow.

Glasgow West Amnesty Group ran two events on Sunday 8th December. The first will took place at the Sunday Assembly, Partickhill Bowling Club. This was followed by an event at Hillhead Library, Byres Road, Glasgow later that afternoon.

Local Amnesty members and members of the public participated in the events, writing letters of solidarity to support individuals around the world who have been unjustly treated for their work in promoting human rights, and letters of protest to those responsible for their unfair detention.

How Write for Rights Works

People in more than 200 countries and territories write millions of letters, emails, tweets and petitions…

…for people who've been harassed, threatened and locked up, just for who they are …

…and put pressure on governments, leaders and decision-makers…

…to make change happen – releasing activists and protecting people who champion what's right.


When we all act together, we are more powerful. That is the driving force behind Write for Rights. Take action now and change a life forever via this link.

Upcoming Dates / events

For updates on planned AIUK training and events, Click on link.

Updates on AIUK Campaigns

For updates on current AIUK Priority Campaigns Click on link.

AI Glasgow West Group Meeting Updates: Thursday 14th November 2024

  1. Welcome and apologies (introductions round table)

    Attending: Claire (Chair), Caitlin, Mal, Mhairi, Neil, Kirstie, Christine, Lucca, Clara and Andrew.

    Also Attending: Sara, Freedom From Torture (FFT)./(For initial part of meeting only)/

    Apologies: Tim and Carol.

  2. Guest speaker/card-seller: Sara from Freedom from Torture

    Sara from FFT spoke about the background of the organisation, it's roots having grown out of Amnesty and about the work it does to provide medical and other practical support to victims of torture, including assisting with asylum claims. Sara had brought along a mix of Xmas cards, calendars and prints, which members bought to help raise funds for FFT. Sara also reported that FFT's recent Comedy Fundraiser had been successful. A number of our Group had attended that. event.

  3. Agreement of previous meeting minutes here

  4. Team Updates (list of roles here):

    1. Treasurer (Kirstie)

      1. rent paid till March 2025

      2. 2nd key for Church door got - thanks Kirstie

      3. Balance: £523.09

      4. Online banking set up

    2. Social Media & website (Mal/Cait) - pls follow & share

    3. Local Political Outreach (Neil) - no update

    4. Regional/ Country focus – South East Asia/ Myanmar (Mal) - no update; Korea (Clara) - see below

    5. Prisoner of Conscience/Individual At Risk Update (Han) / (Cait)

    NB from Claire's meeting w Thea:

    The IAR is smaller than before and stretched. Suggestion:

    • If someone wants to focus on a country, link up directly with Country Coordinator to get a case from that country. NB country coordinators work with Amnesty International so have more info than the IAR team.

    • If someone wants to focus on a theme, link up with the AIUK networks. These have been given more autonomy from central AI and are v proactive.

    • The most active current networks are death penalty network, feminist network and anti-racism network.

    • There is also the children's human rights network and trade union network (less active)

    • There is also the rainbow network (in the process of re-forming – will be ready Jan hopefully) and the disabled people's human rights network [formed 2024, more fluid, no specific committee/campaign]

  5. Cait requests support for BK16 action

    1. Kirstie wrote a letter, which was signed by members of our group and which will be sent to the Indian Govt

    2. Cait to prep letter to send prisoners directly - contact Cherry / look at W4R booklet

    3. Suggestion: research local UK politicians

  6. Actions from previous meeting Minutes:

    1. Continuing action: emailing MPs asking them to sign EDM on Balochistan.

    2. Reminder: our group's AGM takes place in January. Please can people start considering roles (see list here) and ask current role holders for more info on the role responsibilities if you are at all interested!

    3. For people to start thinking about: Planning for Comedy Night fundraiser at The Stand Comedy Club - Thursday 20th February 2024 - Doors open 7pm / Starts 8pm / Ends 10pm. see planning doc here

      Event link is now live!: AIGW Comedy Night on The Stand's website

      Tickets: £13 / £11

      • Cait to update flyer and share for people to print and put up around town!

      • All to save the date in diary if possible

    4. Korea / disability rights - Clara/Cait; 3rd December is the UN's International Day of People with Disabilities

    (Petition will be shared soon)

  7. Mitchell Library might be able to take our archive (thanks Merle!) - Mitchell Library asked us to, firstly, confirm that neither AIUK nor AI Scotland Office wished to host the archive.

    1. AIUK responded to Andrew confirmed they have no objection and that they think the Mitchell Library is a good solution for depositing the archive.

    2. No response has been received from AI's Scotland Office regarding this.

    3. Andrew suggested we may wish to delay depositing the archive in the Mitchell in case we wish to utilise some of the historic information in publicity events to help raise awareness of the work of AI.

  8. FfT benefit at The Stand (20.10) - great night! / Alaa Abdel Fattah's book event (22.10.24) - no-one was able to attend. / All Static and Noise screening in Edinburgh (3.11.24) - Luca went; good discussion w director after the film

  9. AI Scotland office online meeting (initially scheduled for 30.Oct) - postponed till 27 Nov at 6.30pm: Teams Link

  10. Claire met Thea (Local Activism Team) as part of AIUK “Local Group Audit” - meeting minutes here. Follow-up survey here (request to pls complete by mid-Nov/asap)

  11. see note above re. IAR

  12. Asked re. merch from central office/discounts on shop. Thea says she's talking w the shop about this; loads of tshirts she can send us (helps her because is clearing out London office)

    • Suggestion: email Marie Jackson ( from AI Scotland office as they have loads of stock, including “Scottish human rights” stickers
  13. Neil Cowan (Programme Director for Scotland Amnesty) confirmed for Jan meeting (09.01.24)

    • Andrew emailed Neil to ask if he had a preferred topic focus, but no response received yet.

    • Andrew will email Daytime and Uni groups to invite them nearer the time.

  14. Seenaryo film screening: Mhairi update

    • See minutes from previous meeting for other ideas, including the offer of a venue and assistance to screen at Glasgow University from Omar, with preferred dates specified in order to maximise attendance!

    • Volunteers: Cait, Clara (re. uni contact), Mal (general)

    • Our group could put a contribution towards venue payment - Mhairi to speak to GFT and see

    • Other venue idea - Arlington Baths, which has a monthly film screening. Holds c.100. Mhairi may wish to contact the secretary of the film club to discuss.

  15. US Death penalty - agreement over which US state to adopt? - Wyoming, Alabama, Texas, Georgia, California —> California voted for → Mal to inform Death Penalty Network - Cait/Christine/Mhairi to support Mal

  16. 2024 Write for Rights Campaign - confirm roles/take merch home

    1. Sunday 8.12.24 - Hillhead Library & on the same day “Sunday Assembly” organisation

      1. Omar offered 2/3 uni students to support!

      2. All members: encouraged to email organisations with specific cases e.g. environmental case (Vietnam) share w Green party / artists / musicians / lawyers

        1. ask them to let us know how many have been sent - → add to our tally
      3. Andrew had contacted AIUK asking for 12 booklets & posters

      4. Mal to create QR code poster for people to sign up to AIUK; Kirstie to make “business cards” for the group

    Sunday Assembly at Partickhill bowling club in Partick: slot 11am-12pm; Kirstie organising materials & introduction with Carol; expected ~10-30 people - no more vols needed

    Hillhead Library: 12pm-4pm - Kirstie liaising with library. Suggestion to make poster for the library so visitors to the new Hillhead market see it. Rota needed so 2 at the stall

    • 12-1 Andrew, Mhairi, Mal

    • 1-2 Merle and Christine

    • 2-3 Neil, Cait

    • 3-4 Neil, Kirstie ; NB to take photos of the stack for Chinese W4R for Clara

    • & Claire whole day

  17. NB Daytime Group Write for Rights event = Saturday 7 Dec 10.30am - 3pm in Langside Library, Sinclair Drive, Glasgow. Pls go along to support if you can.

    Cards - all to check if have

  18. St Andrew's Day, Sunday 30th November 2024 - anti-racism event organised by Stand-Up To Racism and the STUC -

    10.30am Glasgow Green - march at 11am - rally at 12pm in the city centre

  19. [Longer-term idea for people to start thinking about]

    2025 will be Glasgow West group's 50th anniversary!

    • Do we want to do an event to mark it? Ideas:

    • Publicity in local press to help raise awareness of AI & recruit new members & raise funds

  20. Resources:

    • Andrew obtained resources from widow of former Group secretary, Brian Donnelly, who was active from the 1970s, which are in our space in the church hall cupboard.

    • Merle has a collection of carefully collated minutes and correspondence covering the period from the Group's founding in 1975 until 2002. This includes local press cuttings and information on the planning and events associated with our Freedom Festival, which was an art festival that took place in the city over several months in 1995.

    • Suggestion to Involve John Gerard & wife Margaret, who were previous members of our Group - Mal has contact details

  21. Urgent Appeals - Merle passed a number of UA cases to Christine, who distributed them amongst the Group.

  22. Scotland office have started sharing a “AI Scotland Bulletin”! Link here

    “From now on, AI members will receive regular updates about:

    the day-to-day work we're doing to uphold human rights across Scotland

    events we're excited about that you might find interesting

    the actions you can take to amplify our work in Scotland”

  23. AIUK Local Group Updates – October link here

  24. Other interesting articles/news shared in the past month in our Signal chat (open to all members, contact to join!): Thank you for demanding Sasha's release

  25. Next meeting – Thurs 12th December 7.30pm - 9pm - mulled wine & cake!

2025 Meeting Dates

New Members very welcome!

The Group meets every second Thursday of each month at 7.30pm - 9pm.

The meetings take place at Woodlands Methodist Church, 229 Woodlands Road, G3 6LW

For further information contact

  • Thursday 9th January 2025

  • Thursday 13th February 2025

  • Thursday 13th March 2025

  • Thursday 10th April 2025

  • Thursday 8th May 2025

  • Thursday 12th June 2025

  • Thursday 10th July 2025

  • Thursday 14th August 2025

  • Thursday 11th September 2025

  • Thursday 9th October 2025

  • Thursday 13th November 2025

  • Thursday 11th December 2025



October 2024 Meeting & September Updates

Thank you to AMG for these updates. If you would prefer to read them in PDF format, you can do so here.

We warmly invite you to attend the next meeting of the Amnesty International Glasgow West Group. Please come and join in our lively and friendly discussions and help us make a positive difference to supporting Human Rights around the world.

This email includes:

  • Details of our forthcoming October 2024 meeting;

  • Information on current AIUK activities;

  • The minutes from our Group's September 2024 meeting; and

  • A note of our local Group's remaining meeting dates for 2024.

October 2024 Glasgow West AI Group Meeting

Thursday 10th October, Woodlands International Methodist Church, 7:30pm

The next Glasgow West Amnesty meeting takes place on Thursday 10th October 2024 at 7.30pm – 9pm in Woodlands International Church, Woodlands Road, Glasgow, G3 6LW.

We would love to see you there!

Our next meeting will include:

  • Guest Speaker - Omar, who is AIUK Student Action Network (STAN) Chair and Scotland student representative;

  • Updates from our local group co-ordinators on their activities; and

Undertaking letter writing in response to recent Urgent Action alerts from AIUK.

AIUK Local Updates

The latest updates for Local AI Groups produced by AIUK can be found via the following link.

Below are some of the highlights extracted from the update.

Demand the UK suspends all arms transfers to Israel

The human rights crisis in Gaza is catastrophic and every day, it is getting worse.
As you may know, earlier this month, the UK government suspended roughly 30 arms export licences to Israel out of a total of 350 – but stopping some arms isn't enough.

With the International Court of Justice warning of a risk of genocide against Palestinians by the Israeli authorities, continuing to allow some arms transfers is not in line with international legal standards. There should be no UK arms to Israel.

Stop the UK from transferring all arms to Israel. Take action now.

In addition to the action will you write to your MP to call for an immediate halt to ALL weapons transfers to Israel – and also ask them to show support for human rights more generally?

We've drafted template letters below for you to use – but please do edit and personalise:

General Letter
Lib Dem, SNP, Greens Letter
Sinn Féin Letter

If you aren't sure who your MP is, enter your postcode here (or the postcode of your group's location).

Amnesty Amplify

We're excited to be sharing details of Amnesty's new Human Rights Festival, Amplify, taking place in London on 7 December.

Amplify will bring together leading thinkers, community organisers and changemakers, while connecting you with fellow Amnesty supporters. We all understand the power of conversation and hope this event will provide ample opportunity to challenge, inspire and empower attendees to keep on or take up the fight for human rights change. We hope many of you will be able to join us to celebrate achievements, hear from inspiring success stories and explore next steps.

The event will offer:

  • Leading campaigners and activists in conversation

  • Creative workshops

  • Family-friendly activities

  • Live music

  • Opportunities to come together, meet and share stories

  • An inspiring, energising and fun day out!

For full details, click here.

Join Amnesty's Online Teacher Training Course

Amnesty International's Online Teacher Training Course will give you the expertise, resources and confidence to engage your students with human rights in your classroom. The course is free for PGCE students and anyone training to teach and will cover topics including, an introduction to teaching human rights, how to diversify your curriculum, developing anti-racist practice, teaching women's rights through dialogue, teaching refugee rights through picture books and exploring LGBTQ+ rights.

Previous participants have valued the ‘incredible' facilitators, ‘brilliant resources' and the chance to connect with other educators.

Apply here

For further details of the most recent AIUK Local Groups' Update, click on this link.

Upcoming Dates / events

For updates on planned AIUK training and events, Click on link.

Updates on AIUK Campaigns

For updates on current AIUK Priority Campaigns Click on link.


AI Glasgow West Group Meeting Thurs 12th September 2024 Updates

Minutes of Meeting

  1. Welcome and apologies (introductions round table)

Attending - Mal (Chair), Merle, Clara, Caitlin, Andrew and Emma (from the Glasgow University AI Group).

Apologies – Claire, Carol, Kirstie, Neil and Mhairi.

  1. Team Updates (list of roles from AGM here):

    1. Treasurer (Kirstie) – No report, in Kirstie's absence, but indication from previous minutes that the Group has approx. £700 bank balance.

    2. Social Media & website (Mal) – some updates have been made and others to follow by Mal relating to our Group's involvement in the recent George Square rally.

    3. Local Political Outreach (Neil) - In absence of Neil, it was agreed to hold over consideration of this item so that he can lead the discussion. ACTION - Neil

      Possible political activism actions:

      1. find out who is in what constituency

      2. find out which politicians we can develop relationships with

      3. invite politicians to events

      4. support group members to contact CouncillorsMSPsMPs

      5. contact new MPs and introduce ourselves

    4. Regional/ Country focus – South East Asia/ Myanmar (Mal); Korea (Clara); Pakistan (Chakar) See separate presentation below from Clara. No update on other areas.

    5. Prisoner of Conscience/Individual At Risk Update (Han) In absence of Han, there was no update.

  2. Agreement of previous meeting minutes here

    The minutes of the August meeting were agreed by those who had been present.

    Actions from previous meeting Minutes:

    1. Still open ACTION from last month - All to consider emailing MPs asking them to sign John McDonald MP's Early Day Motion on Balochistan. (To date, just two MPs have signed the motion).

    2. Perthshire (Blairgowrie) blueberry picking fundraiser on Sunday 29th September (see previous minutes for more details). Andrew provided brief information on this event.

    3. Far right protest. Half a dozen members of our Group attended the counter-demonstration in George Square, Glasgow on Saturday 7th Sept. The large numbers of counter–protestors vastly outnumbered the small group of far right activists present, sending a very positive message.

    Mal noted that a further anti-racism event was being planned for weekend of St Andrew's Day, 30th November 2024. This is being organised by Stand-Up To Racism and the STUC. ACTION – Claire - We should put this on the agenda for our November meeting.

  3. Scotland-wide Conference

Scotland-wide One-day Conference

Joseph Patumba of Perth AI Group is the new AIUK Scotland Activism Rep. He has suggested organising a one day conference for AI Groups and members, likely to be held on 16th November 2024, with Perthshire as the likely location. ACTION – All members are encouraged to attend and note 16/11/24 as the proposed conference date. Further details to follow when available.

Discussion took place on the proposed Scotland conference and all were enthusiastic about the attempt to better join up local Amnesty groups.

A conference organising Group is being formed from across Scotland's AI Local Groups.

ACTION - Colleagues are asked to consider helping with this and getting involved in the WhatsApp group and Zoom calls. ACTIONAll Contact Claire if you wish to join the WhatsApp Group and/or Zoom calls.

ACTION - It was suggested that Professor Angela O'Hagan, the recently appointed Chair of the Scottish Human Rights Commission, might be suggested as a keynote speaker at the conference.

It was agreed in principle that, if required, our Group should make a donation to help cover the cost of the conference. Further discussion on this to take place once Kirstie (Treasurer) is present and when fuller information is known about the likely costs and funding mechanisms for the conference. ACTION – To be discussed further at next meeting, if required.

Claire had attended the first online planning meeting for the conference on 1st Sept - minutes here. A further Scotland conference organising online Zoom meeting is planned for Sunday 15th September at 8pm. ACTION – Any members interested in helping with the conference organisation or feeding in ideas re content / format, etc, are encouraged to attend this online meeting, via the following Zoom link:-.

Join Zoom Meeting: Zoom meeting link

Meeting ID: 786 4811 7272

Passcode: 9mwwa3

Other related ACTIONS: everyone to read minutes and give feedback asap by:

  • writing ideas directly into the googledoc

  • messaging in the WhatsApp Scotland-wide group / Glasgow West Signal chat

  • emailing ideas to Claire or

  • inputting to the next Conference planning Zoom meeting (15.9.24 @ 8pm)

  • Volunteering to join the planning committee

  • ‘Guest' speaker:

Guest Speaker: Clara

(AIUK Volunteer Country Co-ordinator for South Korea and North Korea)

Clara delivered a presentation and led discussion on human rights in South Korea, with particular reference to disability rights.

The South Korean disability rights campaigner Mr Kyung Seouk Park will feature in AI's 2024 Write For Rights campaign.

Clara outlined the background to Mr Park's activities. He is a 63yr old who was paralysed below the waist in a sporting accident circa twenty years ago. He has campaigned on the limited access that many disabled people have to the Seoul subway system. A number of disabled citizens have been injured and a few have died as a result of inadequate access facilities. Seoul Transport Authorities' promises to improve facilities have not materialised. Following peaceful protests at subway stations, there has been a systematic crackdown on protests, which are deemed to be ‘illegal'. This included hundreds of police being mobilised to break up protests, cordoning off elevators to halt access and trains not stopping at stations where protests are taking place. Mr Park was physically dragged out of his wheelchair during one protest.

The wider accusation is that the South Korean authorities do not consider people with disabilities as having the same rights as other citizens.

3rd December is the UN's International Day of People with Disabilities and further activities are planned to co-incide with this.

Discussion at our meeting included colleagues registering surprise that disability rights in South Korea seem to be so far behind what we consider the norm. It was noted, for example, that South Korea had a relatively limited number of athletes competing at the recent Paris Paralympics. The question was also asked whether AIUK has considered collaborating with specialist disability rights campaign groups, such as Disability Rights UK on these sort of issues.

Caitlin offered to assist with undertaking further research on the issues and post it on our Signal Group – ACTION - Caitlin

Clara will continue to work with AIUK colleagues in helping to lead as Volunteer Co-ordinator for South and North Korea and will provide further updates to our Group, including highlighting opportunities for us to assist with ongoing campaigns. ACTION – Clara

It was also noted that we ought to put the 2024 Write for Rights Campaign on the Agenda of our next Group meeting in October. ACTION – Claire / Kirstie

  1. Glasgow University AI Group Update

GUAI Group Update

Emma was welcomed to the meeting and invited to give an update on the activities of Glasgow University's AI Group. In the past year, the University Group has raised over £1,000 for Palestinian causes and has worked on issues such as abortion rights and the NI hate crime Bill.

It was noted that the Glasgow West and Glasgow University AI Groups had collaborated in the past on a range of issues. Both Groups are keen to do more of that in the future, albeit it was recognised that the nature / membership of the two Groups is such that they will often work in slightly different ways. Nevertheless, there was definitely seen to be many opportunities for collaboration.

Emma is the Secretary of the Glasgow Univ AI Group and Andrew agreed to add her details to our Group's monthly mailing list and send her information on any events, etc. Likewise, Emma agreed to reciprocate by alerting our Group to opportunities for potential collaboration, etc. ACTION – Andrew and Emma

One example of a potential collaboration opportunity was the Write for Rights event 2024. It was also noted that the next annual Comedy Night fundraiser for Amnesty International, held at The Stand Comedy Club, will be taking place on Thursday 20th February 2024. ACTION – Emma to share details with her colleagues and further discussion will take place nearer the time.

  1. Urgent Appeals - Merle circulated details of two current Urgent Actions:-

    1. Manahel al-Otaibi, Saudi Arabia

    2. Maryia Kalesnikava, Belarus

ACTIONAll to follow up by taking action online via the links above.

  1. AIUK Local Group Updates – August link here

Mal and Andrew provided a summary of some of the latest Local Group Updates for the past month.

It was noted that this latest AIUK-wide update include information and photographs from two of our Group's recent activities – our participation in the Pride Rally in Glasgow and the collaborative event held with the artist.

Full details available via the link above.

  1. AOB – Human Rights Artwork / Neil Cowan AI Scotland Director

    Andrew noted that Neil Cowan, Scotland Director of AI, had recently taken one of the pieces of artwork donated by the artist Alexander Dakars following our Group's recent collaboration event. That painting will be hung in AI's Edinburgh office.

    Neil agreed to think about potential organisations that may be suitable for accepting the other pieces of artwork that had been donated to our Group.

    Neil also indicated that he would be keen to attend a future meeting of our Group. Andrew provided him with a copy of the meeting dates for the remainder of this year. ACTIONClaire for next agenda - We should consider a suitable date for inviting Neil along to chat with our Group.

  2. Next meeting – Thurs 10th October 7.30pm - 9pm

2024 Meeting Dates

New Members very welcome!

The Group meets every second Thursday of the month at 7.30pm - 9pm.

The meetings take place at Woodlands Methodist Church, 229 Woodlands Road, G3 6LW

For further information contact

  • Thursday 11th January 2024

  • Thursday 8th February 2024

  • Thursday 14th March 2024

  • Thursday 11th April 2024

  • Thursday 9th May 2024

  • Thursday 13th June 2024

  • Thursday 11th July 2024

  • Thursday 8th August 2024

  • Thursday 12th September 2024

  • Thursday 10th October 2024

  • Thursday 14th November 2024

  • Thursday 12th December 2024



August Meeting + July Updates

Thanks to AMG for these updates. If you would like to read them as a PDF, you can do so here.

We warmly invite you to attend the next meeting of the Amnesty International Glasgow West Group. Please come and join in our lively and friendly discussions and help us make a positive difference to supporting Human Rights around the world.

This update includes:

  • Details of our forthcoming August 2024 meeting;
  • Information on current AIUK activities;
  • The minutes from our Group's July 2024 meeting; and
  • A note of our local Group's remaining meeting dates for 2024.

August 2024 Glasgow West AI Group Meeting

Thursday 8th August, Woodlands International Methodist Church, 7:30pm

The next Glasgow West Amnesty meeting takes place on Thursday 8th August 2024 at 7.30pm – 9pm in Woodlands International Church, Woodlands Road, Glasgow, G3 6LW.
Further details on Facebook -

We would love to see you there!

Our next meeting will include:

  • A discussion on Human Rights in Myanmar / South East Asia, led by Mal, our local AI Group member who is also an AIUK Volunteer Co-ordinator for Myanmar / SE Asia;

  • Updates from our local group co-ordinators on their activities;

  • Discussing feedback from our Group members who attended the recent Pride event in Glasgow; and

  • Undertaking letter writing in response to recent Urgent Action alerts from AIUK.

AI Glasgow West at the recent Pride March & Rally Glasgow

Many thousands joined in the event as the 2024 Glasgow Pride march wound its way through the city centre, culminating in a large scale music event and stalls at the historic Barras area of the East End.

The AI stall enabled members to raise awareness of the work of AI and encourage attendees to sign current petitions. A number of people also signed up to the Group's mailing list and almost £110 was raised in donations, which will be used to support the Group's campaigning activities.

AIUK Local Updates

The latest updates for Local AI Groups produced by AIUK can be found via the following link.

Below are some of the highlights extracted from the update.

Call on the new PM to protect human rights

Photo by Carl Court/Getty Images

The new Prime Minister has previously promised to centre human rights in everything his government does. Now, we need to remind him. A lot needs fixing, and the UK desperately needs a fresh start on human rights.

The new Prime Minister, Keir Starmer, has said that human rights will be central to everything his government does - but promises need to be put into action.

In 2023, Keir Starmer said: “I've spent a lot of my life fighting for human rights. We need to make sure they are absolutely foundational when it comes to anything that we do in government.”

A lot needs fixing - and human rights provide solutions to these challenges. From ending homelessness, to the crisis in Gaza and fairly treating people seeking safety - human rights are the answer.

We must ensure the new UK government makes good on its promises. Email the new Prime Minister today and demand his government takes action to protect human rights and uphold international law.

Together let's remind the new Prime Minister of his promise to protect human rights. Your voice is crucial - take action now.

Orkney Amnesty Gaza Vigils

Orkney Amnesty Group has been organising a Gaza vigil every single Saturday in rain, wind, snow and sun since October in front of St Magnus Cathedral in Kirkwall, Orkney. The group has had hundreds of participants over the many months, including lots of tourists and cruise ship passengers. Above are members of the group at the vigil last week. Thank you so much for your relentless commitment Orkney group!

People, Power, and Politics: Influencing Political Decision-Makers on Human Rights

After the recent election, take this course to build your knowledge of human rights and British politics and learn key strategies to influence and advocate for human rights with your MP.

Link to the course
You can access all activist education resources and trainings on this page: Activist Education

For details of the most recent AIUK Local Groups' Update, click on this link.

Upcoming Dates / Events

Details on the Amnesty Events page.

Updates On AIUK Campaigns

For details on Amnesty International priority campaigns, click this link.

AI Glasgow West Group Meeting Thurs 11th July 2024


  1. Welcome and apologies (introductions round table)

Attending - Claire (chair); Mal, Carol, Neil, Clara, Andrew, Kirstie, Jean. Merle, Sophie, Han & Chakar.

  1. Agreement of previous meeting minutes

  2. Team Updates (list of roles from AGM here)\:

    a. Treasurer (Kirstie) - £128.49 donated at art event; balance £665.04; Kirstie has requested AIUK to allow us to hold on to credit card reader.

    b. Social Media & website (Mal) - no reshares re. art event but lots of new followers.

    c. Local Political Outreach (Neil) - Labour is in. Need to keep pressure on government; email the PM/MPs re. Scotland Amnesty's Human Rights manifesto

    • Action: email PM - template here - all to consider signing online petition.

    d. Regional / Country focus

    • South East Asia/ Myanmar (Mal) - Mal will give talk in August meeting;

      • AI action on aviation fuel being supplied to Myanmar
      • September action = contact local MPs re. Myanmar. UK is “pen holder” for Myanmar at UN Security Council (UK drafts communiques/drafts documents)
    • Pakistan (Chakar) - Balochistan - report June 2024 - >80 people forcibly abducted by Pakistan army, 54 still missing; multiple cases of suicide after abductees released → shared with Cherry Bird (India & Pakistan Country Coordinator)

      • Today - protest in Quetta (capital city of Balochistan) - police opened fire/teargas
    • Korea (Clara) - Clara can do presentation for our group in September - re. Write for Rights IAR.

      • Film Screening “All Static and Noise” - need to find venue - Clara thinking end of Sep/start of Oct - Glasgow uni - Andrew to share contact w Clara

    e. Prisoner of Conscience/Individual At Risk Update (Han) - ongoing

  3. Actions from previous meeting Minutes:

    a. AI Group's Collaboration with artist Alexander Dakers (28.06.24) - Carol's speech was excellent!; lots of people signed AIUK torture trade petition; £128 raised; display table perfectly organised by Andrew; lots of interest in Amnesty; great atmosphere; 3 people added to mailing list

    Suggestion for the future: Carol to be group speaker!; method to count number of people who sign online petition

    Artist has donated 5 pieces of art to Amnesty - currently stored in Andrew's house!

    • Waiting for AI Scotland office to reply re. taking artwork

    • Potentially consider giving to Mitchell Library / Scottish University human rights dept?

    • Artist has indicated he will assist our Group in finding a suitable use / home for the artwork

  4. AIUK AGM 22.06.24 - Clara and Mal attended.

    a. all resolutions were passed including re. delaying sale of Amnesty UK HQ building in London

    b. hopefully 2-day joint AGM/conference next year

    c. Mal encouraged us all to attend next year!

  5. Film screening of Turkish documentary film The Decree - Mhairi - no update

  6. Hong Kong petition - Clara - group signed petition for IAR

  7. UK Election

    a. Opportunity still exists to forward the link to Amnesty Scotland's manifesto to MPs. (Neil?)

    b. Amnesty Scotland election hustings on human rights - went well - Kirstie attended

  8. Amnesty Global Assembly Consultation Meetings were held on 08 & 10 July. No-one from our Group attended.

  9. Claire & Barrie from the Perth Amnesty group have made a WhatsApp group chat “Scotland Amnesty” for members from the central belt groups (Perth, Dundee, Glasgow, Edinburgh) so we can work closer on campaigns more easily. If you'd like to join, welcome! Please ask Claire for the joining link.

  10. Perth Amnesty is holding an Amnesty Information stall in the Birnam Arts Centre on Sunday 28th July - all welcome to join! Birnam is on the opposite bank of the Tay from Dunkeld and so the group are thinking of going on a low-level walk around there on the day also, for people who want to. If you are interested to attend, please message Claire/the Glasgow email.

  11. Pride march & stall - Saturday 20th July

    a. Starting point: Festival Park. The route will leave Festival Park and head over the squinty bridge to Broomielaw and up to Argyle Street before heading through the Merchant City and ending at Glasgow Green, where it is a short distance to the Glasgow Barrowlands, which will host the market, mainstage, and community stages.

    b. Music = 2-8pm at the Barras

    c. Stall at the Pride Hub, the Barras Market.

    d. Arr 8.30am to set up stall

    e. With laptop for petition / printed; merch / posters / badges / t-shirts, donation tins, etc

    f. March – Arrival Time: Festival Park by 10:00 AM. Group Check-In: 1 member of each group to take the lead. Please look for the designated check-in points upon arrival at Festival Park. We need at least 1 steward. There's a 10 minute training video & then a gform quiz, then on the day you wear a hi vis! Organisations are required to have at least 1 person for every 10 people in your group complete the providing training successfully. Info video here; assessment here - Claire has completed & done assessment.

    • Mal - set-up stall → march
    • Claire & Clara to be at Festival Park 9.30am
    • Kirstie - at the stall at 1-3pm
    • Han - at the stall sometime in the afternoon
    • Chakar - hopefully around!
    • ?? Mhairi, Chloe, Jim - Claire/Mal to msg
    • Daytime group - Carol to invite
    • Clara to msg uni group
    • Iona (Russian County Coordinator) - bringing actions
  12. Urgent Appeals - Merle circulated the undernoted Urgent Actions (and also subsequently posted them to our SIgnal Group).

  13. AIUK Local Group Updates - June here

  14. AOB:

    a. Carol - response from Russian Prosecutor's Office re. urgent action letter

    b. Neil Cowan (Scotland AI Head) coming to Glasgow Daytime meeting 18.07.24 1pm @ The Wee Retreat, Govanhill, Glasgow to talk about role of AI's Scottish Office and also Amnesty Futures movement

  15. Next meeting – Thurs 8th August 7.30pm - 9pm - Speaker: South East Asia/ Myanmar (Mal)

2024 Meeting Dates

New Members very welcome!

The Group meets every second Thursday of the month at 7.30pm - 9pm.

The meetings take place at Woodlands Methodist Church, 229 Woodlands Road, G3 6LW

For further information contact

  • Thursday 11th January 2024

  • Thursday 8th February 2024

  • Thursday 14th March 2024

  • Thursday 11th April 2024

  • Thursday 9th May 2024

  • Thursday 13th June 2024

  • Thursday 11th July 2024

  • Thursday 8th August 2024

  • Thursday 12th September 2024

  • Thursday 10th October 2024

  • Thursday 14th November 2024

  • Thursday 12th December 2024



July 2024 Meeting on Thursday!

Thanks to AMG for these updates, if you would prefer to read them as a PDF, you can do so here.

We warmly invite you to attend the next meeting of the Amnesty International Glasgow West Group. Please come and join in our lively and friendly discussions and help us make a positive difference to supporting Human Rights around the world.

This email includes:

  • Details of our forthcoming July 2024 meeting;
  • Information on current AIUK activities; and
  • A note of our local Group's meeting dates for 2024.

July 2024 Glasgow West AI Group Meeting

Thursday 11th July, Woodlands International Methodist Church, 7:30pm

The next Glasgow West Amnesty meeting takes place on Thursday 11th July 2024 at 7.30pm – 9pm in Woodlands International Church, Woodlands Road, Glasgow, G3 6LW.
Further details on Facebook -

We would love to see you there!

Our next meeting will include:

  • Discussing preparations for the forthcoming Pride event in Glasgow on 20th July.

  • A discussion on Human Rights in Myanmar / South East Asia, led by Mal, our local AI Group member who is also an AIUK Volunteer Co-ordinator for Myanmar / SE Asia.

  • Considering feedback from our Group's delegates to the recent UK Amnesty annual conference;

  • Reviewing the impact and next steps following our Group's collaboration with artist Alexander Dakars at his recent exhibition in Glasgow, including discussion on the artwork he donated to our Group;

  • Updates from our local group co-ordinators on their activities; and

  • Undertaking letter writing in response to recent Urgent Action alerts from AIUK.

Recent Event - Glasgow Amnesty Group's Collaboration with Artist

Photo: Artist Alexander Dakars, pictured with a selection of Human Rights focused work that he has donated to Amnesty International

The Glasgow West AI Group recently had a very successful collaboration with the artist Alexander Dakars.

Alexander's grandfather was one of the leaders of the Allende Government who was imprisoned following General Pinochet's military coup in 1973. Amnesty campaigned for the release of political prisoners and this helped secure the release of his grandfather and others.

Alexander has raised funding for Amnesty through sales of his artwork.

His latest exhibition took place at the prestigious Glasgow Art Club & Gallery in Glasgow. A special launch event included a musical performance, a speech from Carol of the Glasgow AI Groups and input from the artist himself. Alexander spoke about the influences underpinning his work, including a commitment to Human Rights. Alexander donated a section of his art focusing on Human Rights issues to the Glasgow West Amnesty Group and we will be considering how best to house and showcase this work. Several attendees expressed an interest in joining Amnesty and collection tin raised £130 for our local Group's funds.

Forthcoming Event - Pride March & Rally Glasgow – 20th July 2024

Last year's Glasgow Pride march attracted 50,000 participants. This year, organisers are hoping for an even bigger and better event.

Amnesty members will be participating in this event and we are intending to have a stall at it too.

As well as the colourful march itself, there will be a Music Stage at Glasgow's iconic Barrowland Ballroom, a Community Stage and over 150 stalls and traders.

Festival Park will be the starting point of Glasgow's Pride 2024 March. The route will leave Festival Park and head over the squinty bridge to Broomielaw, up to Argyle Street before heading through the Merchant City and ending at Glasgow Green, a short distance to the Glasgow Barrowlands, which will host the market, mainstage, and community stages.

Further details of the march route, market stalls, main stage, etc via this link.

Updates From AIUK

Write for Rights 2023: Rita Karasartova acquitted!

The charges against the defendants in the “Kempir-Abad case” were politically motivated and based on groundless allegations that they were plotting mass riots. This case has highlighted ongoing issues with fair trials and the suppression of the right to freedom of expression in Kyrgyzstan.

The acquittal of defendants in the “Kempir-Abad case” is an important victory for justice and human rights. The charges against them were politically motivated, the case was marred by inconsistencies and procedural violations, and they endured long months of inhumane treatment including lack of access to adequate medical treatment. In short, these people should never have been charged and put on trial in the first place for the peaceful exercise of their human rights.

Human rights defender Rita Karasartova, *a defendant and Amnesty International Write for Rights 2023 figure, told the organization: "We didn't expect it at all. We were crying from surprise.''*

Age Loud!

Amnesty International has launched Age Loud! Demand a world where human rights last a lifetime, a new campaign calling on all of us to listen to the voices of older people and ensure respect for their fundamental rights.

No matter our age, our human rights are universal. But as we grow older, many of us are pushed into the shadows, ignored and forgotten.

It's time to listen to the voices of older people. Let's speak up and support their calls to end age discrimination now.

Collaborating with Amnesty International national offices and a diverse range of activists, allies and organisations around the world, our campaign will aim to amplify the voices of older people, rewrite the narrative around ageing, and inspire people of all ages to demand an end to age-related discrimination, neglect and abuse.

For more information, please visit our page about our work on older people's rights here.

Support activist fighting for the protection of human rights in older age, join the movement today!

Watch the video

How to support student activists in solidarity camps for Palestine

Students across the world have been setting up protest encampments on campus to show their solidarity with Palestinians, call for a ceasefire and demand their universities divest from companies that may be complicit, such as arms companies. With this powerful show of solidarity, we have sadly seen students be met with repressive responses.

Students including Amnesty International student groups are taking part in these actions across the UK.

If you can support fellow activists, here are some suggested ways to contribute:

Donations Needed:

  • Food and snacks

  • Blankets, sleeping bags, tents

  • Books, games

  • Campaign materials: posters, banners, cardboard, pens

Other Ways to Help:

  • Donate to GoFundMe campaigns set up by local encampments to purchase resources, supplies, and campaign materials. Search for your nearby encampment's GoFundMe page.

  • Follow your local encampment's social media accounts for regular updates, supply needs, and calls for immediate support during protests or actions. Don't underestimate the power of sharing their posts to your own social media!

  • If you can support even further and be on standby as arrestee support, we can put you in touch with your respective student group.

The student activists appreciate any support and solidarity you can provide as they continue to advocate for the Palestinian cause on university campuses. Your support can make a meaningful difference in their efforts.

For details of the most recent AIUK Local Groups' Update, click on this link.

Upcoming Dates / Events

Details on the Amnesty Events page.

Updates On Other AIUK Campaigns

For details on Amnesty International priority campaigns, click this link.

2024 Meeting Dates

Amnesty International

Glasgow West Local Group

New Members very welcome!

The Group meets every second Thursday of the month at 7.30pm - 9pm.

The meetings take place at Woodlands Methodist Church, 229 Woodlands Road, G3 6LW

For further information contact

  • Thursday 11th January 2024

  • Thursday 8th February 2024

  • Thursday 14th March 2024

  • Thursday 11th April 2024

  • Thursday 9th May 2024

  • Thursday 13th June 2024

  • Thursday 11th July 2024

  • Thursday 8th August 2024

  • Thursday 12th September 2024

  • Thursday 10th October 2024

  • Thursday 14th November 2024

  • Thursday 12th December 2024



June 2024 Meeting & May Updates

Many thanks to AMGU for these updates. If you would like to read them as a PDF, you may do so here.

We warmly invite you to attend the next meeting of the Amnesty International Glasgow West Group. Please come and join in our lively and friendly discussions and help us make a positive difference to supporting Human Rights around the world.

This email includes:

  • Details of our forthcoming June 2024 meeting;
  • Information on current AIUK activities;
  • Minutes of our local Group meeting held last month; and
  • A note of our local Group's meeting dates for 2024.

June 2024 Glasgow West AI Group Meeting

Thursday 13th June, Woodlands International Methodist Church, 7:30pm

The next Glasgow West Amnesty meeting takes place on Thursday 13th June 2024 at 7.30pm – 9pm in Woodlands International Church, Woodlands Road, Glasgow, G3 6LW.

Further details on Facebook -

We would love to see you there!

Our June meeting will include:

  • Finalising preparations for our collaboration with artist Alexander Dakars, who is hosting an exhibition in Glasgow later this month;

  • Considering resolutions for the UK Amnesty annual conference;

  • Updates from our local group co-ordinators on their activities; and

  • Undertaking letter writing in response to recent Urgent Action alerts from AIUK.

Art Exhibition

Our AI Group is participating in an exhibition by artist Alexander Dakars.

Alexander's grandfather was one of the leaders of the Allende Government who was imprisoned following General Pinochet's military coup in 1973. Amnesty campaigned for the release of political prisoners and this helped secure the release of his grandfather and others.

Alexander has raised funding for Amnesty through sales of his artwork.

The exhibition takes place at the Glasgow Art Club & Gallery, 185 Bath Street, Glasgow, G2 4HU between 19th June – 4th July. There will be a special event at 6pm on Friday 28th June, which will include short speeches about Amnesty's work. The exhibition is open to the public and all are welcome to attend.

AIUK Local Updates

For details of the most recent AIUK Local Groups' Update, click on this link.

General Election

Amnesty International UK is calling for all parties to put human rights at the centre of the agenda. Whoever forms the next government, we want those in power – and in opposition – to understand, value and defend human rights. You may have heard us talking about this at a national level over the last few months and we will continue to do so over the weeks leading up to the election, and beyond.

We know that lots of you are interested in understanding what Amnesty International UK can and cannot do during a General Election campaign, and also what you can or cannot do as an Amnesty activist organising your own campaign activity. So please see our advice on campaigning during a General Election period, so you can understand what this means for AIUK, and what it means for activists, to comply with the Lobbying Act.

Early next week we will send another mailing with our updated Human Rights Manifesto and some ideas if you are an activist who wants to raise the profile of human rights, and the importance of human rights issues in your local area while the General Election campaign is underway.

If you have any questions about what you can or cannot do locally as an Amnesty activist during the General Election campaign, please contact


Join us on Saturday 22 June 2024 for a day of learning about Amnesty's work, AGM business, speakers, networking and shaping our movement as you make your voice count!

The AGM enables us all to get together, share plans and discuss ideas, so that we can build an even more powerful human rights movement in the UK. The event is FREE and will be held in Sheffield at Sheffield Hallam University.

Booking is now OPEN, so book your place and make your voice count. Book your in-person or online ticket here.

Tickets include event entry, refreshments, lunch, and an optional evening get-together with entertainment and food.

Please note: AGM business can be attended by Amnesty International UK Section members only. If you need to check your membership status, please contact

Affiliated members who are unable to attend the AGM in person can still participate by joining the meeting online.

For further information on the AGM, please check here.

22 June, 9.30 am - 7:30 pm - Amnesty International UK Annual General Meeting, Sheffield Hallam University. In-person and online options. Book here.

Upcoming Dates & Events

See more on the Amnesty Events page.

Updates On AIUK Campaigns

For details on Amnesty International priority campaigns, click this link.

Play the Amnesty Summer raffle today

The Amnesty Summer Raffle is now open! Don't delay – simply enter online today for your chance to win £5,000 or one of 36 other amazing cash prizes. Just imagine seeing your name on a cheque for £5,000! Wouldn't that feel amazing?

Every time you play the Amnesty International UK Raffle, you're taking on injustices and helping to make sure humanity wins. That's a great feeling!

By playing the Amnesty Summer Raffle, that feeling – and the cash – could be yours. Are you ready for that winning feeling?

Enter Now

Minutes of Meeting held on 9th May 2024

Welcome and apologies

(introductions round table)

  • Attendees: Claire (chair), Jean, Carol, Mal, Clara, Chloe, Kirstie and Andrew.

  • Also attending: Alexander and Keith

  • Apologies: Neil, Tim and Merle.

Claire gave a particular welcome to Alexander and Keith, who had joined our meeting to discuss how we can best collaborate with them at the forthcoming art exhibition.

Agreement of previous meeting minutes

  • The minutes of the 11th April meeting were agreed.

Matters arising

  • AIGW Login / Passwords

  • Claire had re-circulated the document with details of who has access to the various AIGW social media, etc accounts. If you have information to add, please update this link.

Human Rights Scotland Bill webinar

Claire, Andrew, Merle and Carol participated.

Interesting to ‘meet' online members of the new Scotland team:

  • Neil Cowan has replaced Naomi McAuliffe (Programme Director)
  • Liz Thomson - Advocacy Manager
  • Stewart MacLachlin - Law & Policy Manager
  • Marie Jackson -Team Asst

Noted that the new AI Scotland Team seemed very enthusiastic to work with local groups / come and meet us / coordinate on campaigns, etc.

Links above for anyone that missed the webinar but wants to see the information.

Request for Speaker

  • Chloe responded to the request from the school in Uddingston for an AI speaker, but had received no reply from them.

'Operation Caesar' Syrian Photo Exhibition

  • Tim had undertaken to speak to a local refugee group to seek their views, but no update has been received on this;

  • Mal contacted the AIUK Syria Volunteer Co-ordinator, who had not responded;

  • In the absence of a volunteer from our group to co-ordinate this, it was agreed that we could not proceed with hosting the exhibition.

  • (post-meeting note - Chloe subsequently suggested that it might be worth contacting a local mosque to ask if they would be interested in providing a space to host the exhibition).

Team Updates

(list of roles from AGM here)

  1. Treasurer (Kirstie)

    • Outgoings in past month have been postage (£3.45), Web Hosting (£7.81) and 3 months' hall meeting room rental (£78).

    • The Group's bank balance is currently £633.04.

  2. Social Media & website (Mal & Cait)

    • Claire said she had tried to contact Cait, but had no response.
  3. Local Political Outreach (Neil)

    • No update received.
  4. Regional / Country focus

    South East Asia/ Myanmar (Mal)

    • No update received.

    Pakistan (Chakar)

    • No update received.

    North and South Korea

    • Clara has completed her initial training on campaigning and activism, as an AIUK volunteer co-ordinator for both North and South Korea. She indicated that an event was being organised for Sat 2nd June, with details to follow.
  5. Prisoner of Conscience/Individual At Risk Update (Han)

    • No update received.

Collaboration with Artist

Bournemouth-based artist, Alexander Dakers of ZanderArtWork and his friend and colleague, Keith, who undertakes framing and associated work with Alexander, set out the background to the forthcoming exhibition.

Alexander's grandfather was a senior adviser in Chile's Government, led by Salvador Allende, before it was overthrown by Pinochet's military coup in 1973.

His grandfather was summarily arrested and given a life sentence. AI campaigned on behalf of his grandfather and tens of thousands of other innocent victims. Alexander's grandfather was eventually freed after being incarcerated for 2 years. Since then, Alexander's mother has helped to campaign for AI. Alexander himself, subsequently used a number of his exhibitions to raise funding for AI by donating the proceeds of some sales and he will do so at the Glasgow exhibition.

  • The exhibition is entitled ‘Father and Sons'.

  • It takes place between 19th June – 4th July.

  • There is a 'VIP Day' on Fri 28th June, which will include a drinks reception and a small number of speeches.

  • Venue: Glasgow Art Club & Gallery, 185 Bath Street, Glasgow, G2 4HU.

Mal had contacted the AIUK Chile co-ordinator. Whilst they are unable to attend the event, they offered to send information which could be used in a short speech at the VIP day.


  • Andrew – Invite AIUK Scotland Office staff.

  • Andrew - Invite Glasgow University and Glasgow Daytime Groups.

  • Mal – Ongoing liaison with Chile Co-ordinator to get his speech notes (which we will require to edit and pull out the most salient points). Also to get further details / poster / petition of Chilean prisoner of conscience, which AI is currently supporting.

  • Carol - volunteered to deliver the 5min speech on behalf of the Group at the VIP day.

  • (Claire / Mal can assist with the key messages in the speech).

  • Others (tbc) – We need a volunteer(s) to draft short content about the AI Glasgow group(s) collaborating with the artist for use in newspapers, online, etc in order to promote the event.

  • Cait / Mal – Promote event on our social media.

  • Chloe / Mal (?) – QR code to be made for exhibition attendees to get further info / join AI.

  • Andrew / Others? – AI Banner / posters / etc to be dropped off at Gallery on afternoon of 18th July.

  • Carol -- Volunteered to contact Freedom From Torture to ask them to promote the exhibition.

  • Claire / Andrew – ongoing liaison with Alexander prior to event.

  • All – to attend VIP Day (and at other times throughout the exhibition, if available) in order to help provide info on AI.

AIUK Amnesty Futures

Mal provided a further update on ‘Amnesty Futures', which is a group of AI members who are campaigning for changes within AIUK to address the falling AI membership, the significant decline in local groups and to promote greater democracy / accountability within the organisation.

Mal again emphasised that the Amnesty Futures group was clear that AI was very much a powerful force for good, but that they saw the need to further strengthen and refocus some aspects of the AIUK strategy.

It was noted that a number of Amnesty Futures' Group resolutions had been submitted to the AIUK AGM.

The open letter outlining the Amnesty Futures' objectives had previously been circulated with the meeting papers (both for this meeting and our April meeting).

Following a discussion, it was agreed that we should vote on whether or not to endorse the objectives set out in the Amnesty futures paper.

The result of the vote (open vote by show of hands), was that our Group would endorse the Amnesty Futures' objectives.

Action – Andrew to message Mal in order to formally record that the AIGW group wishes to formally endorse the Amnesty Futures' objectives, as set out in their open letter.


It was agreed that discussion on the AIUK AGM resolutions should take place at our 13th June meeting.

The conference takes place in Sheffield on 22nd June.

Both Mal and Clara were registered to attend in person.

It remains open for others to attend, either in person or online.

Andrew had received the Group's Voting papers.

It was noted that discussion at the AGM can shed light on resolutions that are not always evident from the papers. Accordingly, the Group agreed that we should ask Clara (or Mal) to cast the AIGW votes on the day of the conference (taking account both of the Group's wishes once the resolutions are considered at our Group's June meeting, but also having delegated authority to amend them should compelling information come to light at the AGM, which provides an alternative approach for reflecting the broad will of our Group).

Each AI member should also have received their individual votes on the AGM resolutions. Please use these. Any member that has not received a vote (postal or online, depending on how you opted to receive communications) should contact AIUK.


  • All – Discuss resolutions at 13th June meeting.

  • Clara / (Mal) – Vote on behalf of the Group at the AIUK AGM on 22nd June.

  • Andrew – To contact Thea at AIUK to let her know how we intend to use the Group's vote. i.e. Clara (Mal) to vote on the day on behalf of the AIGW Group..

  • All – encouraged to use your personal vote on the AIUK AGM resolutions.

AIUK Local Group Updates

These can be read here

Claire briefly summarised the various highlights from AIUK's lastest Local Groups' Update, which had been included both in the meeting papers sent in advance and in the agenda.


  1. Mal updated on a Pride event re LGBT rights taking place on 20th July. Cost should be £25 for our Group to register. May wish to contact the University Group to collaborate on this. We can discuss further at July meeting.

Action – Claire to follow up

  1. Kirstie updated on a ‘Sunday Assembly' event taking place on Sun 8th December @ 11am – 12pm at Partickhill Bowling Club, which may be of interest to the group. To be discussed nearer the time.

  2. Andrew indicated that Tim from the (soon to be disbanded) Dunbartonshire AI Group had requested that our Group help to continue an annual Christmas event that the Dunbartonshire Group had input to for years. This was broadly welcomed and will be discussed again nearer the time and once the details of the event are provided by Tim or Frankie.

Urgent Appeals

Merle had sent a number of online Urgent Actions via the Group's Signal account and members were encouraged to respond to these.

Action - All to consider responding to the urgent actions links posted by Merle onteh Signal Group – and also available via AIUK website.

  1. Next meetingThurs 13th June @ 7.30pm - 9pm


2024 Meeting Dates

New Members very welcome!

The Group meets every second Thursday of the month at 7.30pm - 9pm.

The meetings take place at Woodlands Methodist Church, 229 Woodlands Road, G3 6LW

For further information contact

  • Thursday 11th January 2024

  • Thursday 8th February 2024

  • Thursday 14th March 2024

  • Thursday 11th April 2024

  • Thursday 9th May 2024

  • Thursday 13th June 2024

  • Thursday 11th July 2024

  • Thursday 8th August 2024

  • Thursday 12th September 2024

  • Thursday 10th October 2024

  • Thursday 14th November 2024

  • Thursday 12th December 2024


minutes Uncategorised

May 2024 Meeting + April Updates

Thank you to AMG for providing these updates. If you would like to read them as a PDF, you can do so here.

We warmly invite you to attend the next meeting of the Amnesty International Glasgow West Group. Please come and join in our lively and friendly discussions and help us make a positive difference to supporting Human Rights around the world.

This email includes:

  • Details of our forthcoming May 2024 meeting;
  • Information on current AIUK activities;
  • Minutes of our local Group meeting held last month; and
  • A note of our local Group's meeting dates for 2024.

May 2024 Glasgow West AI Group Meeting

Thursday 9th May, Woodlands International Methodist Church, 7:30pm

The next Glasgow West Amnesty meeting takes place on Thursday 9th May 2024 at 7.30pm – 9pm in Woodlands International Church, Woodlands Road, Glasgow, G3 6LW.

Further details on Facebook -

We would love to see you there!

Our April meeting will include:

  • A discussion with Alexander Dakars, an internationally acclaimed artist who will be collaborating with our Group in an exhibition in Glasgow this summer;

  • Discussion on Amnesty Futures;

  • Updates from our local group co-ordinators on their activities; and

  • Undertaking letter writing in response to recent Urgent Actions alerts from AIUK.

AIUK Local Groups Updates

For details of the most recent AIUK Local Groups' Update, click on this link.


Join us on Saturday 22 June 2024 for a day of learning about Amnesty's work, AGM business, speakers, networking and shaping our movement as you make your voice count!

The AGM enables us all to get together, share plans and discuss ideas, so that we can build an even more powerful human rights movement in the UK. The event is FREE and will be held in Sheffield at Sheffield Hallam University.

Booking is now OPEN, so book your place and make your voice count. Book your in-person or online ticket here.

Tickets include event entry, refreshments, lunch, and an optional evening get-together with entertainment and food.

Please note: AGM business can be attended by Amnesty International UK Section members only. If you need to check your membership status, please contact

Affiliated members who are unable to attend the AGM in person can still participate by joining the meeting online.

For further information on the AGM, please check here.

22 June 9.30 am - 7:30 pm - Amnesty International UK Annual General Meeting, Sheffield Hallam University. In-person and online options. Book here.

Rwanda Bill

Credit: Marie-Anne Photography

Despite widespread opposition, late into the night on 22 April, Parliament passed the Rwanda Act. This new law aggressively strips away the fundamental rights of those seeking safety on our shores. It's a deliberate act of cruelty and a national disgrace. But we are not defeated. Now, more than ever, we need to make our voices heard.
Please read and share our campaign outputs and look out for further updates, as we continue to challenge this act of injustice.

You can read our statement in response to the Bill passing here.

A video we produced with Freedom from Torture and Liberty here.

A blog by our Refugee and Migrant Rights Programme Director here.

And a flavour of some of our campaigning, which received international, national and regional media coverage here.

New campaign images for Pakistan and Afghanistan

Cherry Bird, Country Coordinator for India & Nepal and team lead for South Asia, has a selection of powerful images that people campaigning on Afghanistan can use, especially for these two actions:

To access these images please contact

Anti-Racism Pocket Guide

The Anti-Racism Network's first resource is now available to be ordered! An introduction to anti-racism, the pocket guide covers topics including: what is racism and anti-racism, terminology and how to challenge racism.
You can order it by filling out this form: AIUK's Activism Resource Order Form.

Upcoming Dates / Events

See more on the Amnesty Events page.

2 May, 6.45-10 pm – Gaza: Chronicle of a Tragedy Foretold Screening, HRAC, London. In-person. Book here.

14 May, 6 pm – `A Human Right to Protest' - Southampton Amnesty Group's 10th Annual Human Rights lecture 2024 with Kate Adie, University of Southampton, SO17 1BJ. In-person. Book here.

17 - 19 May – Awraq Festival, Bristol's Palestine Museum, 27 Broad St, Bristol BS1 2HG. In-person. Book here.

20 May, 9 am – Defend Julian Assange, Royal Courts of Justice, London WC2A 2LL. In-person.

22 May, 5:30-7 pm – AIUK Digital Campaign Training. (Online)

\\Join us in this training to gain a better understanding of digital mobilisation, explore different tactics for mobilising supporters online, and apply those tactics to achieve your campaign objectives. This training is designed for those who have a foundational knowledge of digital tools and platforms and are looking to enhance their skills in the area of digital mobilisation. If you are interested you can sign up here.''

Combatting Gender-based Violence Online

Develop a comprehensive understanding of how gender-based violence manifests in online spaces and its impact on human rights and gender equality globally. Gain the knowledge and tools to effectively advocate for and promote gender justice. From identifying different forms of online gender-based violence to developing strategies for prevention and addressing its impact, you will be equipped with the skills needed to take action and create positive change.

Access the course here

You can access all activist education resources and trainings on this page: Activist Education

17 - 23 June - Refugee Week

22 June 9.30 am - 7:30 pm - Amnesty International UK Annual General Meeting, Sheffield Hallam University. In-person and online options. Book here.

Updates On Current AIUK Campaigns

For further details and more Amnesty International events, click this link.

Play the Amnesty Summer raffle today

The Amnesty Summer Raffle is now open! Don't delay – simply enter online today for your chance to win £5,000 or one of 36 other amazing cash prizes. Just imagine seeing your name on a cheque for £5,000! Wouldn't that feel amazing?

Every time you play the Amnesty International UK Raffle, you're taking on injustices and helping to make sure humanity wins. That's a great feeling!

By playing the Amnesty Summer Raffle, that feeling – and the cash – could be yours. Are you ready for that winning feeling?

Enter Now

Minutes of Meeting held on 11th April 2024

Welcome and apologies (introductions round table)

  • Attendees: Claire (chair), Christine, Jean, Carol, Mal, Sophie, Han, Chakar, Clara, Tim, Chloe, Kirstie and Andrew.
  • Apologies: Neil and Merle.
  • A particular welcome was given to Chloe and Tim, who were attending the group for the first time.

Dunbartonshire / Helensburgh AI Group

Tim stated that he was from the Dunbartonshire / Helensburgh AI Group, which had existed since 1971, but whose membership had fallen in recent years. That group was now intending to disband. It was agreed that members of that group would be very welcome to join the Glasgow West AI Group. It was also suggested that the Glasgow Daytime Group might be a suitable option for some. Tim noted that his Group had c.£84 in the bank, which they will likely pass to AIUK; and some flags / banners, etc, which they will give to our group. Andrew suggested that Tim advise his colleagues in the Dunbartonshire / Helensburgh group that their email addresses can be added to the Glasgow West Group's mailing list. The monthly communications from our group include an unsubscribe option. Tim will check this and get back to Andrew.

Agreement of previous meeting minutes

The minutes of the 14th March meeting were agreed, with any matters arising being covered in the agenda.

Team Updates

(list of roles from AGM here)

  1. Treasurer (Kirstie)

  2. Main outgoings in past month have been postage and envelopes.

  3. The Group's bank balance is currently £712.20.

  4. There will soon be an upcoming quarterly payment for hire of the meeting room (£78). There is also a bill for £7.81 relating to the platform hosting our website. Rob has paid this and Kirstie will send him funds by bank transfer to reimburse him.

  5. Social Media & website (Mal & Cait)

  6. Mal provided an update on the Group's social media accounts, including updates posted on Instagram and X (Twitter).

  7. Local Political Outreach (Neil)

  8. In Neil's absence, there was no update.

  9. Regional / Country focus

  10. South East Asia/ Myanmar (Mal)

  11. Mal provided a brief update relating to education projects in refugee camps. He will provide a fuller update at a future meeting.

  12. Pakistan (Chakar)

  13. Chakar had attempted to contact the two Pakistan country co-ordinators, but had no response. It was suggested that contacting Thea in AIUK might be useful, including asking when the next advertisement for vacant country co-ordinators will be issued.

  14. Prisoner of Conscience/Individual At Risk Update (Han)

  15. Han has been seeking to chase up information on how to progress PoC / IaR with AIUK. Han will discuss with Mal and provide a fuller update at the next meeting.

  16. Diversity and Inclusion (Sophie)

  17. Sophie indicated that she will stand down from this role, as she doesn't have time to progress it.

Perth Group

Claire and Chakar provided an update on the Perth group's recent hillwalk event, which they both attended. This had included discussion on potential collaboration between the Perth Group and our own group. The Perth Group had input to an Iftar event in their area and Clara mentioned that she had actually attended that Iftar.

Invitation from Daytime Group – Guest Speaker

Carol noted that the daytime group had organised a speaker for their meeting next week on Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

Action - Our group members are invited to attend.

AI Regional Elections

Mal noted that there was an opportunity for volunteering as a regional volunteer for Scotland, with the closing date 30th April.

Speaker Request for a School

A request had come to us via AIUK from a school in Uddingston asking for someone from AI to provide a talk to a group of secondary pupils/. (Chloe subsequently indicated she may be interested in doing this)/.

Human Rights Scotland Bill

Webinar event on 24 April at 7pm

A further reminder was given that the Amnesty Scotland Team had invited local AI Group members to join a Webinar on Scotland's forthcoming Human Rights Bill.

Details of how to join the briefing were circulated with the meeting papers.

Action - All members are encouraged to link in to this event.

Collaboration with Artist

Andrew provided a further update on a proposal by a Bournemouth-based artist, Alexander Dakers of Zander Art, who wishes to collaborate with our Group at his exhibition at a gallery in Glasgow City Centre this summer.

The group were enthusiastic about this collaboration and agreed that we should proceed with developing it. The exhibition runs for two weeks, with a ‘VIP Day' on 28th June, which will be a major focus and which members are encouraged to attend.

Agreed possible actions include:

  • Members of our Group attending the 'VIP day' opening of the exhibition;
  • Setting up a stand at the exhibition with AI banners, posters, leaflets, collecting tin, etc. This would help raise awareness of AI and encourage people attending the exhibition to consider joining AI themselves;
  • Possibly promoting some of the AI Urgent Actions that are current at the time of the exhibition. e.g. cases relating to Chile - or perhaps broader South American issues and individuals from that region who are prisoners of conscience. This could include inviting exhibition attendees to sign petitions, write letters, etc;
  • Using our social media and our mailing list to help promote the exhibition;
  • Our Group writing articles / liaising with local press to highlight the exhibition; and
  • Inviting other local AI Groups and members to also engage with this project.


  • Andrew to contact the artist to discuss our proposals and invite him to our next meeting
  • Mal to speak to AIUK Chile co-ordinator to see if they can participate
  • Christine knows a journalist who might be interested in covering this story and will check with them;
  • Jean suggested the possibility of getting someone to speak about the 1973 East Kilbride Rolls Royce trade union action in protest against the Chilean military coup, (This action was the subject of the documentary film ‘Nae Pasaran'). It was also suggested that Oscar Mendoza of SCIAF may be a suitable speaker at the event.

Opportunity to host ‘Operation Caesar' exhibition

An email was received from Brian Devlin asking us to consider hosting an exhibition of photographs depicting a range of atrocities that took place in Syria. The Caesar Families Association is campaigning for justice for 100,000 victims of detention and disappearance in Syria.

A couple of group members had seen some of the photographs and indicated it was high quality work, depicting graphic and harrowing scenes. There was some concern about where such an exhibition could be hosted safely. One suggestion was that there could be a closed room, with warning signs outside regarding the nature of the exhibition. It was also suggested that the University Group might wish to organise an event, although there has been no meaningful contact with this group over the past year.

AIUK Amnesty Futures

Mal provided an update on ‘Amnesty Futures', which is a group of AI members who are campaigning for changes within AIUK to address the falling AI membership, the significant decline in local groups and to promote greater democracy / accountability within the organisation. A wide-ranging discussion took place.

Mal indicated that the group intended to take a number of motions to the forthcoming AGM. It was hoped that our group would have the opportunity to consider these motions in detail at the next meeting and to decide whether we wished to support them.

Action – Amnesty Futures' AGM motions to be considered at the May meeting.

AIUK Local Group Updates here

  • Write-up in AIUK Fundraising Update - for Glasgow West Group's recent Comedy Night event here

  • Activism Representatives election - Local groups can vote for one representative for their region. Anyone interested in standing? Nominations close 30th April. Elections take place 6th May - 7th June.

  • AIUK Safeguarding Policy updated - link here

  • AIUK Anti-racism pocket guide will be available soon. link here

  • Updates from various local AI Groups across the UK, including solidarity actions for Gaza, events marking International Women's Day and a vigil for Alexi Navalny.

  • AIUK 2024 Priority Campaigns here - read through and see any areas we may wish to focus on

  • Amnesty training courses, e.g.:

Urgent Appeals

  • Merle had sent a number of online Urgent Actions to Claire.

Next meeting: Thurs 9th May, 7.30pm-9pm

2024 Meeting Dates

New Members very welcome!

The Group meets every second Thursday of the month at 7.30pm - 9pm.

The meetings take place at Woodlands Methodist Church, 229 Woodlands Road, G3 6LW

For further information contact

  • Thursday 11th January 2024

  • Thursday 8th February 2024

  • Thursday 14th March 2024

  • Thursday 11th April 2024

  • Thursday 9th May 2024

  • Thursday 13th June 2024

  • Thursday 11th July 2024

  • Thursday 8th August 2024

  • Thursday 12th September 2024

  • Thursday 10th October 2024

  • Thursday 14th November 2024

  • Thursday 12th December 2024



April 2024 Meeting + March Updates

Thanks to AMG for these updates. If you prefer to read them as a PDF, you can do so here.

We warmly invite you to attend the next meeting of the AI Glasgow West Group. Please come and join in our lively and friendly discussions and help us make a positive difference to supporting Human Rights around the world.

This email includes:

  • Details of our forthcoming April 2024 meeting;

  • Information on current AIUK activities;

  • Minutes of our local Group meeting held last month; and

  • A note of our local Group's meeting dates for 2024.

April 2024 Glasgow West AI Group Meeting

Thursday 11th April, Woodlands International Methodist Church, 7:30pm

The next Glasgow West Amnesty meeting takes place on Thursday 11th April 2024 at 7.30pm – 9pm in Woodlands International Church, Woodlands Road, Glasgow, G3 6LW.
Further details on Facebook -

We would love to see you there!

Our April meeting will include:

  • Updates from our local group co-ordinators on their activities;

  • Discussion on potential future projects / campaigns; and

  • Undertaking letter writing in response to recent Urgent Actions alerts from AIUK.

AIUK Local Updates

For details of the most recent AIUK Local Groups' Update, click on this link.

AI romsey

Photo – AI Romsey Group's Solidarity vigil for Alexi Navalny

This month's Local Groups' Update provides information of activities carried out by AI Groups across the UK, including solidarity actions for Gaza, events marking International Women's Day and a vigil for Alexi Navalny.

Our own local Group's recent fundraiser event was given a write-up in the AIUK Fundraising round-up.

Updates on Current AIUK Campaigns

For further details and more Amnesty International events, click this link.

Photo by Mike Kemp via Getty Image

These include campaigns relating to Israel / Palestine; Economic, Social & Cultural Rights; campaigning for progressive Human Rights in the forthcoming General Election; and Protect the Protest.

To sign the joint AIUK / Liberty petition calling on the Home Secretary to scrap the anti-protest measures, click on this link.

Shop Amnesty

Amnesty Shop – Browse Amnesty International's wide range of ethical gifts and everyday items via this link.


Minutes of Meeting held on 14th March 2024

  1. Welcome and apologies (introductions round table)

    • Attendees: Andrew, Kirstie, Merle, Neil and Clara.

    • Apologies: Claire, Jean, Mal, Sophie, Han and Cait.

    • Andrew chaired the meeting in Claire's absence.

    • A particular welcome was given to Clara, who was attending the group for the first time. Clara had recently been appointed as a Volunteer Co-ordinator for AI, covering North Korea and South Korea and was currently undergoing induction training. It was suggested that Clara might provide an update on her role at a future meeting, once she has been undertaking the duties for a while.

  2. Agreement of previous meeting minutes

    • The minutes of the 8th February meeting were agreed, with any matters arising being covered in the agenda.

3. Team Updates

(list of roles from AGM here)

a. Treasurer (Kirstie)

  • Main outgoings in past month have been postage, as well as raffle tickets bought for next year's fundraiser.

  • The Group's bank balance is currently £725.70.

  • Known future expenses are to cover our Group's annual AIUK affiliation fee (£72) and the quarterly payment for hire of the meeting room (£78).

b. Social Media & website (Mal & Cait)

  • No update.

c. Local Political Outreach (Neil)

  • No update.

  • Neil asked for clarification on this role, beyond what was covered in the summary circulated at the recent AGM (link above in this item). It was suggested that forthcoming elections in the year ahead might present an opportunity to engage with local politicians and encourage them to support key human rights issue within their manifestos. It was noted that AIUK had designated the UK General election as one of its Priority Campaigns for 2024. It was also suggested that engaging local MPs, MSPs and Councillors in various ongoing campaigns would be another approach, as we had successfully done in recent ‘Write for Rights' events.

d. Regional/ Country focus – South East Asia/ Myanmar (Mal)

  • No update.

e. Prisoner of Conscience/Individual At Risk Update (Han)

  • No update.

f. Wellbeing/D&I Update (Sophie)

  • No update.

4. The Stand 12.02.2024 comedy night fundraiser

  1. Thanks were given to everyone who bought tickets, contributed to the raffle / helped with promoting / sold raffle tickets & helped organise on the night of the fundraiser event.

  2. £1,630 was raised for the AI charitable arm from the ticket sales. Confirmation has been received from AIUK Charitable Trust that those funds have been sent to them by The Stand.

  3. £442 was raised for our local AI Group (via donation tins £36.74 + 5 euro and raffle £402).

  4. Overall, therefore, a total of £2,072 was raised at this year's event. (The 2023 total was £3,500, with the main difference being that the 2023 show was sold out and the tickets were sold for a higher price, due principally to Frankie Boyle being on the bill).

  5. Another Stand Comedy night fundraiser has already been booked for Thurs 20.02.25.

5. `Prevent' AIUK Report Launch

Read more on AIUK's website: Prevent AIUK Report

  1. Discussion took place on AIUK's report, published in Nov 2023, concerning the multiple failures highlighted in the design and implementation of the ‘Prevent' strategy, which was intended to discourage individuals from terrorism, but evidence indicates has led to numerous and significant human rights failings.

  2. AIUK had asked if our Group wished to help launch a Glasgow event concerning AIUK's Prevent report. Due to an absence of local volunteers within our Group to assist with the planning of such an event, it was agreed that we could not agree to this.

6. Uyghur film screening in April

  1. Nabila (China Country Coordinator) had linked up with the director of the film "All Static and Noise" for its April UK tour, which will include an AIUK ‘Individual at Risk' case - Ilham Toti - and his daughter Jewher, the latter who will be on the panel and coming from the USA.

  2. There will be a screening in Edinburgh. It was noted that, as of this meeting (14/3/24), no date had yet been announced online for the planned Edinburgh showing.

  3. No members of our group were free to help organise a showing in Glasgow.

7. Human Rights Scotland Bill – Webinar event on 24 April at 7pm

  1. It was noted that the Amnesty Scotland Team had invited Groups to join a Webinar on Scotland's forthcoming Human Rights Bill.

  2. The background to this is that the Scottish Government has committed to introducing a new piece of legislation designed to strengthen the legal human rights framework in Scotland. This is an exciting step which holds the potential to transform how people in Scotland access and enforce a wide variety of human rights. If you would like to learn more about the Bill, how Amnesty Scotland are working on it, and how you can get involved, there will be an online briefing on 24 April at 7pm. This will also be an opportunity to meet some new members of the AI Scotland Team.

  3. Details below to join the briefing via computer, mobile app or room device.

Please follow link below to the webinar at the time:-

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 310 131 163 565

Passcode: u6U4ag

Download Teams Join on the web

Learn More Meeting options

Action - All members are encouraged to link in to this event.

8. Potential Collaboration with Artist

  1. Andrew updated on a proposal by a Bournemouth-based artist, Alexander Dakers of Zander Art. Further information and background is included in a recent Glasgow Evening Times article.

  2. The artist's grandfather was imprisoned during the 1973 Chilean coup and AI campaigned for his release. Alexander has since raised money for AI via sales of his artwork.

  3. He has invited our Group to collaborate with him at his exhibition at a gallery in Glasgow City Centre this summer.

  4. Following discussion, Group members were enthusiastic about this and potential examples of how we might be able to collaborate included the following:-

  • Members of our Group attending the 'VIP day' opening of the exhibition;

  • Setting up a stand at the exhibition with AI banners, posters, leaflets, collecting tin, etc. This would be to help raise awareness of AI and encourage people attending the exhibition to consider joining AI themselves;

  • Possibly promoting some of the AI Urgent Actions that are current at the time of the exhibition. e.g. cases relating to Chile - or perhaps broader South American issues and individuals from there who are prisoners of conscience. This could include inviting exhibition attendees to sign petitions, write letters, etc;

  • Using our social media and our mailing list to help promote the exhibition;

  • Our Group writing articles for the local press to highlight the exhibition; and

  • Inviting other local AI Groups and members to also engage with this project.

Action – It was agreed that Andrew would contact AIUK to discuss the previous AI fundraising work by the artist.

Thereafter, Andrew will contact the artist and invite him to consider our potential proposals for collaborating with him and invite him to propose other suggestions.

9. International Women's Day

  1. It was noted that an invitation from the Ayrshire AI Group to join their Amnesty event to mark International Women's Day had been circulated. Unfortunately, no members of our Group were able to attend.

  2. The Amnesty Feminists' network issued an action pack for International Women's Day. It included three actions that we discussed and undertook at the meeting.

Action - Andrew - The petitions within this were signed by those present and they will be returned to the Network via email.

10. Social Walk with Perth Amnesty - Sunday 7th April - near Perth

  1. This is a low-level walk, suitable for all ages & abilities.

  2. Lifts to and from the meeting point can be arranged.

  3. It will provide a good opportunity to discuss how our respective Groups could work together on issues such as Balochistan and other Human Rights issues where there is a common interest.

  4. Claire and Chakar have already committed to attend.

Action - Anyone else interested in going along should contact Claire.

11. AIUK Local Group Updates

29th Feb AIUK Local Group Updates email here:

21 Mar 7 pm - 8.30 pm - ACEN Israel-Gaza: impacts, human rights and routes to peace. Online. Sign up here.

2 Apr 6 pm - 7.30 pm - What are Economic and Social rights and why is Amnesty working on them? Online. Sign up here.

New AIUK campaign on our everyday rights

Our human rights are under threat and it is not a distant problem, human rights violations are happening right here in the UK. Here at home, a chilling reality is unravelling – millions of families and individuals can't access what they need to live, from safe shelter to healthcare, food and more. This crisis does not come from a lack of resources, as we're often led to believe, it comes from political choices that drive inequality. To show this reality we have worked with actors Olivia Colman and Adrian Lester to show that this is happening before our eyes. Watch our new trailer for a drama series that sadly is not drama. It is a reality.

Please be aware this is a video which tells the story of violations of human rights which includes the death of a baby so please do look after yourself and don't watch unless you want to.

Housing, food, healthcare – these are all our human rights but they don't often get as much attention as rights such as free speech, protest and a fair trial. At Amnesty we are working on making sure we are campaigning for all our rights including the everyday rights that are often and too frequently ignored. Everyone should have a safe and secure place to call home, people should have enough food to eat and access to healthcare.

Watch here


12. Urgent Appeals

  1. Merle noted that the UK Urgent Actions webpage had not been updated. However, she got some from the US website, which appeared to be much better organised.

  2. Merle circulated Urgent Actions concerning:

    • a detained Ethiopian journalist;

    • A Zimbabwian form MP;

    • And a terminally ill Palestinian prisoner,

Those present at the meeting wrote letters concerning these Urgent Actions and Kirstie took them for posting.

13. AOB

Parking charges on Woodlands Road.

Kirstie had circulated a notice form the church group highlighting that Glasgow City Council was considering extending parking charge times on various streets, including Woodlands Rd, to 10pm, 7 days pw.

This is part of the Council's budget options and had not yet been finalised / considered / agreed. The notice suggested that anyone concerned about this proposal may wish to raise concerns with local Councillors.

  1. Next meetingThurs 11th April @ 7.30pm - 9pm

Neil noted his apologies for the April meeting.

2024 Meeting Dates

New Members very welcome!

The Group meets every second Thursday of the month at 7.30pm - 9pm.

The meetings take place at Woodlands Methodist Church, 229 Woodlands Road, G3 6LW

For further information contact

  • Thursday 11th January 2024

  • Thursday 8th February 2024

  • Thursday 14th March 2024

  • Thursday 11th April 2024

  • Thursday 9th May 2024

  • Thursday 13th June 2024

  • Thursday 11th July 2024

  • Thursday 8th August 2024

  • Thursday 12th September 2024

  • Thursday 10th October 2024

  • Thursday 14th November 2024

  • Thursday 12th December 2024



March 2024 Meeting and February Updates

Many thanks to the combined efforts of AMG and MDS for these updates. If you would like to read them as a PDF, you can do so here.

We warmly invite you to attend the next meeting of the AI Glasgow West Group. Please come and join in our lively and friendly discussions and help us make a positive difference to supporting Human Rights around the world.

This update includes:

  • Details of our forthcoming March 2024 meeting;

  • Information on current AIUK activities;

  • An update on our recent successful Comedy Fundraiser for Amnesty;

  • Minutes of our local Group meeting held last month; and

  • A note of our local Group's meeting dates for 2024.

March 2024 Glasgow West AI Group Meeting

Thursday 14th March, Woodlands International Methodist Church, 7:30pm

The next Glasgow West Amnesty meeting takes place on Thursday 14th March 2024 at 7.30pm – 9pm in Woodlands International Church, Woodlands Road, Glasgow, G3 6LW.
Further details on Facebook -

We would love to see you there!

Our activities for the March meeting include:

  • Reviewing the recent fundraiser event and planning further activities;

  • Discussion of the UK Government's Prevent Strategy and its impact on Human Rights;

  • Updates from our local group co-ordinators on their activities; and

  • Undertaking letter writing in response to recent Urgent Actions alerts from AIUK.

International Women's Day Event in Ayr

To mark International Women's Day, our colleagues at the Ayr local Amnesty International Group are organising an ‘Amnestea Party' to ‘celebrate and respect women: past, present and future.'

The event is being held from 1pm – 4pm on Saturday 9th March. It will take place in the Holy Trinity Church Hall, Fullarton Street, Ayr. Tea, Coffee and cake will be served. Entry is free. All welcome!

Over £2,000 Raised in Our Recent Fundraising Event

Our local Group's Amnesty International Comedy Night Fundraiser held at The Stand Comedy Club, Glasgow in February 2024 raised over £2,000.

A total of £1,630 was raised via ticket sales, which went directly to AIUK's charitable arm.

A raffle and AI collecting tins raised a total of £442, which will go towards our local AI group's campaigning and expenses.

A big ‘Thank You' was given to the comedians on the bill, all of whom gave their input for free. Likewise, The Stand Comedy Club also provided its facilities for no charge. Finally, we wish to extend a special thank you to all our supporters who donated prizes for the raffle, bought tickets and came along to enjoy a great show, whilst raising money for an even greater cause.

Given the success of the event, we have already agreed a date with The Stand for a similar event next year. Further details to follow nearer the time, but, in the meantime, ‘Hold the Date' of Thursday 20th February 2025!

Updates On Current AIUK Campaigns

For further details of the most recent AIUK Local Groups' Update, please click on this link.

Web Events

21 Mar 7 pm - 8.30 pm - /ACEN Israel-Gaza: impacts, human rights and routes to peace. /Online. Sign up here.

2 Apr, 6 pm - 7.30 pm* - What are Economic and Social rights and why is Amnesty working on them? Online webinar. Details below:-*

‘What are Economic, Social and Cultural rights and why is Amnesty working on them?'

AIUK has spent the last six months meeting with people living in poverty and experiencing rights violations in the UK to find out how we, as the Amnesty movement, can work to end these violations.

Our new Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights Lead – Jen Clark and Campaign Manager Laura Trevelyan will be running a webinar to talk you through the finding of this research and our upcoming plans on Tues 2 April from 7pm.

Register here

For further details and more Amnesty International events, click this link.

New campaign on our everyday rights

Our human rights are under threat and it is not a distant problem, human rights violations are happening right here in the UK. Here at home, a chilling reality is unravelling – millions of families and individuals can't access what they need to live, from safe shelter to healthcare, food and more.

This crisis does not come from a lack of resources, as we're often led to believe, it comes from political choices that drive inequality. To show this reality we have worked with actors Olivia Colman and Adrian Lester to show that this is happening before our eyes. Watch our new trailer for a drama series that sadly is not drama. It is a reality.

Please be aware this is a video which tells the story of violations of human rights which includes the death of a baby so please do look after yourself and don't watch unless you want to.

Housing, food, healthcare – these are all our human rights but they don't often get as much attention as rights such as free speech, protest and a fair trial. At Amnesty we are working on making sure we are campaigning for all our rights including the everyday rights that are often and too frequently ignored.

Everyone should have a safe and secure place to call home, people should have enough food to eat and access to healthcare.

Watch here

Shop Amnesty

Amnesty Shop – Browse Amnesty International's wide range of ethical gifts and everyday items via this link.

February 2024 Meeting Updates

Minutes of Meeting held on 8th February 2024

  1. Welcome and apologies (introductions round table)

    • Attendees: Christine, Jean, Kirstie, Mal, Merle

    • Apologies: Andrew, Claire, Neil

    • Mal chaired in Claire's absence. (p.s. Thanks also to Mal for producing this note of the meeting)

  2. Agreement of previous meeting minutes

    • Minutes agreed
  3. Team Updates (list of roles from AGM here)*:*

    1. Treasurer (Kirstie)

      • Paid out since last meeting: £72 to AIUK for annual registration fee. £78 to church for hall hire for 3 months.

      • £305.91 in bank (prior to comedy night).

    2. Social Media & website (Mal & Cait)

      • Focus on promoting comedy night.
    3. Local Political Outreach (Neil)

      • No update.
    4. Regional/ Country focus – South East Asia/ Myanmar (Mal)

      • No update.
    5. Prisoner of Conscience/Individual At Risk Update (Han)

      • No update.
    6. Wellbeing/D&I Update (Sophie)

      • No update.
  4. The Stand 12.02.2024 comedy night fundraiser:

    • Further logistical arrangements made and agreed prior to comedy night. Further details communicated on Signal group ahead of event.
  5. Prevent AIUK Report Launch (published Nov 2023)

    • AIUK is looking to organise launch events in 5 different cities across the UK in the first quarter of 2024, inc. Glasgow. Is anyone interested in leading on this campaign?

    • No volunteers at meeting. Possibly involve political engagement so ask Neil if interested? Or anyone else not at meeting.

  6. Uyghur film screening in April: Nabila (China Country Coordinator) has linked up with the director of the film "All Static and Noise" for their April UK tour to include an AIUK IAR case - Ilham Toti and his daughter Jewher - who will be on the panel and coming from the USA.

    1. There will be a screening in Edinburgh. Do we want one in Glasgow (without Jewher - she'll just be in Edinburgh & various English cities)?

    2. If anyone wants to help organise a Glasgow one, or support the Edinburgh one, pls say

      • No volunteers at meeting. Suggest that instead we make a group trip to Edinburgh for screening, depending on date.
  7. Urgent Appeals - (Merle)

  8. Local Group Updates - January Updates email here.

    • See the useful list of “Who's Who”

    • 8th March = International Women's Day - SM?

    • Actions:

      • Rita Karasartova facing 15 years in Prison for Peacefully protesting in Kyrgyzstan - sign the petition
    • Respect Freedom of Expression in Jammu & Kashmir - Email the Indian Ambassador to the UK here

    • Peru: Stand with Victims of State Repression - Sign the petition here

    • Protect the Protest: Freedom of Expression in Bangladesh - raise concerns to the High Commission in London here

    • Zimbabwe - Charges Against Young Political Activist Must Be Dropped - email here

  9. Protect the Protest updates:

  10. Ongoing:

  11. AOB

    • None.
  12. Next meeting – Thurs 14th March 7.30pm - 9pm - Claire can't come - any volunteers to chair? No volunteers at meeting. (Note: Post-meeting Andrew has agreed to chair.)

2024 Meeting Dates

New Members very welcome!

The Group meets every second Thursday of the month at 7.30pm - 9pm.

The meetings take place at Woodlands Methodist Church, 229 Woodlands Road, G3 6LW

For further information contact

  • Thursday 11th January 2024

  • Thursday 8th February 2024

  • Thursday 14th March 2024

  • Thursday 11th April 2024

  • Thursday 9th May 2024

  • Thursday 13th June 2024

  • Thursday 11th July 2024

  • Thursday 8th August 2024

  • Thursday 12th September 2024

  • Thursday 10th October 2024

  • Thursday 14th November 2024

  • Thursday 12th December 2024