Thanks to everyone involved in producing these updates, your efforts are much appreciated. You can also read these updates as a PDF.
Join Amnesty International, get involved with our local AI Group and play your part in helping to promote and defend vital human rights across the world.
We warmly invite newcomers and familiar faces alike to attend the next meeting of the Amnesty International Glasgow West Group. This update includes:
Details of our forthcoming February 2025 meeting;
Information on current AIUK activities;
The minutes from our Group's January 2025 meeting; and
A note of our local Group's monthly meeting dates for the year ahead.
February 2025 Glasgow West AI Group Meeting
Thursday 13th February, Woodlands International Methodist Church, 7:30pm
The next Glasgow West Amnesty meeting takes place on Thursday 13th February 2025 at 7.30pm – 9pm in Woodlands International Church Woodlands Road, Glasgow, G3 6LW.
We would love to see you there!
Our next meeting will include:
Final planning for our annual Comedy Fundraiser event, which takes place on Thurs 20th February 2025;
Our local Group's AGM;
Updates from our local group co-ordinators on their activities; and
Undertaking letter writing in response to recent Urgent Action alerts from AIUK.
Amnesty International Comedy Fundraiser at The Stand, Glasgow
Thursday 20th February 2025, 8PM
Last Chance to Get Your Ticket!
Our Group's annual fundraiser will take place at The Stand comedy club, Glasgow on Thursday 20th February at 8pm – 10pm.
The host for the evening and all the performers have generously given their time for free in order to help raise funds for AI.
For details of the comedians performing, click on the link below.
Tickets priced £11 / £13 are on sale now via The Stand by clicking on the link. All entrance ticket sales proceeds will go to Amnesty UK charitable arm.
Previous AI Comedy Fundraisers at The Stand have sold out, so don't delay - Get tickets your tickets now via this link.
AIUK Local Updates
The latest updates for Local AI Groups produced by AIUK can be found via the following link.
Below is a sample of some of the items included in this latest update.
Local Groups' Planning Pack here (This resource is designed to help groups plan their year, by providing information, resources and connection across the movement that will help you campaign effectively for human rights, grow your impact and audience, and raise funds to support your group's activity)
An update on AIUK's 2024 Write for Rights Campaign (featuring both Glasgow West and Glasgow Daytime Groups' input amongst many other Groups across the UK)
Glasgow Daytime AI Group's Write for Rights event at Langside Library
Glasgow West AI Group's Write for Rights event at Hillhead Library
Toolkit and funding to encourage regional gatherings of Amnesty activists. In addition, it is noted that there will be an AI office-led Gathering in Scotland during Q2 of 2025 (date tbc).
Refugee Week will be celebrated from June 16–22, 2025 with the theme “Community as a Superpower”, focusing on the power of community, collaboration, and shared humanity in the face of displacement. If you are interested to organise a Refugee Week community event in your local area, please feel free to apply for a grant by clicking on the below button, the deadline to apply is 17 February.
Activism in Action for International Women's Day - Join us on Saturday 8 March for International Women's Day, to mark the occasion with a series of feminist activism focused sessions. Sat 8th Mar 2025 10:00 - 18:00, Location: Human Rights Action Centre, London
Country co-ordinator vacancies - The update lists a range of country co-ordinator volunteer positions that are open for application.
AIUK is also seeking to recruit a number of regional co-ordinator vacancies, including a post for Scotland. Deadline to apply is April.
New online courses - Gender Justice and Human Rights (online); Activism Skills Training: Digital Campaign Strategy (25th Feb or 23rd Sept).
Other upcoming dates / events
18 Feb 6pm - 7:30pm - Campaign Connect: A briefing on Israel's Genocide against Palestinians in Gaza - Tickets here
20 Feb 6:30pm - 7:40pm - Predictive Policing Report launch. The event will be hybrid, offering the option of joining in person at the HRAC - Tickets here
26 Feb 10:30 - 1pm - Refugee Week 2025 Conference - Tickets here
1-2 March - Amnesty UK Student Festival - Tickets here
(Please note that this is a students only festival but you can spread the word!)
8 March 10am - 6pm - Activism In Action for International Women's Day by the Amnesty Feminist Network, HRAC London - Tickets here
5-6 July - AIUK AGM, Birmingham -- (7th March is the deadline for self-nomination to be on AIUK board and also for submitting any AGM resolutions)
For further details of the above and other items featured in most recent AIUK Local Groups' Update, click on this link.
Amnesty Scotland Updates
Amnesty International's Scotland office recently introduced a bulletin, which can be found via this link.
AI Scotland's has template letters for activists in Scotland.
One current AI Scotland campaign relates to public funding being provided by Scottish Enterprise. An FOI request by AI indicated that funding may have been awarded to companies selling arms components to countries that are breaching international law. The AI Scotland campaign calls for proper due diligence concerning human rights checks in relation to public funding.
More general information is available on the work of Amnesty's Scotland office.
AIUK - Upcoming Dates & Events and Updates on Campaigns
Updates on planned AIUK training and events for AI activists, can be found on the AIUK website under 'events'.
Updates on current AIUK Priority Campaigns can also be found on the amnesty website (PDF link).
AI Glasgow West Group Meeting Updates - Thursday 9th January 2025
- Welcome and apologies
Attending: Carol, Jim, Luca, Mal, Andrew, Kirstie, Merle, Christine, Claire (Chair), Paolo, Clara
Also Attending: Neil Cowan, AI Scotland Director
Apologies: Neil and Mhairi
Agreement of previous meeting minutes: here
Team Updates (list of roles here):
Treasurer (Kirstie)
December: W4R donations: £70 donation cash in tins; £2 donated by Kirstie(!)
£82.77 costs of postage (& Merle/Luca costs)
Current balance: £487.48
A Christmas card containing a donation of £10 from Susie K was opened and the money was given to the treasurer.
Kirstie has ordered us a SumUpSolo card reader for our group so we can collect money through contactless payments for our own group bank account. Cost = £95; no monthly charge; 1.69% transaction fee
We can either:
only use our group card reader so all donations go to our local group and then we do yearly donations to central AIUK, depending on our bank balance; or
use two card readers, including one for AIUK.
The Group's agreement was to just use our local group's card reader
Social Media & website (Mal/Cait) - The Stand comedy fundraiser post - pls share / like / subscribe (The more people do this, the more coverage the post will achieve)
Local Political Outreach (Neil) - not present at meeting
- Andrew to ask Neil to contact Kaukab Stewart re. attending a future meeting to talk re. Human Rights Bill
Regional/ Country focus
South East Asia/ Myanmar (Mal) - no updates
Korea (Clara) - Seoul metro campaign - UK Country Co-ordinator got a response, no other countries did - Clara will let us know next steps
Ramadan Iftar event - Claire to share w Clara doc re. 2023 iftar to see overview of tasks
Theme focus - US Death penalty - Mal to inform Death Penalty Network / follow up work on California - no updates
- Happy news: Zimbabwe abolishes death penalty!
Prisoner of Conscience/Individual At Risk Update (Han -?) / (Cait - India BK16)
- Cait - BK16 action - letter to send prisoners directly / research local UK politicians? – Cait was not present at meeting and no update on this had been provided
Actions/updates from previous meeting Minutes:
Seenaryo (Lebanon) film screening: Mhairi update on February screening & panel discussion at Glasgow University inc. lecturer from Dept of Middle East studies & AIUK Country Coordinator (Clara re. Lebanon CC) – Mhairi was not present at meeting and no update had been provided
Update on 2024 Write for Rights case Neth Nahara - she has been released following a presidential pardon.
Guest Speaker: Neil Cowan (Programme Director for Scotland Amnesty)
Neil was welcomed to the meeting. He advised that he had been in post for just less than a year and that he was keen to meet local groups. Amnesty's Scotland office has four staff – Neil (Director) Stewart (Policy Manager, dealing primarily with legal and related matters) Liz Thomson and Jackson (Admin / office management). The email address for the AI Scotland office is
Neil referenced the recent AI report on the Gaza genocide (“You Feel You are Subhuman: Israel's Genocide in Gaza”)
Neil also spoke about the Prevent duty, which is intended to stop people becoming terrorists and which the Scottish Government has a responsibility for delivering within Scotland. The major AIUK report on the Prevent Duty in 2024 set out a wide range of concerns about the unfair and unintended effects implementation of the policy was having.
c.75% of the work of AI's Scotland Office involves a focus on seeking to influence the Scottish Government and/or interpreting AIUK policy to ensure coherence with the unique Scottish policy context in order that it properly reflects the situation in Scotland. This also includes advising AIUK staff of particular issues relating to Scotland.
A major focus had been on working with the Scottish Government and other key stakeholders on the development of a Scottish Human Rights Bill. This proposed policy has since been deprioritised by the Scottish Government with regard to the current Parliamentary business timetable. However, work is ongoing to seek to get this matter back on the agenda of the various political parties.
The AI Scotland office team has also been campaigning on the issue of how organisations such as Scottish Enterprise appraise grant aid to companies in order to ensure public money is not spent in unethical ways. This included a focus on Scottish Enterprise allegedly providing grant aid to defence sector companies whose products may have been used in Israel's campaign in Gaza. Further details on this campaign are included in this AI Press Release. Also see the Appendix to the minutes (below), including a call to action.
Neil summarised AI Scotland's priorities for 2025 as 1.) a Human Rights Bill for Scotland, 2. Abolition of Prevent, 3. The Scottish Enterprise issue noted above, and planning ahead to the 2026 Scottish Parliament elections.
A series of Q&A discussion then followed Neil's initial input. Neil was thanked for his input and he left the meeting.
Planning for Comedy Night fundraiser at The Stand Comedy Club - Thursday 20th February 2025 - all to share AIGW - Tasks for Comedy Fundraiser - Feb 2025:
Tickets: £13 / £11 - NB all entrance ticket sales proceeds will go to Amnesty UK charitable arm.
Doors Open – 7pm ; Starts – 8pm approx. ; Finishes – 10pm approx. ;
If ticket sales are low, we will take up the option of paying for social media advertising boosts. (Mal)
Pre Stand Fundraiser event actions:
Chrstine - Glasgow Times - will seek to liaise with local press on getting publicity for the event.
Mal to share on social media
Andrew will check with The Stand if we need to do anything else – at doors, etc
Cait - flyer → people print & put up around town
6.45pm arrive - Luca, Andrew, Merle
- AI publicity materials - Mal will bring the AI Banner, Posters, Lanyards, Badges, etc
Prizes (e.g. Bottles of alcohol, boxes of chocolates, etc; more basic gifts can be grouped into gift bags): All to bring raffle prizes
Posters: Mal print this poster (stating that AI Glasgow West will be the beneficiary of the raffle); Andrew will email a copy of this to The Stand.
Raffle tickets: Andrew / Kirstie to bring from box in church hall
Raffle Ticket Sellers: Luca, Carol, others tbc
- NB prices - £2 for 1 strip; £5 for 3 strips. (N.B. Do not detach individual tickets from strips!)
money collected: sellers to give funds raised from raffle to Kirstie (Treasurer).
Collection Tins: Mal/Andrew will bring two AI Collection Tins for cash donations (follow around behind raffle sellers while people have their wallets open!)
Photographs / Social Media:
Photo consent: Stand manager / Host for the evening announces that photos are being taken (make sure he does/we do)
Clara will take photographs at the event for use in publicity, inc. providing social media updates on the night
AI Input on the night - Lead: Mal/Clara. Tasks:
liaising with the host and asking him to lead the raffle
providing a brief overview of the work of AI during the interval
thanking The Stand, the performers and others giving freely of their time
liaising with the host on buying the performers a drink (/Kirstie /(Treasurer) / /to reimburse cost from raffle proceeds).
Andrew will write a short article for the AIUK Local Groups Update on the Fundraiser and include photos from Clara.
Funds Raised - Once the final total raised for AIUK Charity is notified to Andrew by The Stand, he will contact Richard at AIUK and arrange for him to send an invoice to The Stand for the net amount raised on behalf of AIUK Charitable Trust.
Urgent Appeals - Merle
AIUK Local Group Updates – December link here
- Refugees in Conversation: A Webinar - Thursday 30th January at 7:00-8:30pm
A rare chance to hear the voices of Refugees and Asylum Seekers, and explore their journeys, struggles, and paths to well-being. With keynote speaker Enver Solomon, CEO of the Refugee Council and panellists talking about their lived experience of various stages towards refugee status.
To attend, register: here
See more on the Amnesty Events page.
Demand the UK suspend all arms transfers to Israel now - petition here (now closed – 30k contacted their MPs)
- Write to your MP - General Letter; Lib Dem, SNP, Greens Letter; Sinn Féin Letter
AIUK 2024 Priority Campaigns here; Amnesty training courses: Activist Education; and updates from various local AI Groups across the UK
5th/6th July - AIUK AGM
Next meeting – Thurs 13th Feb 7.30pm-9pm - AGM / final planning for The Stand event
AGM Reminder: Pls consider roles (see list here) and feel free to ask current role holders for more info on the role responsibilities if you are at all interested!
Feb meeting: 7th March - deadline for self-nomination to be on AIUK board and submitting any AGM resolutions
2025 will be Glasgow West group's 50th anniversary!
Do we want to do an event to mark it? Ideas:
publicity in local press to help raise awareness of AI & recruit new members & raise funds
Andrew has resources from former Group secretary, Brian Donnelly, who was active from the 1970s.
Merle has a collection of carefully collated minutes and correspondence covering the period from the Group's founding in 1975 until 2002. This includes local press cuttings and information on the planning and events associated with our Freedom Festival, which was an art festival that took place in the city over several months in 1995.
Involve John Gerard & wife Margaret - previous member - Mal has contact details
Jill Young - Christine has contact details
Mitchell Library might be able to take our archive (thanks Merle!) - Mitchell Library asked us to, firstly, confirm that neither AIUK nor AI Scotland Office wished to host the archive.
AIUK responded to Andrew confirmed they have no objection and that they think the Mitchell Library is a good solution for depositing the archive.
No response has been received from AI's Scotland Office regarding this.
- Andrew suggested we may wish to delay depositing the archive in the Mitchell in case we wish to utilise some of the historic information in publicity events to help raise awareness of the work of AI
Additional Info
Email from Liz from the Scotland Office:
Some people had asked what they can do to support our recent work in the Amnesty Scotland office on Scottish public funding for arms companies.
We recently wrote to the Deputy First Minister calling for a review of the human rights due diligence performed before awarding companies public grants: read more about this on the AIUK website.
This also had some coverage on the BBC's news page and Reporting Scotland.
Freedom of Information requests we submitted showed that multiple arms manufacturers are being awarded grants by Scottish Enterprise, yet not a single company failed or was flagged as a concern by the due diligence procedures currently in place. Some of these companies have been linked to supplying states accused of war crimes, including Saudi Arabia and Israel.
Enterprise agencies administer public money. It is the Scottish government's overall responsibility to act if it is thought that public money could be caught up in supply chains linked to human rights abuses.
I have attached two template letters for anyone who would like to help by writing to politicians to underline our
calls. The first is a letter to the Scottish government's Minister for Business, Richard Lochhead, i have included his email address. The second is suggested wording for anyone who would like to write to their MSPs asking them to support our calls and raise the issue in parliament. As you are probably aware you can find contact details for your constituency and regional MSPs by entering your postcode here: would really appreciate it if you could share any responses you get with me as it's hugely helpful for my advocacy work. The MSPs we have already spoke to about this include Patrick Harvie, Ross Greer (Scottish Green Party) and Katy Clark (Scottish Labour).
Letters here:
AGM & National Conference: 5th-6th July 2025
Teaching & Learning Building, University of Birmingham
In 2025, Amnesty UK members and activists will be coming together for a weekend to celebrate our powerful movement, take part in AIUK democracy, meet, network and plan for the year to come.
We hope you enjoyed Amplify Festival 2024. In 2025, we'll be reimagining Amplify as a flagship moment for AIUK activists and members, a space for the movement to gather. Welcome to ‘Amplify Summit': a weekend bringing together the AGM alongside workshops and masterclasses.
We'll be…
- Participating in AIUK democracy in the 2025 AGM
- Meeting and networking with activists from across the movement
- Hearing amazing activists and campaigners speak in masterclasses
- Participating in campaigning and activism workshops
- Celebrating the incredible work of AIUK activists and members
The event will be open to AIUK Section members and activists only. It will not be a public event, but rather a gathering space for the AIUK movement. The event will incorporate both important AIUK governance and additional sessions designed to entertain, upskill, and spark conversation.
Whether you are a long-time activist in a local group, or a brand-new activist who has recently joined your student network, this event is for you. It will be the largest gathering of AIUK's base. We cannot wait to welcome you to the Amplify Summit.
We hope you will join us in Birmingham!
Please note that the AIUK AGM is open to AIUK Section members only. If you would like to become a member, you can join as an individual on the AIUK website or the group you are a member of can affiliate. Please join by the end of March to receive the official notice of the AGM. Please reach out to your Community Organising staff member for more information.
Tickets and more information will be launched in early 2025, so keep an eye out for that. We're delighted to say that we will be offering bursaries for travel and accommodation for attendees to come to Birmingham for the full weekend. There will be a specific process to follow for this, information to follow.
Important Governance Information
Deadline for Resolutions is 7 March 2025. Forms to submit resolutions will be available on the AGM page of our website from January 2025 at the latest.
Any questions, please email
Elections for AGM and Board Roles
Amnesty International UK Section is a member-led movement. The Section Board and the key AGM officers are elected by the members. To keep our democracy healthy and to give members a choice of leaders, it is important that candidates put themselves forward. In 2025, we are seeking candidates for the following roles:
AGM Chair: to ensure that our most important members' meeting runs smoothly and everyone feels welcome and included on the day
One member of the Standing Orders Committee: to help the AGM Chair by interpreting the AGM rules and ensuring that they are followed by everyone.
Three members of the Members and Directors Appeals Committee: to act as an appeals body for members who have been expelled from the membership, or Board members who have been removed from the board. It is an important role but one that is, thankfully, rarely called on.
Four Board members:
- One who is a member aged between 18 and 23 on 25 July 2025
- One member over the age of 16 years on 25 July 2025, who must be nominated by a local group
- Two “unreserved seats” meaning that any member over the age of 16 years can stand
The deadline for nominations for all of these roles is 7 March 2025. Further information about the roles and the nomination process will be available on the AIUK website before the end of the year. Please note that for the Board member roles, candidates must have been a member of the Section since at least 7 September 2024.
We know that these roles can seem daunting but support will be provided. If you have any questions, would like to find out more, or would like an informal discussion, please contact the Nominations Sub-Committee by emailing
Any questions about the event, please contact
2025 Meeting Dates
New Members very welcome!
The Group meets every second Thursday of each month at 7.30pm - 9pm.
The meetings take place at Woodlands Methodist Church, 229 Woodlands Road, G3 6LW
For further information contact
Thursday 9th January 2025 -
Thursday 13th February 2025
Thursday 13th March 2025
Thursday 10th April 2025
Thursday 8th May 2025
Thursday 12th June 2025
Thursday 10th July 2025
Thursday 14th August 2025
Thursday 11th September 2025
Thursday 9th October 2025
Thursday 13th November 2025
Thursday 11th December 2025