Thanks to AMG for these updates. If you prefer, you can also read them as a PDF.
We warmly invite you to attend the next meeting of the AI Glasgow West Group. Please come and join in our lively and friendly discussions and help us make a positive difference to supporting Human Rights around the world.
This update includes:
- Details of our forthcoming February 2023 meeting;
- Excerpts from and a link to AIUK's most recent update for local AI groups;
- Minutes of our local group meeting held last month; and
- A note setting out all of our local Group's meeting dates for 2023.
February 2023 Glasgow West AI Group Meeting
Thursday 9th February, Woodlands International Methodist Church, 7:30pm
The next Glasgow West Amnesty meeting takes place on Thursday 9th February 2023 at 7.30pm – 9pm at Woodlands International Church.
More details on Facebook -
We would love to see you there on Thursday!
Our activities for the February meeting include:
- Finalising the planning for our AI Comedy Night Fundraiser at The Stand, Glasgow on the evening of Wednesday 15th February 2023. (Tickets now Sold Out).
- Considering whether our local AI Group wishes to submit any resolutions to AIUK's AGM, which takes place on 24th June 2023.
- Discussing our Group's potential participation in the Stand Up To Racism Demonstrations, planned to take place in Glasgow, Cardiff and London on Saturday 18th March 2023; and
- Urgent Actions letter writing.
Extract Of Updates From AIUK
Full details of AIUK's update for local groups can be viewed via this browser link.
This month's update from AIUK features information on the Write for Rights campaign, including information on the work of the three AI Glasgow groups' input to that campaign.
It also includes a template for individuals to write to newspapers to highlight concerns around UK Government activities and proposals affecting human rights.
Amnesty Spring Raffle
Enter the Amnesty Spring Raffle and grab your chance to feel like a winner! How would you spend £5,000? That's what's up for grabs when we draw the raffle in just a few weeks.
Tickets cost just £2 and with every ticket you buy, you're standing up for humanity.
Buy your raffle tickets online today for your chance to experience that winning feeling and you could help more people like unfairly imprisoned Ibrahim Ezz el-Dinwalk free!
AIUK 2023 Priority Campaigns
The link below outlines Amnesty International UK's 2023 priority campaigns. This includes current campaigns you may be familiar with, such as End Israeli Apartheid and Protect the Protest, as well as new exciting campaigns upcoming this year.
The information in the PDF will be subject to change.
Please always check the campaign pages for the most up-to-date information, or get in touch with * * and
January 2023 Updates
Amnesty International
Glasgow West Local Group
Meeting held on 12th January 2023
Present: Claire (Chair), Kirstie, Neil, Merle, Mal, Amjad, Andrew and Hala.
Apologies tendered: Jim, Silvia and Sharon.
Claire welcomed everyone to the meeting, particularly Amjad, who was attending for the first time. Colleagues introduced themselves.
Minutes of meeting held on 8th December 2022
The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed.
Financial Update
Kirstie provided an update on the Group's finances. The major annual expenses for the group are hire of meeting hall (£252 pa, paid quarterly) and the annual affiliation fee to AIUK of £72 pa. The current balance in the Group's bank account is c.£300. Write for Rights postage expenses of £52.50 were recently incurred, with the Glasgow Daytime AI Group having agreed to cover half of that cost.
AI Collection Tins
Andrew noted that five AI collection tins had recently been passed to him by Sheena, a member of the now disbanded Paisley AI group (Sheena was referred via Alex of the AI Glasgow Daytime Group). They will be stored in the cupboard of our meeting hall and Andrew will also contact the secretary of the Glasgow Univ AI Group to ask if they want a couple of the tins. (Action – Andrew)
It was noted that AI UK had also sent us a couple of collection tins as part of the Write for Rights resource pack we requested.
Donation to Ukraine Appeal
It was agreed that the Group should donate £25 to AI's ringfenced appeal to help raise resources to contribute to human rights work in Ukraine.
Andrew forwarded AIUK's link to the ringfenced Ukraine appeal to Kirstie and she will arrange payment of our agreed donation. (Action – Kirstie)
Write for Rights Event
Claire referred to the update on our December W4R event, which had been summarised in the calling notice email for this meeting. A total of 118 individual cards and letters had been sent, covering 10 countries. Claire thanked Kirstie for helping lead the organisation of the library venue and also thanked all the volunteers who had input to the day from our own group, the Glasgow Daytime Group and the Glasgow University Group.
Thank you messages had been sent to the secretaries of the other two groups, to the head librarian (Steven Millar) and to the politician who had attended the event (Paul Sweeney, MSP). A short article on our Write for Rights event had been submitted to AIUK asking them to consider it for inclusion in their next monthly Local Groups' Update.
AIUK Local Groups' Update
Claire highlighted some of the items included in the latest AIUK Local Groups' update.
This included the date for AIUK's regional online conferences, with the Scotland AI Conference taking place on 4th March 2023. Further details to follow from AIUK.
Claire also highlighted free online course open to all AI members.
Full details of the AIUK update for local groups was circulated with the calling notice email for our Group's January meeting, and can also be viewed via this browser link.
Glasgow University Group Event
The secretary of the Glasgow University AI Group had asked our Group to provide a speaker(s) for an event they were holding on Tuesday 24th January aimed at recruiting new activists to their group. The event will focus on having an open discussion with their members about the background to AI, campaigning, events, current Human Rights issues, etc.
It was agreed that Mal, Hala and Neil would all attend and contribute to leading that discussion with the University Group members. Andrew will forward contact details and information on the discussions he has had with Alejandra, secretary of the University AI Group, regarding potential content and format of the event. (Action – Mal, Hala and Neil)
Update on Invitation to AI Scotland Director to attend meeting with Glasgow AI Groups
Andrew indicated that Naomi McAuliffe, AI Director, had been invited in early November to attend a meeting to discuss how the Glasgow AI groups can best contribute locally to AIUK's Strategic Framework priorities. The secretaries of the other two Glasgow AI Groups had indicated they would be keen for all the Glasgow AI groups to be invited to attend.
The invitation asked Naomi to speak on issues our own Group had identified as being particularly keen to engage with, such as the Human Rights Act, both in relation to protesting the changes set out by the UK Govt and, separately, in seeking to contribute to the Scottish Govt's proposed Human Rights Bill consultation. The invitation email suggested Naomi might speak on how best our local groups can contribute effectively to these and other broader AI campaigning priorities. For example, how can we better link our work and resources to supporting AI's Scotland office, as well as joining with other organisations locally and nationally, including those affiliated to the Human Rights Consortium Scotland. It was also suggested that members would likely find it helpful to have a more general overview of the role of AI's Scotland office, links with AIUK and with local groups across Scotland. In addition, Naomi would, undoubtedly, have other issues that she would wish to cover. The suggestion was for a fairly informal discussion, with Naomi providing an overview and context, before opening up a more general chat with members of the three Glasgow Groups.
Naomi had indicated in early December that she would be willing to attend, however, there had been no further response yet to the follow-up email of 14th December, asking if the group's meeting dates in February or March suited.
Andrew will once again contact Naomi to try to get a date for this in order to give sufficient notice to the other Glasgow AI groups and members. (Action – Andrew)
Comedy Night Fundraising Event
Jim had previously confirmed with The Stand that the event would take place on 15th February. Tickets will be sold online by The Stand, with all ticket sale proceeds going to AIUK's charitable wing (also meaning there would be no tax implications).
Once ticket sales are live, we will be informed by The Stand. It is likely tickets will sell out fast, given the indication of the comedians that will be performing on the bill.
Publicity for the event would include our social media (Action - Silvia) and contacting the secretaries of the other Glasgow Groups with details (Action – Andrew)
It was noted that there will likely be minimal need for our input on the night, as The Stand will cover door issues, etc.
The one area we will need to work on is in relation to organising a cash raffle on the night. This will be the only mechanism for raising funds for our local group.
It was discussed that many people attending the event may not be carrying cash and it was suggested that using our Paypal account may be an option, dependent on Wifi connectivity (Action – Kirstie to consider).
It was also suggested that we could urge attendees to bring cash for the raffle via social media. (Action - Silvia to consider).
Mal indicated that he may have books of raffle tickets that could be used. (Action – Mal).
Neil, Merle and Andrew offered to donate raffle prizes (Champagne, Chocolates and Malt Whisky).
It was suggested that individual members may wish to contact local businesses to request donations for raffle prizes (Action – All to consider).
It was also suggested that we could bring the AI banner and some of the posters that are in the store cupboard to the event to help raise awareness of AI.
Final arrangements for the event will be made at our February meeting (which takes place just six days before the event).
Urgent Actions
Merle circulated Urgent Actions and a number of colleagues undertook letter writing on those cases.
Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting will take place on Thursday 9th February 2023, 7.30pm - 9pm @ Woodlands Methodist Church, 229 Woodlands Road, G3 6LW.
2023 Meeting Dates
New Members welcome!
The Group meets every 2nd Thursday at 7.30pm - 9pm.
The meetings take place at Woodlands Methodist Church, 229 Woodlands Road, G3 6LW
For further information contact
Thursday 12th January 2023
Thursday 9th February 2023
Thursday 9th March 2023
Thursday 13th April 2023
Thursday 11th May 2023
Thursday 8th June 2023
Thursday 13th July 2023
Thursday 10th August 2023
Thursday 14th September 2023
Thursday 12th October 2023
Thursday 9th November 2023
Thursday 14th December 2023
"Better to light a candle than curse the darkness"