
December Meeting, Write For Rights & November Updates

Seasons Greetings!

Thanks to AMG for these minutes. If you prefer, you can read them as a PDF.

We would like to warmly invite you to attend the next meeting of the AI Glasgow West Group. Please come and join us for a mince pie, get involved in our lively and friendly discussions and help us make a positive difference to supporting Human Rights around the world.

These updates include:

  • Details of our December meeting;
  • Information on our event being held in Hillhead library on Sat 10th Dec
  • Excerpts from AIUK's recent update for local groups; and
  • Minutes of our local group meeting held last month

December 2022 Glasgow West AI Group Meeting

Thursday 8th December, Woodlands International Methodist Church, 7:30pm

The next Glasgow West Amnesty meeting takes place on Thursday 8th December at 7.30pm – 9pm at Woodlands International Church.

More details on Facebook -

We would love to see you there on Thursday!

Our activities for the December meeting include:

  • Finalising plans for our event being held on Saturday 10th Dec in Hillhead Library, Byres Road, Glasgow. This is focused on engaging the public on AI's annual letter writing campaign, Write for Rights! We will be there between 11am – 4pm and would love you to drop in and get involved in writing short letters of protest to governments – as well as letters of support to prisoners of conscience. No experience required! AI volunteers will be there throughout the day to help you make a difference.


  • Sara Barry from Freedom from Torture will be attending our December meeting to provide an overview of FfT's work. On the evening, Sara will also be selling FfT Xmas Cards to help fund the work of that organisation. Anyone interested in purchasing these cards can also contact Sara directly at


Extract Of Updates From AIUK

Human Rights at the FIFA World Cup 2022


32 nations are competing for the FIFA World Cup. Amnesty groups have seized this chance to highlight the current state of human rights in each of the participating countries, especially the hosts in Qatar.

Amnesty Lambeth had a meeting where eight members of the group assessed the human rights performance of the four countries in their allotted group. No prizes for the victor of the final but a trophy of shame. If you want to hear from the group sign up to their mailing list here.

Ewa Turczanska, a member of the Colwyn Bay group was part of an Amnesty response to an invitation from Melin Drafod, a Welsh think-tank to speak as part of a panel to discuss the World Cup and Welsh ethical foreign policy.

Since the panel discussion Ewa has been asked to speak for S4C (a Welsh tv channel) and has conducted a phone interview about Amnesty's take on Mark Drakeford (Welsh First Minister) going to Qatar.

Sign the petition

Amnesty Shop


A reminder that all local group members receive 10% off everything at the Amnesty Shop, as well as FREE P&P, on orders over £75.

We know that Local Groups and Student activists do amazing work for Amnesty. Buying and sending out cards and gifts from the Amnesty Shop is another way in which you can get involved and help spread our message. As always, we really appreciate your on-going support.

All our products are ethically made, so you can rest assured knowing that everything we sell meets high standards. And you can browse according to your own personal values - whether that be fair trade, vegan, plastic free, or UK made.

Order online and set yourself up with an account and log-on. Enter the code 10AMNGRP into the Gift & Promo Codes box on the Payment Options stage of the checkout to receive your 10% off and FREE P&P (minimum spend: £75).

Shop Here

Amnesty Christmas Raffle 2022

You may wish to enter the Amnesty Christmas Raffle and grab your chance to feel like a winner! How would you spend £5,000? That's what's up for grabs when the raffle is drawn in just a few weeks.

Tickets cost just £2 and with every ticket you buy, you're standing up for humanity.

Buy your raffle tickets online today for your chance to experience that winning feeling and you could help more unfairly imprisoned people walk free!

Enter now

Glasgow West AI October Updates

Amnesty International - Glasgow West Local Group 

Meeting held on 10th November 2022

Present: Claire (Chair), Amanda, Hala, Kirstie, Andrew, Sharon, Jim, Merle, Christine and Silvia.

Welcome: Claire warmly welcomed Amanda and Hala to the group and members introduced themselves. Amanda and Hala will be invited to join the Signal Group and the new members welcome letter will also be forwarded to them – and also to Sharon, who was attending her second meeting. (Action - Claire / Andrew)

Glasgow West AI Group Updates

  • Silvia will continue to help update AIGW social media (including Facebook event for W4R). (Action – Silvia)

  • It was noted that Rob Hallam updates the AIGW website with the monthly updates. Andrew will forward Rob's contact details to Silvia, as she will wish to liaise with Rob in considering any changes to the website*.* (Action – Andrew / Silvia)

  • It was suggested that the AIGW website may not need to contain the monthly minutes and instead could contain a note that they are available upon request. [post meeting note - there is currently very little content on the website other than the monthly updates and minutes, so we may wish to delay any changes until we have alternative content]

  • Agreed that we should revert to one e-mail per month for the wider mailing list, containing a summary of key updates, minutes, etc. (Action – Andrew)

  • Christine distributed posters she had made and various colleagues offered to put them up in local libraries shops, etc. (Action – Various members)

  • Prisoner of Conscience role within AIGW – To be discussed in New Year.

  • Andrew to ask Rob if it's possible to obtain info on how many e-mails sent to the AIGW mailing list are opened. (Action – Andrew)

  • Treasurer's Update - Jim confirmed that the forms had been completed to enable a change of signatories to the Group's bank account. Two signatures will be required on any cheques, etc from Kirstie, Jim and Andrew. Jim will remain as Treasurer until changes are made with the bank; thereafter Kirstie will take on that role. Jim noted he had been advised that the cost of hiring the church hall would rise by a relatively modest amount. Jim indicated he would try phoning The Stand Comedy Club about hosting a fundraiser for the Group. (Action – Jim)

  • The Group had agreed at the Oct meeting to donate £100 to AIUK's Iranian Women campaign Urgent Appeal.  Having contacted AIUK regarding this, the advice was that donations to AI are generally not ringfenced for particular causes and that the appeal was aimed at individual donations. It was subsequently agreed that it would be best to rescind the previous decision to donate group funds and, instead, individual members may make a donation, should they wish to.

  • Name of Group – A brief discussion took place on whether we should consider changing the group name from AI Glasgow West to AI Glasgow. Following discussion, it was noted there could be a range of practical issues and other considerations. It was agreed that the Group's current name should remain.

  • Andrew confirmed that he had contacted Naomi McAuliffe of AI's Scotland Office, inviting her to attend a meeting of the Group in the New Year to discuss how we might work more closely with AI's Scotland office on campaigns, etc. No response had been received yet. Andrew to chase up later in November if still no response. (Action – Andrew)

  • Claire updated that she had contacted Interfaith Glasgow about the potential for joint working between our two groups. The response had been positive, though it would suit them better for something later in 2023. (Action – Claire to renew contact with Interfaith Glasgow later in 2023)

Upcoming Event - Write4Rights (W4R)

  • Kirstie advised that Hillhead Library (Byres Road, Glasgow) had confirmed the venue for Saturday 10th December 2022, where our Group will host a W4R event. The aim is to encourage members of the public to participate in W4R, raise awareness of our group and encourage new members to get involved.

  • Andrew circulated copies of the W4R booklets that had been requested on behalf of the group. (Kirstie hadn't yet received a response from AIUK to her request for booklets).

  • Agreed to cover the W4R event between 11am - 4pm. (Rota – 11am – 1pm Merle, Christine and Amanda; 1pm – 3pm Silvia, Jim and Andrew; 12pm – 4pm Claire; 2pm – 4pm Kirstie; others invited to input as and when they may be available). (Action – various members)

  • In preparation for W4R event, equipment to be brought to our next meeting, which is two days before the event: colouring pencils, pens, paper, non-religious cards, group promotional cards and banner. (Action – various members)

  • The cupboard in the church hall contains some suitable AI posters, badges and a collection tin.

  • We will share details of the event with the other Glasgow AI groups and invite them to participate with us. (Action - Andrew to share with Daytime Group and Silvia to share with Student group)

  • Also agreed that we could invite local politicians to attend the W4R event (MPs/Councillors/MSPs). (Action – all to consider and make contact, as appropriate)

  • Final preparations for the event to be made at our next meeting on Thursday 8th November.

AIUK Local Group Updates

  • Claire provided an update on some of the issues covered within the AIUK local groups update, including:

  • Jamnesty in solidarity with Luis Manuel event. AIUK was inviting groups and supporters to hold local ‘Jamnesty' live music events to celebrate Luis Manuel's life and work, raise awareness of his case and raise vital funds for AIUK. 

  • AI Conference cancelled due to train strikes.

  • *Petition: *

  • Amnesty Shop - 10% discount for members - Code: 10AMNGRP

  • Ukraine Appeal – Help Amnesty International Expose War Crimes by Fundraising with Your Group - Nov-Dec - you'll be able to donate funds raised directly to our work supporting human rights in Ukraine. We are not always able to offer groups the opportunity to raise money in support of specific areas of work, so we are looking forward to seeing how you make the most of this opportunity.  Read more about our Ukraine Appeal and how you can get involved; download a Donation Form for our Ukraine Appeal 

  • British Nationals in Iran No-One Left Behind: Download our new campaign toolkit. This new toolkit gives you information about the campaign, how to involve your MP and take part in the London to Tehran challenge, and where to find all the tools you need to take action.  

  • Update: Morad Tahbaz was sent back to Evin prison in Iran after being released on furlough. We are asking the Foreign Secretary to urgently meet Morad's family to outline the UK's plans to secure his freedom. You can read our response to this news here. Petition 

  • End Israel Apartheid: new report calling on The International Criminal Court to investigate unlawful attacks committed during Israel's August assault on the Gaza Strip as war crimes. Link to recording from conference on the Right to Boycott

  • Youth Activist Coach - piloting a new project to support Amnesty Youth Groups and youth activism in schools. We are recruiting local activists and human rights educators who are based in/can easily travel to one of the following areas, inc. Falkirk FK5! Successful applicants will be matched with, trained, and supported to offer tailored coaching to a participating Amnesty Youth Group over a 9-month period. If you are interested in being part of our pilot, please read the Youth Activist Coach role description to find out more and for how to apply.

  • Amnesty Christmas Raffle 2022 - Tickets £2: 

  • Online training courses - on futurelearn / Amnesty Academy: People, Power, and Politics: Influencing Political Decision-Makers on Human Rights; Amnesty website

Urgent Actions

Merle circulated the most recent Urgent Actions. Members within the core group and the wider mailing list are encouraged to respond to the Urgent Actions, if they can do so.

Date of Next Meeting

Thursday 8th December 2022, 7.30pm - 9pm @ Woodlands Methodist Church, 229 Woodlands Road, G3 6LW


We appreciate that there is a cost-of-living crisis and a great many are feeling the squeeze. If you do feel able to support us with a donation to help our ongoing running costs, we would be very grateful.

We have set up a Paypal donation page.

If you would prefer to donate at a meeting, that too would be welcomed!


October 2022 Updates

Thank you to AMG for these updates. If you prefer, you can read the updates as a PDF.

Welcome & Introductions

Meeting held on 13th October 2022

Present: Jim, Andrew, Merle, Kirstie, Silvia and Claire

Apologies: Neil and Christine



  • Kirstie to assume role of Treasurer. Updates to be made to the Group's bank account. Two signatures will be required on any cheques, etc.  Andrew also to be a signatory. Jim will remain as Treasurer until changes are made with the bank.
  • Claire to assume role of Group Chair, with the possibility of an additional Co-Chair being appointed in the future.
  • Andrew to assume role of Secretary. Huge thanks to Freya for all her work over the past 8 years in that role.
  • Silvia to assume the role of Social Media co-ordinator.

Discussion took place on other potential roles that could be useful and would require volunteers within the Group, including Press liaison and ‘Prisoner of Conscience'.

Group Donation:

Group agreed to donate £100 to AIUK's Iranian Women campaign Urgent Appeal.  Andrew will liaise with AIUK and Jim / Kirstie about making the donation.

Stand up at the Stand

Still no reply from The Stand Comedy Club about hosting a fundraiser for our Group. Jim will, once again, seek to follow up with them.

New Group Members

Thanks to Christine and others for beginning to draft a welcome letter for new Group members, setting out info on the work of our Group.  Thanks also to Silvia for suggesting and drafting a poster style template aimed at encouraging new members.

Social Media

Silvia is also  beginning to develop a series of attractive and social media friendly ‘posters' / templates for use in highlighting the work of the Group.

Scottish Government's proposed Human Rights Bill

[NB not to be confused with the UK Govt's 'Human Rights Bill' (AKA 'Rights Removal  Bill'), which has - at least temporarily - been put on hold with regard to its progress through Parliament]

The Human Rights Consortium Scotland (HRCS) (which comprises 100+ Scottish civil society organisations, including AI), is campaigning for the Scottish Govt to prioritise introduction of its own Human Right Bill for Scotland.  The Scottish Government had already outlined its intention to introduce this Bill and the HRCS is urging the Scottish Government to accelerate the timescale.

See: This post from HRC Scotland

The Bill is intended to safeguard existing human rights and embed them more fully across Scottish Govt policy and Scotland's legal system.

(i.e. Largely in contrast to what the UK Govt had been proposing in its Human Rights Bill)

The focus of the proposed Scottish Bill is yet to be developed in detail and will be subject to consultation. However, it is likely to build upon the 'rights-based approach' to children's policy, whereby the Scot Govt last year sought to incorporate the UN Children's Rights Convention into Scots Law.

Following the UK Govt challenging that in the Supreme Court, amendments will be required, but it is understood that the broad ability of the Scot Govt to pursue this approach was largely upheld. Naomi McAuliffe, Scotland Programme Director of AI is one of the signatories to the HRCS letter. 


It was agreed that the group should consider inputting  to the Scottish
Government's Human Rights Bill consultation when it is launched (no date

Treasurer's Report

Jim reported there is £315 in the Group's bank account. Fees for use of the hall for group meetings have been paid up until the end of 2022.  We require to pay £72 to AIUK as our local group membership fee at the start of 2023. We have now agreed the £100 donation to the Iranian Women's Rights Urgent Appeal.

Following those two payments, the balance will be £143.

Local Groups Update

Highlights below have been extracted from Local Group Mailing List (September)

Guantanamo Bay Petition 

Amnesty Shop - 10% discount for members - Code: 10AMNGRP 

Ukraine Appeal

Help AIl Expose War Crimes by Fundraising with Your Group:

  • a ring-fenced fundraising appeal for groups. In the months of
    November and December, we are offering local groups the chance to
    organise fundraising events raising money specifically for our work
    exposing war crimes in Ukraine. - more info soon!/

AIUK National Conference

05.11.22, 10:00 - 19:00 - (in-person). Any member interested in attending can Sign up here

British Nationals in Iran: No-One Left Behind

The Toolkit. October is the month of Action for British Nationals in Iran. The IAR team are inviting groups to take part in a series of events this Autumn in support of detained British Nationals in Iran, Morad and Mehran.

Download our new campaign toolkit.

This new toolkit gives you information about the campaign, how to involve your MP and take part in the London to Tehran challenge, and where to find all the tools you need to take action. If your group is organising any activities, please let us know by emailing

East Asia Update

East Asia update, including on The Uyghur Campaign

Online training courses

On the Amnesty Education webpage and Futurelearn: People, Power, and Politics: Influencing Political Decision-Makers on Human Rights

Lead Activists Mandatory Training

New mandatory training for lead activists in Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Anti-Racism (IDEA) and Safeguarding - October 25 and November 29, from 5pm to 7.15pm. Sign up here: 

Upcoming Events

Write4Rights (W4R)

Kirstie advised that our Group has had a provisional “yes” from Hillhead Library for 10-12-2022 where our Group will host a W4R event, encouraging members of the public to participate.

Provisionally aiming for 10am - 4pm. We will aim to include stickers, postcards, posters, collection tin, etc for the event. 

Freya had advised that AIUK typically send out W4R packs in early Nov - we have already requested them for our Group. The W4R documents are also available to download from the AIUK website.

Urgent Actions

Merle circulated the most recent Urgent Actions. Everyone within the core group and wider mailing list is encouraged to respond to the Urgent Actions

Belarus: Jailed Activist Subjected To Ill-Treatment 

Iran: Iranian LGBTI Defender Sentenced To Death 

Burundi: Lawyer Detained Arbitrarily For Nearly 2-Yrs 

Action Points from this (13th October 2022) Meeting

  • Silvia to do Social Media callout for new volunteers, including IAR
    Case Campaigner 

  • Silvia to freshen up our local Group website

  • Emails: Andrew to send liaise with Rob to send  two emails per month to our local Group membership. (1 with meeting minutes/updates to be sent c. 1 week after monthly meetings; 1 with meeting reminder & local group updates email link to be sent c. 1 week prior to the next monthly meeting). Include paypal account in footer. [bank details to be included just for special events]

  • Write4Rights: Kirstie to confirm event date and use of facilities with Hillhead Library → when confirmed, Andrew to share with Student group & invite/ask to collab on their W4R event

  • Following a recent request received by email*, Andrew* to be interviewed on behalf of the Group by the  Strathclyde journalism student undertaking research on Iran, mentioning our donation & AI's British Nationals in Iran campaign. 

  • Andrew to contact AI's Scotland office to ask if Naomi McAuliffe could talk to a future meeting of our group about how best we can contribute to any campaign work e.g. Human Rights Bill.

  • Claire to contact Interfaith Glasgow and Glasgow Mosque about a joint event in 2023 with the people who were at the Iftar event (on Uyghurs, Palestine, Kashmir) – Israel Apartheid campaign (use AIUK flyer & briefing notes; UN rapporteur's info); could have a more general meeting focus of “Religious Persecution”.

November Meeting

Provisional Items

Provisional list of items to be included indiscussion.  Other suggestions welcomed!

  • Recruit for Community Outreach; Amnesty Scotland/UK Liaison; Press; Welfare & Diversity; Spokesperson 

See this Google Doc 

  • Christine to share advertising posters at next meeting

  • Discuss: Shall we change our name to Glasgow Amnesty /(Note potential issues for Daytime group and Glasgow University Group which we ought to discuss with them) /

  • Write4Rights event planning

  • Begin to develop an outline of the Group's priorities on the 2023 Planner 

  • Facilitator: Any member willing to volunteer to chair the meeting would be appreciated

On Hold

Human Rights Act (UK)

As noted above. It appears that the UK Govt has, at lease temporarily, postoponed progress of its Human Rights Bill (AKA Rights Removal Bill).  Accordingly, the Group agreed to put on hold planned activity in this area until the next steps are clarified.

See 2022 Planned Campaigns for more info 

  • AI petition:
    • share & sign  🡪 social media & newsletter & see Andrew's briefing note for our Group for further info 
  • Potential speakers for future meeting discussion on Human Rights Bill:
    • Amnesty Scottish office 
    • Aamer Anwar (Glasgow-based lawyer)/ /
    • Law Dep at Univ (Silvia)
  • We could also liaise with the AI Scotland office and ask about linking with other AI local groups and broader groups within Scotland that have similar concerns to undertake more co-ordinated action on HRA. 
  • As part of this, it was agreed that the group should consider inputting to the Scottish Government's Human Rights Bill consultation when it is launched (likely sometime in 2023).

Date of Next Meeting

Thursday 10th November 2022, 7.30pm - 9pm.

Woodlands Methodist Church, 229 Woodlands Road, G3 6LW

New Group members welcome!!!


September 2022 Updates

Thanks to AMG for these updates. If you prefer, you can read the updates as a PDF.

Welcome & Introductions

Present: Merle, Andrew, Claire, Christine


AIUK Local Groups Mailing


  • Andrew as secretary/research
  • Merle continues as UAs / mail poster
  • Silvia as Social Media/Events
  • Kirstie mayyyybe as Treasurer ?? (wait for Jim role profile)
  • Claire happy to be Chair until someone else can
  • Christine as New Members Welcomer


A shared Gdrive (internal use only) has been made for storing/editing docs in a shared space (e.g. minutes/role profiles): Google Drive link (linked to; get password from Claire if needed, but I don't anticipate we will use this email, it's just so we have the Gdrive)

General Agenda Template for Future Meetings

  • local group mailing list updates
  • prisoner of conscience update [if we have one]
  • treasurer's report
  • upcoming events
  • urgent actions - letter writing (agreed this should always happen, nice bonding time)
  • any other business

Action Points

Roles still needed (ideally):

  • Prisoner of Conscience people
  • Community Outreach
  • Amnesty Scotland/UK Liaison
  • Press
  • Welfare&Diversity

Can someone who has done it before make a brief role profile for PoC person?

For the others, I've put a note in the Roles doc (I just think these other roles would be great to have, I know they aren't official “Amnesty group” roles)

File: Roles Document

When we have a role profile for PoC, → fun graphics → social media advertise for these roles [@Silvia and @Freya]

Welcome Document

@Christine to make a Welcome Doc for newbies. Ongoing Ideas to get more members:

  • put Amnesty local group leaflets in libraries with our meeting time/address - @Christine did you say you could get the leaflets/we have them?
  • speak to Student group - @Claire to get student group contact from @Mal
  • for next event: ask AIUK to see on their mailing list who lives in Glasgow and we can give them a text to email them saying “Do you know your local group?” and advertise e.g. W4R event/next speaker


  • @Andrew to request Write 4 Rights packs (and @Christine - did you say that also?!)
  • @Kirstie will ask Hillhead Library if we can do it on 10/12/22 - Human Rights Day
  • @Claire to contact Daytime group re. collaborating on a Write 4 Rights joint event - we will do ours at Hillhead Library in December; some of us can also support Daytime group at Shawlands

Daytime Group

Also @Claire to contact Daytime group and offer to advertise their meeting time/place through our social media/mailing list. Info from Meredith:

“Daytime group meets on the third Thursday of every month at The Wee Retreat, 2 Myrtle Park, G42 8UQ, from 1 - 3PM. We sign letters and discuss current events. It is 5 minutes from Crosshill rail station with free on street parking and a bus stop outside. Bus number 121 from Allison Street stops here. The meeting takes place in the studio and we have been asked not to wear outdoor shoes. Feel free to bring slippers. We are happy to add you or anyone else to our mailing list.”


Currently £378.51 in the bank. Kirstie might be up for being Treasurer if she knows what is involved. @Jim to make (v brief) role profile. Did Jim find 2 other co-signatories for Coop account?


  • Central Amnesty/local groups updates email - @Freya/@Mal to help @Claire (and @Andrew?) get on the mailing list
  • @Jim to check re. Stand up at the Stand fundraising night
  • @Andrew to link up with @Rob about monthly emails & decide how best to send out
    • ?? In next email, could we share our bank acc details again for donations (and paypal acc if running and accessible? (Jim?))
    • Could this always be in our emails maybe as a footer, maybe a nice graphic?
  • @Christine to start prepping the mulled wine for our Write4Rights December meeting (08/12/22) :p

Previous Action Points & Updates

Human Rights Act

  • (big thanks to Andrew for researching & presenting!): Planned Campaigns (PDF)
  • AI petition: – share & sign, social media & newsletter @Freya & attach Andrew's briefing note for more info
  • Get speakers for November (??) meeting:
    • Amnesty Scottish office - @Mal can you ask if they have a speaker who could come to speak to us about HRA?
    • ??? - Anwar (Glasgow lawyer) – does anyone have a link? – if not Claire can coldcall
    • Silvia – Law Dep at uni
    • Andrew - Good Law Society
  • @Someone (Andrew?!) write a template pledge about saving the HRA; all to email MPs to make a pledge that they support XXX
  • @Mal – do you have someone in the Scotland office we could ask about linking with other AI local groups within Scotland and with the Scottish AI office to undertake more co-ordinated action on HRA.
  • @All: Think about like-minded organisations locally that have similar concerns relating to the UK Government's proposed amendments to the HRA office to undertake more co-ordinated action.

Patrick Grady Meeting

@Jim to email the Scottish Office about our Patrick Grady meeting

Iftar Follow Up

@Mal is there any update on hosting a meeting with the people who were at the Iftar event (on Uyghurs, Palestine, Kashmir) – could tie this in with Israel Apartheid campaign (there are AIUK flyer & briefing notes; UN rapporteur's info); could have a more general meeting focus of “Religious Persecution”

Next meeting - October 2022

Facilitator: volunteer ???!


July 2022 Updates

Many thanks to CL for these updates. You can also read them as a PDF here.

Welcome & Introductions

Amnesty Meeting 2022-07-14

Present: Merle, Jim, Silvia, Andrew, Claire, Neil


  • Jim: couldn't find anything about Justice for Syria campaign on Amnesty's website, will wait to see

  • Amnesty boxes/resources sorted out in church storeroom – Jim emailed church. Lotsss of paper & envelopes – we need letter writing sessions again!

Action Points

Daytime group

Find out if Daytime group still meeting, when, and offer to advertise their meeting time/place through our social media/mailing list - @Freya/@Mal do you have someone you can ask?


a. @Jim to find 2 other co-signatories for Coop account

b. @Freya In next newletter, share our bank acc details again for donations (and paypal acc if running and accessible) – Could this always be in our emails maybe as a footer, maybe a nice graphic?

Stand Up For Human Rights

@Jim to ask the Stand about doing another Stand up at the Stand fundraising night

Patrick Grady Meeting

@Jim to email the Scottish Office about our Patrick Grady meeting

Human Rights Act

Big thanks to Andrew for researching&presenting!


  • AI petition: – share & sign → social media & newsletter @Freya & attach Andrew's briefing note for more info

  • Get speakers for September meeting:

    i. Amnesty Scottish office - @Mal can you ask if they have a speaker who could come to speak to us about HRA?

    ii. ??? - Anwar (Glasgow lawyer) – does anyone have a link? – if not Claire can coldcall

    iii. Silvia – Law Dep at uni

    iv. Andrew - Good Law Society

  • @Someone (Andrew?!) write a template pledge about saving the HRA → all to email MPs to make a pledge that they support XXX

  • @Mal – do you have someone in the Scotland office we could ask about linking with other AI local groups within Scotland and with the Scottish AI office to undertake more co-ordinated action on HRA.

  • @All: Think about like-minded organisations locally that have similar concerns relating to the UK Government's proposed amendments to the HRA office to undertake more co-ordinated action.

Iftar Event Follow-Up

@Mal is there any update on hosting a meeting with the people who were at the Iftar event (on Uyghurs, Palestine, Kashmir) – could tie this in with Israel Apartheid campaign (there are AIUK flyer & briefing notes; UN rapporteur's info); could have a more general meeting focus of “Religious Persecution”

Next Meeting: 2022-08-11

Next meeting's facilitator: Freya (people can volunteer each month!)

Next Event

For next event: Ask AIUK to see on their mailing list who lives in Glasgow and we can give them a text to email them saying “Do you know your local group?” and advertise September event


June 2022 Updates

Thank you to FL for these updates. If you would prefer, you can read them as a PDF.

Welcome & Introductions

Amnesty Meeting 2022-06-09



This month's updates

  • Welcoming Refugees in Glasgow: Ahlam Al-Bashiri and Dr Teresa

  • Save the Human Rights Act Campaign

  • Local Group Update from AIUK

  • Pride 2022

  • Urgent Actions

Welcoming Refugees in Glasgow: Ahlam Al-Bashiri and Dr Teresa Piacentini

Thanks to Silvia for arranging for Ahlam and Teresa to talk to the group and writing the following bios.

Ahlam Al-Bashiri

Ahlam is a Community development student at the University of Glasgow, and an activist for the rights of people seeking refuge in the UK and Scotland.

She has been active in campaigning for the right to vote for New Scots. In February 2020, the Scottish Parliament passed a new law which extends the right to vote in Scottish elections to people who are over 16 and live in Scotland. This includes everyone with leave to remain, including people with refugee status.

Thanks to Ahlam, and many other people campaigning, refugees could vote in the last Scottish Elections in 2021.

Dr Teresa Piacentini

Teresa is a researcher, teacher and activist, and a Senior Lecturer at the University of Glasgow, at the School of Social and Political Sciences.

The focus of her academic career teaching and research are the experiences of people seeking asylum and refugees in Scotland. Prior to her PhD, she has worked as a community interpreter in the asylum sector and with a range of public sector and third sector agencies.

Teresa's interests lie in the broad field of migration studies covering the various aspects of social, cultural and political life affecting people's experiences of making Scotland their home. She researches and teaches about ‘settlement', belonging and a critical engagement with what we mean by 'integration'.

Ahlam gave us a personal and fascinating talk on her own experiences as a refugee escaping the war in her home country of Yemen. She explained to us the importance of having the right to vote for human dignity and empowerment. Ahlam outlined to us the actions she took in this successful campaign. Her new focus is the Lift the Ban campaign which looks to change the laws prohibiting asylum seekers from working in the UK.

Here are some links with more information on the Lift the Ban Campaign
and how to get involved:

Teresa gave us a fascinating history of the key events and policies regarding the situation for asylum seekers in Glasgow from 2000 when dispersal began to now. She explained the different community responses there have been over this period and what forms of campaigning have been most successful.

Want to find out more? Here are some useful resources:

Solidarity Gathering, George Square, Tuesday 14th June, 6pm

Stop offshore detention to Rwanda!

The Home Office scheduled their first flight to remove to Rwanda people
seeking asylum on 14th June.

Join other members of Glasgow West at this gathering. More information
contact Claire L

Save the Human Rights Act Campaign

Thank you to Andrew for putting together this briefing note on the Human Rights Act Campaign.

/N.B. This paper is a first draft. Any comments, corrections or
suggestions from colleagues within the local AI Group would be very much


This paper sets out some of the issues relating to AIUK's ‘/Save the Human Rights Act/' campaign. The purpose is to help focus discussion within the local AI group about potential actions that could be taken to help promote and deliver on this work.

Background on the Human Rights Act

The Human Rights Act (HRA) set out the fundamental rights and freedoms that everyone in the UK is entitled to. It incorporated into domestic British law the rights set out in the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). 

The ECHR itself was founded in the aftermath of WWII, to help ensure that Governments could never again ‘dehumanise and abuse people's rights with impunity'. The ECHR is an international human rights treaty between the 46 states that are members of the Council of Europe (not to be confused with the European Union).

The HRA came into force in the UK in Oct 2000.

The Act has three main effects:

  1. Citizens can seek justice in a British Court;

  2. Public Bodies are obliged to respect human rights: and

  3. New laws require to be compatible with ECHR rights.

Prior to the HRA, UK citizens could only bring a legal challenge relating to their rights under the ECHR via the European Court of Human Rights. That process is typically lengthy and expensive. The HRA allows the rights guaranteed by the ECHR to be enforced in UK courts, thereby simplifying and improving citizen's access to justice within the UK.

AIUK has set out various examples of how the HRA has helped deliver justice over the past two decades. This includes in areas such as holding police to account for failings at Hillsborough, exposing shortcomings in Inquests relating to avoidable hospital deaths; requiring local authorities to provide essential care services and underpinning the Northern Ireland Good Friday Agreement.

Recent UK Government Activities relating to the HRA

The UK Government has sought to make a number of changes to the HRA in recent years, which many consider will undermine the duties and safeguards provided by the Act.

Concerns about ‘Human Rights impinging on the rule of law' has been a long-standing issue within some sections of the Conservative Party.

Intentions were set out in a 2014 paper Protecting Human Rights in the UK: The Conservatives’ Proposals for Changing Britain’s Human Rights Laws.

The narrative around this has been couched as replacing the HRA with a
"modern UK Bill of Rights". The Government's 2019 manifesto pledged to:

“… update the Human Rights Act and administrative law to ensure there
is a proper balance between the rights of individuals, our vital
national security and effective government.”

The changes proposed by the UK Government have been widely condemned by
a range of commentators. In its response to the UK Government's
consultation regarding the proposed changes to the HRA, the Law Society
(the independent professional body for solicitors) set out the

“While we welcome the government's continued commitment to remaining a
party to the European Convention on Human Rights, we're concerned by the
proposals put forward which fundamentally change the framework of the
Human Rights Act and the protections it provides.

We do not believe there is a case for the sweeping reforms proposed.

We're concerned that the proposed reforms do not recognise the
significant benefits that have been achieved for British society through
the HRA, that is, improving access to justice and upholding the rule of

We believe the proposals will:

  • damage the rule of law

  • prevent access to justice

  • reduce or remove rights

  • lead to more cases being taken to the European Court of Human Rights

  • impact devolution

  • damage the UK's international reputation

  • create legal uncertainty

  • increase costs and complexity"

Concerns raised in the consultation on the draft Bill included those
relating to data laws, privacy, rights of minorities, lack of detailed
impact analysis on the proposed changes, etc.

Separate legislation, such as the Police, Crimes and Sentencing Act 2022' 1 impact on issues such as holding protests. That Act
includes provision for protests to be banned or shut down on the basis
of them being too disruptive or noisy. The UK Government stated that the
new legislation was necessary due to new forms of protest, such as that
carried out by Extinction Rebellion, causing undue disruption. For many,
the right to protest is a seen as inextricably linked with wider human
rights and, it has been pointed out that some of today's accepted rights
only came into being as a result of protestors challenging and breaking
unjust laws.

AIUK Strategic Plan Priorities

The [AIUK Strategic Plan]( 2022-2030.pdf?VersionId=eJ.NKqmhU9vVI0m5_wFCBuc_Ii_MwL3q) 2022-30 includes Priority Issue 4 ‘Human Rights Frameworks'.

“Human rights frameworks are the bodies of law and standards that
describe our human rights, support their respect, protection and
fulfilment and offer access to remedy for abuses – in the UK and
globally. These protections are under significant threat and such
threats require us to be vigilant against attempts to dilute our rights
through amendment or scrapping of existing laws and to the introduction
of new laws that erode existing rights.

In the next strategic period, we will actively challenge the narrative
that seeks to undermine human rights protections at home and abroad.”

(AIUK Strategic Plan 2022-30, p.7)

AIUK also set out a summary of the key benefits that the HRA brings to the UK.

Potential Actions for local AI group

The undernoted are some initial ideas for potential actions that the
local AI Group might take to support AIUK's ‘Save the HRA' campaign.

  1. Improve awareness and understanding of the issues by group members reading information on the HRA and the potential implications of the current UK Government's changes, discussing these within the local group and considering useful actions that could be taken.

    (Linked to point 1., The Good Law Project is hosting a free online discussion event ‘Is the UK Shutting Down Dissent: Protest in the New Age of Policing Powers' with an interesting range of key speakers on Weds 15th June @ 5pm-6pm )

  2. Sign the AIUK petition to save the HRA: (

  3. Disseminate information on the changes proposed by the UK Government to the HRA and encourage others to sign the petition, e.g. via social media, etc.

  4. Link with other AI local groups within Scotland and with the Scottish AI office to undertake more co-ordinated action.

  5. Link with other like-minded organisations locally that have similar concerns relating to the UK Government's proposed amendments to the HRA office to undertake more co-ordinated action.

  6. Other potential actions? – to be discussed by local group

Conclusion / Recommendation

This short paper has attempted to summarise the context, main issues and
potential actions for the local group relating to AIUK's HRA ‘Save the
Act' campaign.

The local AI Group is asked to:

  • Consider the issues raised within the paper and discuss whether this area ought to be a priority action area for the local group; and

  • If so, to agree, prioritise and schedule actions that the local group will undertake.

Selected References and Links for Further Information

AIUK, Briefing on the European Convention on Human Rights, 2018.

AIUK dedicated website relating to AIUK's HRA ‘/Save the Act'/

AIUK, 8 Reasons Why the HRA makes the UK a Better Place', 2020

EHRC, website of the Equality & Human Rights Commission, including
information on the rights covered by the HRA, the work of the EHRC, etc.

The Guardian, 3/10/14, 'Conservatives plan to scrap Human Rights Act',

The Guardian, 10/5/15 Michael Gove to proceed with Tories' plans to scrap human rights act

Good Law Project, Briefing on the Police, Crimes and Sentencing Bill
(The short article also includes a link to the detailed legal advice
obtained by the GLP
), 2021.

Liberty, ‘Right to Protest',

UK Government, Protest Powers: Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act, May 2022

Local Group Update from AIUK

Please follow the link to read the latest Local Groups Update:

Issues covered in this month's mailing:

  • Human Rights and Social Justice Film Night + Q&A organised by the Kingston and District Amnesty groups (recorded and available to watch online).

  • Standing against the government's Rwanda policy

  • Real Lives Magazine supplement available to read here.

  • Local group fundraising update

  • Upcoming online Amnesty UK events

  • Save the date: National Conference - Saturday 5 November 2022

  • Obituary for Amnesty member Denis Newbury and congratulations to Bob Dewick (marked 40 years as Group Secretary to the Bognor Regis, Chichester & District Group)

  • Refugee Week events

  • Amnesty UK campaign updates

  • New film on the campaign to ban killer robots (fully autonomous weapons systems)

Amnesty AGM and National Conference 2022

If you're a paid member of Amnesty International, you should have received information in the post regarding how to attend the online AGM and vote on the resolutions. The local group also has the right to vote. Please complete this poll ( by Sunday 19th June and group secretary, Freya, will submit our votes by majority decision.

Pride 2022

Glasgow Pride March – June 25th – More info:

There will also be another Mardi Gla pride march on July 16th and Pride Hub on the 16th and 17th July -

Urgent Actions

Thank you to MR for sharing these urgent actions.

Colombia: Protect Environmental Defenders At Risk

On May 31st, four environmental defenders from the organization Federation of Santander Fishers for Tourism and Environment (FEDEPESAN) were victims of an attack with firearms by unknown people while assessing possible environmental harm in the Magdalena Medio region, an extensive inter-Andean valley in the central part of Colombia formed by the Magdalena River. We urge the Ministry of Interior to adopt immediate measures to guarantee the life and right to defend human rights of members of FEDEPESAN.

Maldives: Maldivian Activist Faces Jail For Blasphemy

Mohamed Rusthum Mujuthaba, 39, a Maldivian religious freedom and human rights activist, faces five months in prison, if convicted, on charges of blasphemy. Accused of posting blasphemous contents on social media, he was detained for more than six months without trial under the Maldives' Penal Code, in violation of international human rights law. The Maldivian authorities must immediately drop the charges against Mohamed Rusthum Mujuthaba.

You can download the full PDF or click Take Action at the top of the page for a link to a pre-prepared email/letter action.

Keep checking the Urgent Actions sites for actions you can take from your home:

Next meeting

Thursday 14th July, Woodlands Methodist Church, Woodlands Road, 7.30pm. Full details on Facebook:

Please contact Freya ( with any questions.


1 Whilst some of the legislative changes referred to do not relate specifically to Scotland, it is frequently the case that individuals and groups within Scotland will wish to protest on matters reserved to the UK Parliament, take part in protests held, for example, in London, etc.


May 2022 Updates

Thank you to CL for thse updates. If you prefer, you can read them in PDF format.

Welcome & Introductions

Amnesty Meeting 12.05.22

Present: Merle, Lisa, Jim, Silvia, Andrew, Claire

Upcoming Events

  1. 24.05.22 – AIUK online training on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion – @Claire attend and feedback

  2. 04.06.22 – Tiananmen Square Vigil, Edinburgh (@Mal who can we ask for more details?)

  3. 20.06.22-20.06.22 – Refugee Week, theme is “Healing” – see below

  4. 22.06.22 – AI Secretariat (international) will launch Right to Protest flagship campaign. In the UK, it will launch locally in Autumn 2022.

  5. 23.06.22: We need to have voted on AIUK's AGM resolutions by 23.06.. Did @Freya get a voting form for our group?

  6. 25.06.22: AIUK AGM, 10am-6pm, in London and online

Action Points

Context: AIUK Planned Campaigns for 2022

  1. Can AIUK see on their mailing list who lives in Glasgow and we
    can give them a text to email them saying “Do you know your local
    group?” @Mal?

  2. Follow-up on hosting a meeting with the people who were at the Iftar event (on Uyghurs, Palestine, Kashmir) – could tie this in with Israel Apartheid campaign (there are AIUK flyer & briefing notes; UN rapporteur's info); could have a more general meeting focus of “Religious Persecution” - @Mal has there been any chat from the Iftar attendees?

  3. Justice for Syria - @Jim will research, see if there are specific actions we as a group could take

  4. Save the Human Rights Act @Andrew will research, see if there are specific actions we as a group could take

  5. Refugee Week – @Silvia will ask her colleagues/contacts if someone can come as a speaker for the June meeting (09.06.22) to tell us what we can do to be most effective. @Silvia to (hopefully!) confirm by 20.05.22 🡪@Freya advertise everywhere w/c 23.05.22!

    1. @Mal (supported by @Lisa if needed) What are Glasgow Amnesty's links to the Edinburgh office? Can we email them asking how we can help them with upcoming events (way-in with Refugee Week?). Is there to be a photo action in George Square?!

    2. What other local events can we get involved in during Refugee Week – do we have links to other organisations' events and can offer to have a stall @Mal?

    3. Borders Bill: passed on 27.04.22. 🡪 @All - see letter template to be sent to MPs about the Rwanda part of it - Borders Bill Info.

Other focus areas for AIUK

Homelessness: We agreed not to focus on Homelessness as there are other groups who are focussing on it and are experts, but perhaps we could reshare their posts on Social Media, e.g. Positive Action in Housing / Shelter.

Ukraine: no one had specific ideas/thoughts on actions. AI's actions:

Right to Protest: no one had specific ideas/thoughts – maybe we wait until AI's campaign starts to focus on this? (although depends on Westminster too…)

Next Meeting: 2022-06-09

June Meeting, Thurs 9th June, 7.30pm: Welcoming Refugees in Glasgow

Our June meeting is going to be special as we have two guest speakers coming to talk to the group. In honour of Refugee Week, which takes place later on in June, we will be using our monthly meeting to find out more about the lived experience of refugees here in Glasgow and what we can do as activists to support them and campaign for their rights.

Our two expert speakers are:

  1. Dr Teresa Piacentini - Senior Lecturer at the University of Glasgow. Teresa has a research interest in the experiences of people seeking asylum and refugees in Scotland.

  2. Ahlam Al-Bashiri - Campaigner on refugee voting rights in Scotland. Ahlam works with Saheliya Organisation. Ahlam was a Yemeni diplomat and she is co- founder of To Yemen With Love, an initiative to raise awareness about the humanitarian crisis and the war in Yemen, and to highlight Yemeni culture and traditions in Scotland.

Join us on Thursday at our usual meeting venue (Woodlands Methodist Church) at 7.30pm. Friends and family very welcome too as we'd like a large turnout for Teresa and Ahlam. Facebook event here:


March 2022 Updates

Thanks to FL for these updates. If you prefer, you can read them as a PDF!

March Updates

Attendees at monthly meeting (10th March):


Anti-Racism March, Sat 19th March

We're taking part in the Stand Up to Racism march on Saturday 19th March. Meet us at 11am outside the Park Gardens entrance to Kelvingrove Park (bottom of the granite steps, G3 7YE). We should be easy to spot with Amnesty International banners/ placards. Come and join us!

Any questions please email Mal (

Facebook event for full details:

Saudi Arabia Campaign Updates (CA)

Raif Badawi

You might remember taking action for Raif Badawi a Saudi Arabian poet and activist, who was sentenced to 10 years in prison and 1,000 lashes for setting up a website that allowed people to voice their views.

He was sentenced in 2014, and after too many years of unfair imprisonment we are happy to report that Raif was released last Friday. The conditions of his release - and the possible 10-year travel ban - are unclear at this point.

Reprieve Petition

Petition from the organisation, Reprieve, calling on Boris Johnson to cancel his trip to Saudi Arabia and condemn the killings: Reprieve

Local Group Update from AIUK

Please follow the link to read the latest Local Groups Update - Local Group Update from Amnesty UK

Issues covered in this month's mailing:

  • Board elections 2022

  • AGM role vacancies

  • Rise Up, a free campaigning course for 16-24 year olds

  • New online portal where you can access all of Amnesty International
    courses, training and resources in one place

  • Update on the Nationality and Borders Bill

  • Learn more about Israel's Apartheid against Palestinians

  • Amnesty's position on vaccine mandates

  • Human Rights Act consultation

  • Local group fundraising update

Ukraine Refugee Crisis: Call on the UK Government to do more!

With the humanitarian catastrophe unfolding in Ukraine, we need to ensure that the UK government steps up to support refugees. We want to see the UK play its part in strengthening international efforts to protect civilians and in bringing to justice those suspected of crimes under international law.

According to the UN refugee agency, more than 2.8 million people have fled from Ukraine since Russia's criminal invasion on 24 February. Amnesty believes the UK's deeply inadequate response to the Ukraine refugee crisis is evidence of a "corrosively anti-refugee attitude" within the Home Office. The Government is currently taking its Nationality and Borders Bill through Parliament, which will fundamentally undermine the UK's asylum system and damage refugee rights globally.

Please contact your local MP as soon as possible to encourage them to raise these concerns with the Prime Minister. On the link below, you will find a template letter and a briefing to send to your MP. There is also a template press release for you to send to local media to raise awareness locally and help put pressure on your MP and the government.

Ukraine Refugee Crisis Link

Amnesty AGM and National Conference 2022

This year's AGM will be predominantly virtual, and held on the 25th June 2022. The in-person activities will be taking place at the Human Rights Action Centre in London.

Due to COVID-19 restrictions at the Human Rights Action Centre, we will be asking those who can, to join virtually as there will be a limited number of spaces available to join in person. To join us in person, please register your interest here: using this Google Form

Urgent Actions

Thank you to MR for sharing these urgent actions.

China: Imprisoned Bookseller At Risk Of Ill-Treatment

Hong Kong bookseller Gui Minhai was sentenced on 24 February 2020 to 10 years' imprisonment and deprivation of political rights for five years, on the charge of "illegally providing intelligence to foreign entities". Since then, he has been denied access to his family and, having obtained Swedish citizenship in 1996, to Swedish consular assistance. There are grave concerns over Gui Minhai's poor health, and that he is at risk of torture and other ill-treatment. The Chinese government must release Gui Minhai immediately; pending his release, he must be granted access to his family, lawyers of his choice, consular support, and adequate medical care.

imprisoned Bookseller At Risk of Ill-Treatment

Iran: Tortured Kurdish Men At Risk Of Execution

Anwar Khezri, Ayoub Karimi, Davoud Abdollahi, Farhad Salimi, Ghassem Abesteh, Kamran Sheikheh and Khosrow Basharat, all from Iran's Kurdish Sunni minority, are at risk of execution at Raha'i Shahr prison, near Tehran. They were convicted of "corruption on earth" (efsad-e fel-arz) and sentenced to death in grossly unfair trials marred by claims of torture to extract "confessions".

Tortured Kurdish Men At Risk of Execution

Singapore: Halt Resumption Of Unlawful Executions

The authorities of Singapore are poised to resume hangings, after a two-year hiatus linked to pending appeals and the COVID-19 pandemic. In violation of international law and standards, several people who were sentenced to the mandatory death penalty for drug-related offenses are facing imminent execution, and more executions may follow. The Supreme Court has been petitioned to halt the executions and there are concerns on the use of the death penalty on those with mental and intellectual disabilities. The government of Singapore must halt all scheduled executions, commute these sentences and establish an official moratorium on all executions as a first step towards full abolition of the death penalty.

Halt Reumption of Unlwaful Executions in Singapore

You can download the full PDF or click Take Action at the top of the page for a link to a pre-prepared email/letter action.

Keep checking the Urgent Actions sites for actions you can take from your home - Urgent Actions at AIUK

Next meeting

Thursday 14th April, Woodlands Methodist Church, Woodlands Road, 7:30pm. Full details in our Facebook event:

Please bring your face masks and do a lateral flow test prior to attending if you can.

You can also contact Freya ( with any questions.


February Meeting Info + January 2022 Minutes!

Thank you to FL for these minutes! As ever, you can read them as a PDF if you would prefer.



Patrick Grady MP Visit in February

We look forward to welcoming back Patrick Grady MP who is coming to talk to the group at our meeting on the 10th February. Patrick Grady is the MP for Glasgow North and friend of the group. We talked about the different points we would like to discuss with Patrick during the meeting.

We'd like to encourage a large turnout to welcome our guest speaker so please share details of the meeting with anyone you think may be interested.

Treasurer's Report and Fundraising Needs

Due to COVID limiting our fundraising activities, the group is low on
funds. Some of the things we need to pay for include meeting room costs,
Amnesty affiliation fees and very importantly, postage costs.

We talked about some of the ways we could fundraise over the next couple
of months.

CC suggested providing a fundraising link on our social media. She is
going to look into the best websites to use for this. Other group
members also suggested putting out a call for donations to our mailing

We aim to start organising face to face fundraising activities again
later in the year when hopefully COVID is less of a concern...

Secretary's Report

Local Group Update

You can read the latest Local Groups Update online

Our group features in this month's Local Groups Update!

Issues covered in this month's mailing:

  • Write for Rights 2021

  • Campaign to stop young girls from being forced into early marriage
    in West & Central Africa

  • Amnesty Activism during COP26

  • Appeal for funds

  • Volunteering opportunity: Become an Activism Rep!

  • JCB Off Track: New Report & Local Action - Israel / Occupied
    Palestinian Territories

  • Training opportunities: Introduction to Equity and Inclusion Course
    and Climate Change and Human Rights Course

No One Is Illegal Events in January

There is a lot of concern in Glasgow and across the country about the UK Government's Borders Bill and it's potential impact on people applying for asylum here. Please join us in protesting against this new and damaging legislation.

You can find Amnesty's Truth Behind the Bill fact sheet here:

12-2pm, Saturday 22nd January: We All Belong - No One Is Illegal!

gathering in Maxwell Square Park, Kenmure Street

(NB: This is a different place to the larger Maxwell Park). This is an opportunity to learn more about the issue and prepare for the march the following week. There will be free food, information stalls, spearhead and poster and badge making. Please make sure to take a lateral flow test before attending. We are hoping to have a stall at this event.

More on Facebook:

Saturday 29th January -- March

11am, Saturday 29th January

We All Belong - No One Is Illegal! march from the Bowling Green, Kenmure Street, Pollokshields to George Square to join Refugees for Justice who will be holding an event starting at noon in support of asylum seekers and against hotel detention. Please bring posters and banners.

The march route is approximately 2 miles.

More on Facebook:

Other Upcoming Events

Saturday 15th January Poland Embassy Protest: Stop Refugees Freezing!

We will be outside the Poland Consulate in Edinburgh on the 15th January as part of an International Day of Action in solidarity with thousands of refugees stuck on the Belarus/ Poland border in freezing conditions. We will join with activists from Edinburgh Undercroft Amnesty group, Edinburgh Portobello Amnesty group, Edinburgh University Amnesty group, and Europe Must Act - Scotland group.

The Government of Poland must stop illegal pushback tactics against refugees who arrive in Poland and allow humanitarian assistance from NGOs.

EU should enforce European law but also ensure Poland and other border states are supported to look after the increased number of refugees and to safely and legally settle then in countries across Europe. The UK Government said we are only leaving EU and not Europe so we too have a moral responsibility to support in this way as well, especially if Poland is truly an ally.

Alexander Lukashenko and the Government of Belarus must stop using these refugees as pawns in their geo-politocal games, bringing them to the border on false promises, subjecting them to horrific violence from the police, and then in some cases forcing them back to their home countries where they are at risk.

No country comes out of this situation with any credit, while these humans freeze in temperatures that will drop to below zero this winter!

We stand in solidarity with our fellow activists around Europe raising this issue and to all refugees living in inhumane conditions. As our friends say, Europe Must Act.

Contact Mal ( for more information.

Saturday 19th March UN Anti-Racism Day March

More details of this march to follow. Please save the date.

Urgent Actions

Thank you to MR for sharing these urgent actions.

Congo: Peaceful activists jailed for 'defamation' (act by 31 Jan)

Activists Claude Lwaboshi Buhazi (32), Faustin Ombeni Tulinabo (26) and Serge Mikindo Waso (33), members of the citizen movement, Jicho la Raiya (The Eye of the Citizens) were arrested on 18 February in Kirotshe, in the Democratic Republic of Congo's North Kivu province, as they were preparing to take part in a peaceful protest against "illegal road taxation" and allegations of mismanagement at the Kirotshe health district. They were accused of defamation and jailed at the police station in Kirotshe before being transferred to Goma Central Prison on 2 March. On 26 November, their request for release on bail was rejected by a military magistrate in Goma. Amnesty International calls for the three activists' immediate and unconditional release.

China: Covid-19 journalist must be granted medical bail (act by 20 Jan)

Citizen journalist Zhang Zhan, who has been on partial hunger strike in protest of her incarceration, is at grave risk of death and her family does not expect her to live through the winter if she is not released on medical grounds. Shanghai Women's Prison has not responded to an application for her bail on medical grounds filed by her family on 15 November. Meanwhile, Zhang Zhan's lawyer and family members continue to file applications to visit her in person, but to no avail. Pending her release, the Chinese authorities must accept the application of medical bail before she dies in the prison.

Morocco: Sahrawi activist raped by Moroccan forces (act by 25 Jan)

On 15 November, Moroccan security forces broke into the house of Sultana Khaya, Sahrawi woman activist and defender of Sahrawis' right to self-determination. They raped her and sexually abused her sisters and 80-year-old mother. This is not the first time Moroccan forces have committed acts of torture and other ill-treatment against Sultana Khaya and her family, who have been under de facto house arrest since November 2020.


You can download the full PDF or click Take Action at the top of the page for a link to a pre-prepared email/letter action.

Keep checking the Urgent Actions sites for actions you can take from your home:

Next meeting

Thursday 10th February, Woodlands Methodist Church, Woodlands Road, 7:30pm.

Full details in our Facebook event: []

Guest speaker Patrick Grady MP for Glasgow North!

Please bring your face masks and do a lateral flow test prior to attending.

You can also contact Freya (freya_lyte\ with any questions.


November 2021 Minutes

Many thanks to FL for these minutes! If you wish, you may read them as a PDF.

Welcome and Introductions





Write for Rights Campaign 2021

Amnesty International runs the Write for Rights campaign annually across the world. Individuals and groups who face human rights abuses are identified. Supporters can either chose to send messages of solidarity, or write appeal letters to the relevant authorities, or both! During the 2020 Write for Rights campaign, over 4.4 million actions were taken! For more information, visit the website: []

Write for Rights Event at Milk Cafe

We are planning an event(s) at Milk Cafe on Victoria Road the week beginning 6th December.

We need volunteers to help with this. Please email Freya ([freya_lyte\]) ASAP to find out more.

We will also be taking part in Write for Rights at our December meeting and via our social media. Double check that you're following us on Twitter (\@AmnestyGlasWest) Facebook (\@glasgowwestamnesty) and Instagram (\@glasgowwestamnesty)!

Week of Action: Stop the Rights Raid (10-17th October)

Thank you to all group members who got in touch with their MPs re: legislation going through parliament which we believe will negatively impact human rights. We had supportive responses from local MPs Alison Thewliss and Patrick Grady. Please get in touch if you would like a copy of their responses.

COP26 Activism

Glasgow West Amnesty were busy with two events over COP26.

We participated in the climate justice march on 6th November alongside members of the Glasgow University Amnesty group and Amnesty members from other parts of Scotland.

On Sunday 7th, we organised a vigil for persecuted environmental activists. The vigil featured speeches from Marie Kolo, an activist from Madagascar, Sandra from Colombia, Allyson Castillo, Amnesty youth activist from Chile and Glasgow university students. Attendees took part in a solidarity action for Bernardo Caal Xol and signed petitions on related issues. The event was well-attended, including by local MP Patrick Grady and MSP Paul Sweeney.

Thank you to group members Kirstie and Claire L for helping to organise the vigil and Mal for introducing all the speakers and coordinating the event on the day. Thanks also to Music Broth whom we rented the mic and speaker from.

If you would like to find out more about how climate change is a human rights issue, check out the recording of the Scotland Online Activism Group's event on the subject. It features Chiara Liguori from Amnesty's International Secretariat and Amnesty youth activist Serena Jemmett in an enlightening and enjoyable discussion on climate change and human rights:

[Why Climate Change is a Human Rights issue: Amnesty & COP26 ]

Secretary's Report

Local Group Update

Please follow the link to read the latest Local Groups Update:

[November Local Groups Update]

Other Upcoming Events

Screening of Bringing Assad to Justice

We are planning to organise a film screening of this documentary. The documentary, Bringing Assad To Justice, is the remarkable story of efforts against the odds to make one of the worst regimes of our time accountable for heinous crimes without parallel since the Nazis. Visit the film's website for more information: We will let you know when we have confirmed a date and venue.

Patrick Grady MP Visit

We look forward to hearing from Patrick Grady MP at our February meeting (10th). Save the date!


We look forward to organising a ceilidh fundraiser in 2022! Get in touch if you would like to be involved with this.

Urgent Actions

Thank you to MR for sharing these urgent actions.

Libya: Activist missing after seizure by armed men

Armed men abducted Mansour Atti, a journalist, blogger and head of the Red Crescent Committee and of the Civil Society Commission in Ajdabiya, on 3 June 2021 near his workplace in Ajdabiya, in northeastern Libya. Since then, his family have received no information about his fate and whereabouts, amid credible reports that he is being held by an armed group in eastern Libya. Prior to his abduction, Mansour Attia had been subjected to repeated questioning about his activism by the Internal Security Agency-Ajdabiya, an armed group affiliated to the Libyan Arab Armed Forces (LAAF), a powerful armed group in de facto control of eastern Libya.


Tunisia: LGBTI rights defender violently attacked

Badr Baabou, a human rights defender and LGBTI rights activist, was violently assaulted by police officers on the night of 21 October 2021 in downtown Tunis. Security forces have been targeting Badr Baabou for his work and activism in promoting the rights and freedoms of LGBTI people in Tunisia. This attack is the latest in a long series that spans several years. Several complaints have been filed but to no avail. The authorities must conduct an investigation into the attack, bringing those responsible to account.


Indonesia: Human rights defenders accused of defamation

Haris Azhar and Fatia Maulidiyanti face a criminal investigation following allegations of defamation by the Coordinating Minister for Maritime and Investment Affairs. The police report follows the upload of a YouTube video containing a dialogue between the two defenders about findings from a recent report outlining the alleged involvement of several military figures in the mining industry.

If the police decide to proceed with the report, Azhar and Maulidyanti could face up to six years in prison under the Electronic Information and Transactions Law simply for exercising their human right to freedom of expression.


Singapore: Unlawful execution set for Malaysian national

The authorities of Singapore have set the execution of Malaysian national Nagaenthran K Dharmalingam for 10 November. In violation of international law and standards, he was sentenced to the mandatory death penalty after he was found guilty of transporting 42.72 grams of diamorphine in April 2009. Several medical experts have found him to have borderline intellectual functioning and cognitive deficits, which might have impacted his ability to assess risks and his accounts of the circumstances of the offence. You must take action before the 30th November.


You can download the full PDF or click Take Action at the top of the page for a link to a pre-prepared email/letter action.

Keep checking the Urgent Actions sites for actions you can take from your home:

[Urgent Actions]

Next meeting

Thursday 9th December, 7pm

Our December meeting will be a little bit different! It's going to be hosted by the group secretary, Freya, in her flat in the southside of Glasgow.

Write for Rights is live this month so we'll be writing solidarity cards and appeal letters for the individuals in this year's caseload. They'll also be festive snacks and drinks. Importantly, it will give us a chance to reconnect after so many online meetings!

Please RSVP ([freya_lyte\]) to get the address and information on how to get there. When you RSVP, please let us know of any dietary requirements you may have. 🙂

As this event is inside, we ask that you take a lateral flow COVID test on the day. Thanks in advance.

There is a Facebook event for this meeting:



September 2021 Minutes

Thanks to FL and MDS for these minutes. You can read them as a PDF here.

Welcome and Introductions

Attending: AH, CA, CL, KM, MDS

Apologies: MR, FL, JG

The group welcomed new member Anna.

The group to move the meetings to the third Thursday of the month for October and November.

Secretary's Report

Local Group Update

Please follow the link to read the latest Local Groups Update: [Local Groups Update]

  • There will be a national Amnesty conference held in London on 13th November.

  • The monthly mailing includes an inspiring message of thanks sent by Vernon Gonsalves to a local Amnesty group in the UK. Vernon is part BK16 prisoners held in India.

Week of Action (10-17th October)

Many groups including Amnesty UK, Liberty, the British Institute of Human Rights, Freedom from Torture, the End Violence Against Women coalition (EVAW), Stonewall and Equally Ours alongside Quakers, Humanists and others are coming together to tell MPs to Stop the Rights Raid.

What we need to do:

  1. Reach out to our local MPs and ask them to meet in October. A draft email you can use to contact your MP was included in the last group email. There are also more detailed materials now available. Please email Freya for a copy ([freya_lyte\]). Let Freya know who you have emailed.

  2. Meet with our MPs (either online or in person) to discuss the Rights Raid with them. Amnesty have provided a briefing to help us with this. Again, see previous email or Freya. You can also request a written response from your MP instead.

Amnesty is running a series of online workshop to support activists with the Week of Action.

Influencing your MP and engaging local media session with top tips and support

Monday 27 September, 6 - 7.30pm Register here:

[via GoToWebinar]

Short session with Naomi McAuliffe (Amnesty Scotland) to understand the devolved context

Thursday 30 September 7-7.30pm. No registration. Join on Zoom here:

[Naomi McAuliffe short Zoom session]

Ask the experts: a panel to get you up to speed on the Bills

Monday 4 October, 6 - 7.30pm Register here - [hosted via GoToWebinar]


Online Events

Why Climate Change is a Human Rights issue: Amnesty and COP26

Wed, 22 September, 18:30 -- 20:00

An intro to why climate change is a human rights issue and what Amnesty International will be doing when COP26 comes to Glasgow in November.

Recording available here:

Protecting human rights of environmental campaigners

We also understand that during COP, Amnesty International UK will be organising an online event focused on protecting the human rights of environmental campaigners around the world.

In Person Events

Amnesty Bloc in Global Day for Climate Justice March, Glasgow

Saturday 6th November

We aim to provide a friendly and safe environment for those joining the protest, while highlighting impact of climate change on human rights.

Vigil for environmental campaigners

We are also planning a vigil on Sunday 7th November in solidarity with persecuted environmental campaigners around the world.

Afghanistan Action

Please sign this petition calling on the Prime Minister to act urgently to help Afghan civilians at risk


Other Upcoming Events

Take One Action! Film Festival

Runs from the 22nd - 26th September with both online and in-cinema screenings. Check out the full programme here:

Urgent Actions

Keep checking the Urgent Actions sites for actions you can take from your home -


John Gerrard has decided to move over the Glasgow Daytime Amnesty Group. John is the longest running member of Glasgow West Amnesty and has made a fantastic contribution over many years. We want to thank him for all his activism and wish him luck in all his continued human rights campaigning.

Next meeting

Thursday 21st October