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May 2024 Meeting + April Updates

Thank you to AMG for providing these updates. If you would like to read them as a PDF, you can do so here.

We warmly invite you to attend the next meeting of the Amnesty International Glasgow West Group. Please come and join in our lively and friendly discussions and help us make a positive difference to supporting Human Rights around the world.

This email includes:

  • Details of our forthcoming May 2024 meeting;
  • Information on current AIUK activities;
  • Minutes of our local Group meeting held last month; and
  • A note of our local Group's meeting dates for 2024.

May 2024 Glasgow West AI Group Meeting

Thursday 9th May, Woodlands International Methodist Church, 7:30pm

The next Glasgow West Amnesty meeting takes place on Thursday 9th May 2024 at 7.30pm – 9pm in Woodlands International Church, Woodlands Road, Glasgow, G3 6LW.

Further details on Facebook -

We would love to see you there!

Our April meeting will include:

  • A discussion with Alexander Dakars, an internationally acclaimed artist who will be collaborating with our Group in an exhibition in Glasgow this summer;

  • Discussion on Amnesty Futures;

  • Updates from our local group co-ordinators on their activities; and

  • Undertaking letter writing in response to recent Urgent Actions alerts from AIUK.

AIUK Local Groups Updates

For details of the most recent AIUK Local Groups' Update, click on this link.


Join us on Saturday 22 June 2024 for a day of learning about Amnesty's work, AGM business, speakers, networking and shaping our movement as you make your voice count!

The AGM enables us all to get together, share plans and discuss ideas, so that we can build an even more powerful human rights movement in the UK. The event is FREE and will be held in Sheffield at Sheffield Hallam University.

Booking is now OPEN, so book your place and make your voice count. Book your in-person or online ticket here.

Tickets include event entry, refreshments, lunch, and an optional evening get-together with entertainment and food.

Please note: AGM business can be attended by Amnesty International UK Section members only. If you need to check your membership status, please contact

Affiliated members who are unable to attend the AGM in person can still participate by joining the meeting online.

For further information on the AGM, please check here.

22 June 9.30 am - 7:30 pm - Amnesty International UK Annual General Meeting, Sheffield Hallam University. In-person and online options. Book here.

Rwanda Bill

Credit: Marie-Anne Photography

Despite widespread opposition, late into the night on 22 April, Parliament passed the Rwanda Act. This new law aggressively strips away the fundamental rights of those seeking safety on our shores. It's a deliberate act of cruelty and a national disgrace. But we are not defeated. Now, more than ever, we need to make our voices heard.
Please read and share our campaign outputs and look out for further updates, as we continue to challenge this act of injustice.

You can read our statement in response to the Bill passing here.

A video we produced with Freedom from Torture and Liberty here.

A blog by our Refugee and Migrant Rights Programme Director here.

And a flavour of some of our campaigning, which received international, national and regional media coverage here.

New campaign images for Pakistan and Afghanistan

Cherry Bird, Country Coordinator for India & Nepal and team lead for South Asia, has a selection of powerful images that people campaigning on Afghanistan can use, especially for these two actions:

To access these images please contact

Anti-Racism Pocket Guide

The Anti-Racism Network's first resource is now available to be ordered! An introduction to anti-racism, the pocket guide covers topics including: what is racism and anti-racism, terminology and how to challenge racism.
You can order it by filling out this form: AIUK's Activism Resource Order Form.

Upcoming Dates / Events

See more on the Amnesty Events page.

2 May, 6.45-10 pm – Gaza: Chronicle of a Tragedy Foretold Screening, HRAC, London. In-person. Book here.

14 May, 6 pm – `A Human Right to Protest' - Southampton Amnesty Group's 10th Annual Human Rights lecture 2024 with Kate Adie, University of Southampton, SO17 1BJ. In-person. Book here.

17 - 19 May – Awraq Festival, Bristol's Palestine Museum, 27 Broad St, Bristol BS1 2HG. In-person. Book here.

20 May, 9 am – Defend Julian Assange, Royal Courts of Justice, London WC2A 2LL. In-person.

22 May, 5:30-7 pm – AIUK Digital Campaign Training. (Online)

\\Join us in this training to gain a better understanding of digital mobilisation, explore different tactics for mobilising supporters online, and apply those tactics to achieve your campaign objectives. This training is designed for those who have a foundational knowledge of digital tools and platforms and are looking to enhance their skills in the area of digital mobilisation. If you are interested you can sign up here.''

Combatting Gender-based Violence Online

Develop a comprehensive understanding of how gender-based violence manifests in online spaces and its impact on human rights and gender equality globally. Gain the knowledge and tools to effectively advocate for and promote gender justice. From identifying different forms of online gender-based violence to developing strategies for prevention and addressing its impact, you will be equipped with the skills needed to take action and create positive change.

Access the course here

You can access all activist education resources and trainings on this page: Activist Education

17 - 23 June - Refugee Week

22 June 9.30 am - 7:30 pm - Amnesty International UK Annual General Meeting, Sheffield Hallam University. In-person and online options. Book here.

Updates On Current AIUK Campaigns

For further details and more Amnesty International events, click this link.

Play the Amnesty Summer raffle today

The Amnesty Summer Raffle is now open! Don't delay – simply enter online today for your chance to win £5,000 or one of 36 other amazing cash prizes. Just imagine seeing your name on a cheque for £5,000! Wouldn't that feel amazing?

Every time you play the Amnesty International UK Raffle, you're taking on injustices and helping to make sure humanity wins. That's a great feeling!

By playing the Amnesty Summer Raffle, that feeling – and the cash – could be yours. Are you ready for that winning feeling?

Enter Now

Minutes of Meeting held on 11th April 2024

Welcome and apologies (introductions round table)

  • Attendees: Claire (chair), Christine, Jean, Carol, Mal, Sophie, Han, Chakar, Clara, Tim, Chloe, Kirstie and Andrew.
  • Apologies: Neil and Merle.
  • A particular welcome was given to Chloe and Tim, who were attending the group for the first time.

Dunbartonshire / Helensburgh AI Group

Tim stated that he was from the Dunbartonshire / Helensburgh AI Group, which had existed since 1971, but whose membership had fallen in recent years. That group was now intending to disband. It was agreed that members of that group would be very welcome to join the Glasgow West AI Group. It was also suggested that the Glasgow Daytime Group might be a suitable option for some. Tim noted that his Group had c.£84 in the bank, which they will likely pass to AIUK; and some flags / banners, etc, which they will give to our group. Andrew suggested that Tim advise his colleagues in the Dunbartonshire / Helensburgh group that their email addresses can be added to the Glasgow West Group's mailing list. The monthly communications from our group include an unsubscribe option. Tim will check this and get back to Andrew.

Agreement of previous meeting minutes

The minutes of the 14th March meeting were agreed, with any matters arising being covered in the agenda.

Team Updates

(list of roles from AGM here)

  1. Treasurer (Kirstie)

  2. Main outgoings in past month have been postage and envelopes.

  3. The Group's bank balance is currently £712.20.

  4. There will soon be an upcoming quarterly payment for hire of the meeting room (£78). There is also a bill for £7.81 relating to the platform hosting our website. Rob has paid this and Kirstie will send him funds by bank transfer to reimburse him.

  5. Social Media & website (Mal & Cait)

  6. Mal provided an update on the Group's social media accounts, including updates posted on Instagram and X (Twitter).

  7. Local Political Outreach (Neil)

  8. In Neil's absence, there was no update.

  9. Regional / Country focus

  10. South East Asia/ Myanmar (Mal)

  11. Mal provided a brief update relating to education projects in refugee camps. He will provide a fuller update at a future meeting.

  12. Pakistan (Chakar)

  13. Chakar had attempted to contact the two Pakistan country co-ordinators, but had no response. It was suggested that contacting Thea in AIUK might be useful, including asking when the next advertisement for vacant country co-ordinators will be issued.

  14. Prisoner of Conscience/Individual At Risk Update (Han)

  15. Han has been seeking to chase up information on how to progress PoC / IaR with AIUK. Han will discuss with Mal and provide a fuller update at the next meeting.

  16. Diversity and Inclusion (Sophie)

  17. Sophie indicated that she will stand down from this role, as she doesn't have time to progress it.

Perth Group

Claire and Chakar provided an update on the Perth group's recent hillwalk event, which they both attended. This had included discussion on potential collaboration between the Perth Group and our own group. The Perth Group had input to an Iftar event in their area and Clara mentioned that she had actually attended that Iftar.

Invitation from Daytime Group – Guest Speaker

Carol noted that the daytime group had organised a speaker for their meeting next week on Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

Action - Our group members are invited to attend.

AI Regional Elections

Mal noted that there was an opportunity for volunteering as a regional volunteer for Scotland, with the closing date 30th April.

Speaker Request for a School

A request had come to us via AIUK from a school in Uddingston asking for someone from AI to provide a talk to a group of secondary pupils/. (Chloe subsequently indicated she may be interested in doing this)/.

Human Rights Scotland Bill

Webinar event on 24 April at 7pm

A further reminder was given that the Amnesty Scotland Team had invited local AI Group members to join a Webinar on Scotland's forthcoming Human Rights Bill.

Details of how to join the briefing were circulated with the meeting papers.

Action - All members are encouraged to link in to this event.

Collaboration with Artist

Andrew provided a further update on a proposal by a Bournemouth-based artist, Alexander Dakers of Zander Art, who wishes to collaborate with our Group at his exhibition at a gallery in Glasgow City Centre this summer.

The group were enthusiastic about this collaboration and agreed that we should proceed with developing it. The exhibition runs for two weeks, with a ‘VIP Day' on 28th June, which will be a major focus and which members are encouraged to attend.

Agreed possible actions include:

  • Members of our Group attending the 'VIP day' opening of the exhibition;
  • Setting up a stand at the exhibition with AI banners, posters, leaflets, collecting tin, etc. This would help raise awareness of AI and encourage people attending the exhibition to consider joining AI themselves;
  • Possibly promoting some of the AI Urgent Actions that are current at the time of the exhibition. e.g. cases relating to Chile - or perhaps broader South American issues and individuals from that region who are prisoners of conscience. This could include inviting exhibition attendees to sign petitions, write letters, etc;
  • Using our social media and our mailing list to help promote the exhibition;
  • Our Group writing articles / liaising with local press to highlight the exhibition; and
  • Inviting other local AI Groups and members to also engage with this project.


  • Andrew to contact the artist to discuss our proposals and invite him to our next meeting
  • Mal to speak to AIUK Chile co-ordinator to see if they can participate
  • Christine knows a journalist who might be interested in covering this story and will check with them;
  • Jean suggested the possibility of getting someone to speak about the 1973 East Kilbride Rolls Royce trade union action in protest against the Chilean military coup, (This action was the subject of the documentary film ‘Nae Pasaran'). It was also suggested that Oscar Mendoza of SCIAF may be a suitable speaker at the event.

Opportunity to host ‘Operation Caesar' exhibition

An email was received from Brian Devlin asking us to consider hosting an exhibition of photographs depicting a range of atrocities that took place in Syria. The Caesar Families Association is campaigning for justice for 100,000 victims of detention and disappearance in Syria.

A couple of group members had seen some of the photographs and indicated it was high quality work, depicting graphic and harrowing scenes. There was some concern about where such an exhibition could be hosted safely. One suggestion was that there could be a closed room, with warning signs outside regarding the nature of the exhibition. It was also suggested that the University Group might wish to organise an event, although there has been no meaningful contact with this group over the past year.

AIUK Amnesty Futures

Mal provided an update on ‘Amnesty Futures', which is a group of AI members who are campaigning for changes within AIUK to address the falling AI membership, the significant decline in local groups and to promote greater democracy / accountability within the organisation. A wide-ranging discussion took place.

Mal indicated that the group intended to take a number of motions to the forthcoming AGM. It was hoped that our group would have the opportunity to consider these motions in detail at the next meeting and to decide whether we wished to support them.

Action – Amnesty Futures' AGM motions to be considered at the May meeting.

AIUK Local Group Updates here

  • Write-up in AIUK Fundraising Update - for Glasgow West Group's recent Comedy Night event here

  • Activism Representatives election - Local groups can vote for one representative for their region. Anyone interested in standing? Nominations close 30th April. Elections take place 6th May - 7th June.

  • AIUK Safeguarding Policy updated - link here

  • AIUK Anti-racism pocket guide will be available soon. link here

  • Updates from various local AI Groups across the UK, including solidarity actions for Gaza, events marking International Women's Day and a vigil for Alexi Navalny.

  • AIUK 2024 Priority Campaigns here - read through and see any areas we may wish to focus on

  • Amnesty training courses, e.g.:

Urgent Appeals

  • Merle had sent a number of online Urgent Actions to Claire.

Next meeting: Thurs 9th May, 7.30pm-9pm

2024 Meeting Dates

New Members very welcome!

The Group meets every second Thursday of the month at 7.30pm - 9pm.

The meetings take place at Woodlands Methodist Church, 229 Woodlands Road, G3 6LW

For further information contact

  • Thursday 11th January 2024

  • Thursday 8th February 2024

  • Thursday 14th March 2024

  • Thursday 11th April 2024

  • Thursday 9th May 2024

  • Thursday 13th June 2024

  • Thursday 11th July 2024

  • Thursday 8th August 2024

  • Thursday 12th September 2024

  • Thursday 10th October 2024

  • Thursday 14th November 2024

  • Thursday 12th December 2024


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