
September 2023 Meeting and August Updates

Thank you to AMG for these updates. If you would like to read them as a PDF you can do so here.

We warmly invite you to attend the next meeting of the AI Glasgow West Group. Please come and join in our lively and friendly discussions and help us make a positive difference to supporting Human Rights around the world.

This email includes:

  • Details of our forthcoming September 2023 meeting
  • Excerpts from and a link to AIUK's most recent update for local AI groups
  • Minutes of our local group meeting held last month
  • A note of all our local Group's meeting dates for 2023

September 2023 Glasgow West AI Group Meeting

Thursday 14th September, Woodlands International Methodist Church, 7:30pm

The next Glasgow West Amnesty meeting takes place on Thursday 14th September 2023 at 7.30pm – 9pm in Woodlands International Church, Woodlands Road, Glasgow, G3 6LW.
Further details on Facebook -

We would love to see you there!

Our activities for the September meeting include:

  • Planning our annual ‘Write for Rights' events;

  • Working with other groups in Glasgow to help take forward local support for the LiftTheBan's “High Street Challenge” campaign, which aims to overturn the ban on asylum seekers working whilst their claim is being considered; and

  • Undertaking letter writing in response to recent Urgent Actions alerts from AI.

Extract Of Local Groups' Updates From AIUK

Full details of AIUK's update for local groups can be viewed via this link.

This month's update from AIUK includes the following:

New Amnesty Shop catalogue out now!

This year, we are pleased to be able to offer you 10% off everything at the Amnesty Shop, as well as FREE P&P, on orders over £75.

We know that Local Groups and Student activists do amazing work for Amnesty.

Buying and sending out cards and gifts from the Amnesty Shop is another way in which you can get involved and help spread our message.

As always, we really appreciate your on-going support.

Click here to order online and set yourself up with an account and log-on. Enter the code 10AMNGRP into the Gift & Promo Codes box on the Payment Options stage of the checkout to receive your 10% off and FREE P&P (minimum spend: £75).

Email to a request a copy of our new catalogue.

Upcoming dates

See more on the Amnesty Events page. Post your events on the website via this link.

Further information from AIUK

Full details of AIUK's update for local groups can be viewed via this browser link.

August 2023 Updates

Amnesty International

Glasgow West Local Group

Meeting held on 10th August 2023

Present: Claire (Chair), Fatma, Andrew, Han and Sophie.

Apologies submitted: Kirstie, Neil, Silvia, Mal and Mark.


Claire welcomed everyone to the meeting, including Han and Sophie, who were attending our Group for the first time.

Claire circulated hard copies of the meeting Agenda.

Minutes of July 2023 Meeting and Matters Arising

The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed and any matters arising were included in this month's agenda.

Social Media Update

In Silvia's absence, there was no social media update.

Action – Silvia to continue to further develop our Group's social media presence.

Finance Update

In Kirstie's absence, there was no finance update. However, she had given the cash float to Andrew so that any travel expenses, etc could be disbursed.

Doorbell for front door of meeting hall

To comply with the church hall's requirements for locking the front door, we have purchased a doorbell for our Group. The buzzer and a sign saying to press it for the AI meeting should be attached to the outside of the front door with Velcro, so that we hear anyone coming late to the meeting. The bell, buzzer and sign will be kept in the AI box in the meetng hall cupboard.

Action – Front door to be locked when meetings are taking place and doorbell buzzer and sign put up before meetings.

AI Merchandise

Claire brought along a range of free materials that she had requested from AIUK to support our work. This included badges, stickers, a new banner and a range of T-shirts.

It was also suggested that we could buy some blank tote bags and print AI logo / messages on them. We will try to get these for our next event.

It was suggested that members of our group may wish to take a t-shirt in exchange for a discretionary donation to the Group's funds.

Action – T-shirts and other materials are available to Group members and for use in our campaigns.

China / Hong Kong / Uighur

Claire noted that Fri 29th September is a traditional holiday in China and East Asia and that AIUK is encouraging local groups to mark this by highlighting relevant human rights issues.

Han noted that she had an interest in China related Human Rights issues.

Given that there is a Chinese Embassy office in Edinburgh, Claire will contact the Edinburgh group and enquire if they are planning any event that our Group may consider joining with.

Action – Claire to contact AI Edinburgh Group

Anti-boycott Bill - End Israeli Apartheid

The AIUK Media Team has produced template media letters on the Government's controversial new “anti-boycott bill”. This includes a template letter tailored for Scotland - here. All to consider forwarding this to local newspapers' letters pages.

Members can also sign and share AIUK's campaign to ban Israeli settlement goods, including contacting their local MP via this link.

Action – All Group members to consider 1.) forwarding the template letter to local news outlets and 2.) signing the Israeli settlement goods campaign / contacting their MP about this issue.

Urgent Actions

There had been no urgent actions prepared / printed off for this month's meeting.

However, urgent actions can be accessed via AIUK's Urgent Actions link, and individual Group members may wish to follow up on these.

Action – All to consider responding to the Urgent Action appeals

Local Groups' Update

A summary of the latest Local Groups' Update news Local Group's news Update was circulated with the meeting notice and Claire briefly highlighted some of the issues covered.

The latest update included information and photographs from our own Group's recent campaigns relating to refugees / asylum seekers.

Upcoming Events

Claire highlighted a number of upcoming AIUK events

Amnesty UK National Conference 2023 - 10am – 7:30pm, 4 November 2023; London & livestreamed online. Free of charge, with a range of workshops & speakers. Any member interested can book here.

Amnesty Disabled People's Human Rights Network launch - 23 September, from 11am to 4pm; London & online. Celebrating the long history of disabled people's activism in the UK, as well as learning about what is meant exactly by disability justice. We will also be setting the agenda for the disabled people's human rights network and sharing thoughts and ideas on what the network should work on for the next year! Anyone interested in inputting to this can book here.

Lift the Ban Campaign

Fatma has been involved in this campaign for some time. The purpose is to campaign in order to allow those seeking asylum to be entitled to legally work in the UK whilst their asylum application is being considered.

Many asylum seekers require to wait for very long periods of time (often years), for their asylum claim to be decided. This can result in financial problems due to lack of income, as well as mental health issues. It is also the case that many asylum seekers are qualified in occupations and sectors where there are labour shortages within the UK

Fatma has been undertaking voluntary work on Lift the Ban Campaign (LtB) with Maryhill Integration Network (MIN). This includes engaging local shop owners to encourage them to display posters and support the Campaign.

Fatma will discuss further with MIN colleagues how our Group might be able to contribute to the LtB work, e.g. via using our social media to highlight the LtB campaign or possibly for individual Group members to provide practical support.

Andrew suggested we could consider contacting Glasgow Chamber of Commerce or the relevant Scottish Minister with responsibility for Employment / Economy /relevant Councillors. (It may, however, be better to ensure that any such approach is co-ordinated via colleagues leading on Lift the Ban.

Further Information on Lift the Ban:

Action – Fatma to discuss further with MIN colleagues; Claire to share pdf info doc with Daytime group.

Other Matters

Action: Claire to share the email details of Arthur in AI North Ayrshire Group with Han.

Andrew suggested that members might find it useful to view the BBC interview with Agnes Callamard, AI Secretary General, which Merle had earlier shared the link to on our Signal Group.

Andrew had also included the link in the email that was circulated with this month's meeting notice.


Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting will take place on Thursday 14th September 2023, 7.30pm - 9pm @ Woodlands Methodist Church, 229 Woodlands Road, G3 6LW.

Chakar has requested to present and lead a discussion on Balochistan.

Andrew noted his own apologies for the next meeting and asked that someone else record the note of the meeting.

2023 Meeting Dates

New Members very welcome!

The Group meets every 2nd Thursday at 7.30pm - 9pm.

The meetings take place at Woodlands Methodist Church, 229 Woodlands Road, G3 6LW

For further information contact

  • Thursday 12th January 2023

  • Thursday 9th February 2023

  • Thursday 9th March 2023

  • Thursday 13th April 2023

  • Thursday 11th May 2023

  • Thursday 8th June 2023

  • Thursday 13th July 2023

  • Thursday 10th August 2023

  • Thursday 14th September 2023

  • Thursday 12th October 2023

  • Thursday 9th November 2023

  • Thursday 14th December 2023



August 2023 Meeting + July Updates

Thanks to AMG for these updates. If you would like to read them as a PDF, you can do so here.

We warmly invite you to attend the next meeting of the AI Glasgow West Group. Please come and join in our lively and friendly discussions and help us make a positive difference to supporting Human Rights around the world.

This email includes:

  • Details of our forthcoming August 2023 meeting;
  • Excerpts from and a link to AIUK's most recent update for local AI groups;
  • Minutes of our local group meeting held last month; and
  • A note of all our local Group's meeting dates for 2023.

August 2023 Glasgow West AI Group Meeting

Thursday 10th August, Woodlands International Methodist Church, 7:30pm

The next Glasgow West Amnesty meeting takes place on Thursday 10th August 2023 at 7.30pm – 9pm in Woodlands International Church, Woodlands Road, Glasgow, G3 6LW.

Further details on Facebook -

We would love to see you there!

Our activities for the August meeting include:

  • Planning forthcoming events;
  • Discussing LiftTheBan's “High Street Challenge” campaign. The aim of campaign is to overturn the ban on asylum seekers working whilst their claim is being considered; and
  • Undertaking letter writing in response to recent Urgent Actions alerts from AI.

Recent BBC Interview with Secretary General of AI


Extract Of Local Groups' Updates From AIUK

Full details of AIUK's update for local groups can be viewed via this browser link.

This month's update from AIUK includes the following:

Celebrating Refugee Week

Glasgow West Amnesty

Glasgow West Amnesty attended a solidarity gathering at Dungavel Immigration Detention Centre held by the organisation 'Justice and Peace Scotland', along with members from the local North Ayrshire Amnesty group.

The group has also attended several solidarity gatherings at the Muthu Hotel in Erskine to demonstrate support for people seeking asylum staying in the hotel.

Bristol Amnesty

Bristol Amnesty celebrated Sanctuary on 25 June, last day of refugee Week 2023.
There was a diverse international line-up of musicians including Bristol's refugee ensemble the Dovetail Orchestra, and the Bristol Griot Moussa Kouyate.

There were family activities, varied food to try as well as refugee trader stalls and information stalls including Bristol Amnesty. The group was able to engage with a lot of visitors and got plenty of signatures to letters protesting the immigration bill.

Amnesty UK National Conference 2023

Photo credit: Marie-Anne Ventoura

The AIUK National Conference returns on Saturday 4 November 2023! Expect a jam-packed day of workshops, speakers, networking, food and fun, showcasing and celebrating the amazing work going on across the Amnesty movement in the UK.

Join us in the fight for human rights on 04 November at the 2023 AIUK National Conference!


10am – 7:30pm, 4 November 2023


Human Rights Action Centre, 17-25 New Inn Yard, London, EC2A 3EA and livestreamed online

TICKETS are free!

Here's a taster of what to expect:

  • Take part in training sessions and workshops
  • Learn about current campaigns, share skills, take action
  • Enjoy an evening of celebration, food and music
  • Meet and connect with friends old and new.

This conference is for everyone! You might be a student or local group member, a country coordinator or someone interested in Amnesty's work. This is an opportunity to come together and discuss how to build a more powerful, diverse and impactful movement across the UK.

See you there!

Book here

Amnesty Disabled People's Human Rights Network launch

Whether you're a seasoned disabled activist, a human rights defender, or new to making change, join us to celebrate the launch of our new Disabled People's Human Rights Network and cook up some trouble!

We will be celebrating the long history of disabled people's activism in the UK as well as learning about what is meant exactly by disability justice. We will also be setting the agenda for the disabled people's human rights network and sharing thoughts and ideas on what the network should work on for the next year!


At our Human Rights Action Centre and online


23 September, from 11am to 4pm

What's provided:

  • A full day of panels and workshops
  • Networking sessions
  • Tea and coffee
  • Lunch
  • Snacks

In person tickets are *FREE but limited, so book soon!

If you would prefer to join us online, we'll be livestreaming a selection of events online across the day as well as providing online networking opportunities. Tickets to join online are also free!

We look forward to seeing you in September!

Book your ticket here

Further information from AIUK

Full details of AIUK's update for local groups can be viewed via this browser link.


Minutes and Updates from July 2023 Meeting

Amnesty International

Glasgow West Local Group

Meeting held on 13th July 2023

Present: Claire (Chair), Silvia, Fatma, Kirstie, Neil, Andrew, Mark, Jean, Carol (Daytime Group) and Marion (North Ayrshire Group).

Apologies tendered: Chakar and Merle.


Claire welcomed everyone to the meeting, including those attending our Group for the first time.


Claire circulated hard copies of the meeting agenda.

Guest Speaker – Marion MacPherson, North Ayrshire AI Group

Claire introduced Marion, from the North Ayrshire AI Group, who had been invited to speak about Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories (IOPT).

Marion's initial experience with Israel was working in a Kibbutz many years ago. She discussed the complexity of the situation across IOPT. Marion has been involved in campaigning on this issue for many years and undertook a 10 day visit in May 2022 with the Amos Trust human rights charity. Marion provided our Group with a copy of her journal from that trip, for members that may wish to read it. (Neil has borrowed it initially).

In undertaking the 10 day trip, the group was advised to have a story of being on a pilgrimage, as members could be subject to questioning, given the raised tensions and extensive surveillance and security arrangements across the region. Marion described the different geographic zones and the range of restrictions, visas and permits required, often for everyday activities, which made life very difficult for those living there. This included the broad context of the Israeli authorities' narrative of Palestinian ‘troublemakers' and ‘terrorists', alongside a wide range of repressive measures routinely undertaken.

She discussed the boycott and sanctions campaigns and the Economic Activity of Public Bodies Bill, currently going through the UK Parliament, which seeks to prevent Local Authorities and other public bodies from pursuing sanctions, embargoes and restrictions, where that is not part of UK Government policy.

Marion also referenced the work of the Scottish Friends of Palestine (which is chaired by Arthur West of the North Ayrshire AI Group), the Scottish Palestinian Solidarity Campaign (which has a stall on Buchanan St most weekends), as well as the, often useful, updates / factual information provided by the UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office.

An extended Q&A discussion took place, with a wide range of interesting points being made. Marion indicated that, in undertaking her campaigning work on IOPT, she had very little involvement with staff from AIUK or AI's Scotland Office, with the more general observation from colleagues being that AI had shifted significantly to online interaction in recent years.

Marion was thanked for her interesting input and she offered to come along to any future relevant events to share her knowledge and experiences of campaigning on IOPT.

Minutes of meeting held on 8th June 2023 and Matters Arising

The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed and any matters arising were included in this month's agenda.

Social Media Update

Silvia indicated that she had uploaded various updates to the Group's social media platforms, including Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. Silvia will continue to provide various social media updates and consider further improvements.

Action – Silvia to continue her good work in developing our Group's social media presence.

Church Hall meeting

Following the recent meeting of church hall user groups, which was attended by Silvia, we have been asked to ensure that the front door is locked when groups are meeting.

Kirstie suggested that we purchase a door bell system so that we can hear if anyone comes to the door whilst we are meeting.

Action – Front door to be locked when meetings are taking place. Doorbell purchase to be arranged.


A brief update was provided on the following events that members of our Group had recently attended:

  • Maryhill Integration Network meeting re Refugees – Attended by Fatma.

  • Dungavel Immigration Detention Centre – Attended by Neil, Claire, Fatma & Chakar.

  • Muthu Hotel, Erskine – vigil to demonstrate support for Refugees accommodated on the premisies and to provide a counter demonstration to a small group protesting the refugees being accommodated within the local area – Attended by Claire. Mark indicated that he too had previously attended one of these vigils. The weekly vigils are organised by Stand Up To Racism Glasgow and held at the Muthu Hotel, Erskine on Sundays at 11.30am.

Claire also indicated that a Pride event would take place in George Square on Saturday 15th July.

Finance Update

Kirstie indicated that the payments supporting Refugee work, which the Group agreed at our June meeting, had been made to Maryhill Integration Network (£50) and Refuweegee (£50).

She reminded all attending that she has a float of petty cash and anyone wishing to reclaim travel expenses to any of our meetings / events is encouraged to do so simply by speaking to her at any time before/during/after the meetings.

Action – All to note that all Group members may claim travelling expenses for any of our regular meetings and one-off events. Kirstie will be on holiday at the August meeting, so Andrew took the petty cash float and will provide expenses to any member that wants it.

UWS Potential event, Feb 2024

Mark indicated that he was a Community Education lecturer at the University of the West of Scotland (UWS). He is seeking to organise an event to take place at the UWS Lanarkshire campus, which may be useful to have some AI Group members' input. Claire suggested that he might also want to connect with Glasgow University's AI Group, once the new academic year commences. Mark will discuss further nearer the time.

Action – Mark to discuss potential Group input to his proposed university event.

Lift The Ban Campaign

Fatma has been involved in this campaign for some time. The purpose is to campaign in order to allow refugees seeking asylum to be entitled to legally work in the UK, whilst their asylum application is being considered.

Due to lack of time, this item will be carried forward to the next meeting.

Action – Andrew to put on agenda for August meeting. (Also, it was previously agreed that Chakar would present on Balochstan at the August meeting)

AI Merchandise

Claire had been in touch with Thea from AIUK about AI merchandise available to support our work. There are certain items available to us free of charge via Thea and there is also a 10% discount available to the Group. It was agreed that we should follow up on this and get some materials that we can use to promote the Group's work (e.g. t-shirts, mugs, etc, which could be used at stalls in future events that we hold).

Action – Claire to follow up again with Thea re her offer of free merchandise and also to consider placing an order to buy other useful materials.

Urgent Actions

Claire pointed to the Urgent Actions link contained within the meeting agenda and encouraged individuals to follow up on these.

Action – All to consider responding to the Urgent Action appeals

Local Groups' Update

A summary of the latest Local Groups' Update news was circulated with the meeting notice and Claire briefly highlighted some of the issues covered.

Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting will take place on Thursday 10th August 2023, 7.30pm - 9pm @ Woodlands Methodist Church, 229 Woodlands Road, G3 6LW.


2023 Meeting Dates

New Members very welcome!

The Group meets every 2nd Thursday at 7.30pm - 9pm.

The meetings take place at Woodlands Methodist Church, 229 Woodlands Road, G3 6LW

For further information contact

  • Thursday 12th January 2023

  • Thursday 9th February 2023

  • Thursday 9th March 2023

  • Thursday 13th April 2023

  • Thursday 11th May 2023

  • Thursday 8th June 2023

  • Thursday 13th July 2023

  • Thursday 10th August 2023

  • Thursday 14th September 2023

  • Thursday 12th October 2023

  • Thursday 9th November 2023

  • Thursday 14th December 2023




July 2023 Meeting + June Updates

Thank you to AMG for these updates. If you would prefer to read them as a PDF, you can do so here.

We warmly invite you to attend the next meeting of the AI Glasgow West Group. Please come and join in our lively and friendly discussions and help us make a positive difference to supporting Human Rights around the world.

This email includes:

  • Details of our forthcoming July 2023 meeting, including our guest speaker;
  • Excerpts from and a link to AIUK's most recent update for local AI groups;
  • Minutes of our local group meeting held last month; and
  • A note of all our local Group's meeting dates for 2023.

July 2023 Glasgow West AI Group Meeting

Thursday 13th July, Woodlands International Methodist Church, 7:30pm

The next Glasgow West Amnesty meeting takes place on Thursday 13th June 2023 at 7.30pm – 9pm in Woodlands International Church, Woodlands Road, Glasgow, G3 6LW.
Further details on Facebook -

We would love to see you there!

Our activities for the July meeting include:

  • A special Guest Speaker – Marion McPherson from AI's North Ayrshire Group, who will discuss campaigning work relating to Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories (IOPT), including information on a recent visit to Palestine that Marion had undertaken;
  • Discussing LiftTheBan's “High Street Challenge” campaign. The aim of campaign is to overturn the ban on asylum seekers working whilst their claim is being considered; and
  • Undertaking letter writing in response to recent Urgent Actions alerts from AI.

Extract Of Local Groups' Updates From AIUK

Full details of AIUK's update for local groups can be viewed via this browser link.

This month's update from AIUK includes the following:

4 June Tiananmen vigils

Groups across the UK held vigils on 4 June to mark the 34th anniversary of the Chinese authorities' crackdown against peaceful demonstrators in Tiananmen Square.

(As part of this, members of the Glasgow West AI Group joined colleagues from across Scotland in a vigil held outside the Chinese Embassy in Edinburgh).

AIUK is urging supporters to continue to support Chow Hang-Tung, who in 2021 encouraged people on social media to light candles in memory of the killings.

She was arrested and remains in prison.

Amnesty Summer Raffle

Enter the Amnesty Summer Raffle and grab your chance to feel like a winner! How would you spend £5,000? That's what's up for grabs when we draw the raffle in July.

Tickets cost just £2 and with every ticket you buy, you're speaking up for humanity.

Buy your raffle tickets online today for your chance to experience that winning feeling and you could help more people like unfairly imprisoned Yasaman Aryani & her mother Monireh Arabshahi walk free!

Immigration Bill updates

The government's latest immigration Bill has passed through the Commons and is currently being debated in the House of Lords. Despite widespread criticism, the government continues to push this cruel bill, using lies and sowing division in our communities.

AIUK is encouraging people to email the Prime Minister directly to call him to stop this cruel bill.

Email Rishi Sunak now

CC update - death penalty in Iran

The use of the death penalty in Iran continues to be an urgent issue.

Since the popular uprising - known as the Woman, Life, Freedom movement - began in September 2022, authorities have been using the death penalty as a tool of repression. The authorities attack civilians for protesting by shooting at them and throwing tear gas. Other ill treatments include flogging, sexual violence, electric shocks and death threats.

Since late April 2023 there has been a spike in death sentences and Amnesty have started an urgent action to release those detained for protesting, and to abolish the death penalty. For more information and to take urgent action soon as possible until 23rd July 2023, click here.

Read more

Further information from AIUK

Full details of AIUK's update for local groups can be viewed via this browser link.

Updates From June 2023 Meeting

Amnesty International

Glasgow West Local Group

Meeting held on 8th June 2023

Present: Claire (Chair), Chakar, Silvia, Fatma, Kirstie, Neil and Andrew.

Apologies tendered: Merle, Jim and Mal.


Claire welcomed everyone to the meeting, particularly Chakar, who was previously a member of Perth AI Group.

Given the good weather, this month's meeting was held in Kelvingrove Park, together with an informal picnic.

Minutes of meeting held on 11th May 2023 and Matters Arising

Thanks to Claire for recording the May minutes.

The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed and any matters arising were included in this month's agenda.

Social Media Update

Silvia indicated that she had begun looking at our website, but currently had limited access in terms of being able to amend some structural aspects. She would discuss with Rob, who has been responsible for developing and updating the website and other social media platforms for our Group for several years.

Claire suggested sharing the letter writing guide on our social media and also picking up on effective examples that other local AI groups had used.

Action – Silvia to liaise with Rob and also help develop our social media presence in the coming months, including the suggestion above from Claire.

Church Hall meetings

Silvia recently attended a meeting of groups that use the hall for meetings. There was a request that the front door be locked when groups are meeting. This is for security reasons. A buzzer system will be installed. The hall caretaker (Jim) will be in touch about this.

Action – Front door to be locked when meetings are taking place.

Finance Update

Kirstie indicated that she had been updating the Group's finance records and there were now more details included in the shared drive. Our current balance was £784.

Kirstie will keep a float of petty cash with her and anyone wishing to reclaim travel expenses to any of our meetings / events is encouraged to do so by speaking to Kirstie at any time before/during/after the meeting. Names won't be stored; receipts will be stored anonymously.

As part of our support for Refugee Month, the Group agreed to make a donation of £50 to Refuweegee and a further donation, also of £50, to Maryhill Integration Network. Potential further donations may be considered in the future.

Action – All to note that all Group members may claim travelling expenses for any of our regular meetings and one-off events.

Action - Kirstie to liaise with Refuweegee and Maryhill Integration Network to process the donations.

Local AI Events

Palestine - Claire updated that the recent Palestine rally had been good and that the AI Palestine Apartheid report had been referenced by speakers, so it was helpful to have had our AI banner on display.

Marion from the North Ayrshire Group will be invited to attend our 13th July meeting to speak about the N. Ayrshire Group's work on this issue. This will include exploring scope for our Group collaborating with the N. Ayrshire Group on Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories (IOPT), as part of a geographical focused activity.

Action – Claire to liaise with Marion about this.

Tiananmen Square – Amjad & Claire attended the recent commemoration vigil held in Edinburgh to mark the 34 year anniversary of the massacre.

Post–Iftar meeting – The planned meeting did not take place and was postponed until a future time.

Erskine Refugee Support – Members of our group attended the recent large rally at the Muthu Hotel in Erskine, to demonstrate support for refugees staying at the hotel. A much smaller anti-refugee protest also takes place. There are weekly protests every Sunday that everyone is invited to, which are organised by Stand Up To Racism Glasgow . There are weekly rallies held, meeting at the Muthu Hotel Erskine on Sundays at 11.30am.

Dungavel Immigration Removal Centre – Following Claire's discussion with Arthur from the North Ayrshire AI Group, our Group will join with them and others outside Dungavel, to demonstrate love and support for the refugees currently resident there.

This will take place on Sunday 25th June.

Action - Neil has agreed to drive to the event and he will be joined by Chakar, Fatma and Claire. Others are welcome to join this event, though they would need to arrange another car (as the centre is not well served on a Sunday by public transport).

Maryhill Integration Network Event – Fatma updated on an event taking place in Maryhill on 20th June 5pm – 7pm linking with the work of the Scottish Parliament Cross Party Group on Migration.

Action – Members should contact Fatma on our Signal group for further details or if wishing to attend.

Refugee Festival Scotland Events – Andrew shared details of the Refugee Festival Scotland's programme of events taking place throughout June.

Action – All members are encouraged to peruse the Festival programme and attend any events that are of interest.

LiftThe Ban Campaign – Fatma provided a brief overview of LiftTheBan “High Street Challenge” campaign ‘

Fatma has been involved in this campaign for some time. The purpose is to campaign in order to allow refugees seeking asylum to be entitled to legally work in the UK, whilst their asylum application is being considered.

The Group will further consider this issue at the July meeting.

Action – Andrew to put on agenda for July meeting / Fatma to lead a discussion at that meeting

Balochistan – New Group member, Chakar requested that the Group discuss the issue of human rights injustices in the Balochistan province of Pakistan, which he has campaigned for. It was agreed to put this on the agenda for the August meeting (delayed until August because we already have an external speaker on Palestine scheduled for our next meeting).

Action – Andrew to put on agenda / Chakar to lead a discussion for the August meeting

AIUK Campaign ‘Stop the Cruel Bill' (Illegal Immigration Bill)

AI is campaigning to stop the Illegal Immigration Bill.

As part of the campaign, all members are urged by AIUK to directly contact the Prime Minster about this -

Action – All members are encouraged to sign the online AI petition

Urgent Actions

Merle had provided Urgent Actions and Claire had brought a couple of copies to the meeting.

Action – All to consider responding to the Urgent Action appeals

Local Groups' Update

A summary of the latest Local Groups' Update news was circulated with the meeting notice

Full details of AIUK's update for local groups can be viewed via this browser link.

Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting will take place on Thursday 13th July 2023, 7.30pm - 9pm @ Woodlands Methodist Church, 229 Woodlands Road, G3 6LW.

2023 Meeting Dates

New Members very welcome!

The Group meets every 2nd Thursday at 7.30pm - 9pm.

The meetings take place at Woodlands Methodist Church, 229 Woodlands Road, G3 6LW

For further information contact

  • Thursday 12th January 2023

  • Thursday 9th February 2023

  • Thursday 9th March 2023

  • Thursday 13th April 2023

  • Thursday 11th May 2023

  • Thursday 8th June 2023

  • Thursday 13th July 2023

  • Thursday 10th August 2023

  • Thursday 14th September 2023

  • Thursday 12th October 2023

  • Thursday 9th November 2023

  • Thursday 14th December 2023



June 2023 Meeting + May Updates

Thank you to AMG for these updates. If you would prefer to read them as a PDF, you can do so here.

We warmly invite you to attend the next meeting of the AI Glasgow West Group. Please come and join in our lively and friendly discussions and help us make a positive difference to supporting Human Rights around the world.

This email includes:

  • Details of our forthcoming June 2023 meeting;
  • Excerpts from and a link to AIUK's most recent update for local AI groups;
  • Minutes of our local group meeting held last month; and
  • A note of all our local Group's meeting dates for 2023.

June 2023 Glasgow West AI Group Meeting

Thursday 8th June, Woodlands International Methodist Church, 7:30pm

The next Glasgow West Amnesty meeting takes place on Thursday 8 June 2023 at 7.30pm – 9pm in Woodlands International Church, Woodlands Road, Glasgow, G3 6LW.

If the good weather continues, we are planning to meet at the church as usual, but walk 5mins to Kelvingrove Park to hold our meeting there.

Further details on Facebook:

We would love to see you there on Thursday!

Our activities for the June meeting include:

  • Our activities to support and highlight Refugee Week 19th-25 June (including Dungavel Solidarity Gathering on Sunday 25 June);

  • Discussing LiftTheBan's “High Street Challenge” campaign. The aim of campaign is to overturn the ban on asylum seekers working whilst their claim is being considered; and

  • Undertaking letter writing in response to recent Urgent Actions alerts from AI.

Extract Of Local Groups' Updates From AIUK

Full details of AIUK's update for local groups can be viewed via this browser link.

This month's update from AIUK includes the following:

Refugee Week 2023

Refugee Week 2023 takes place on 19 – 25 June this year and the theme for 2023 is ‘Compassion'.

We know lots of you will be holding events and activities for Refugee Week, which is particularly poignant this year with the UK government's Immigration Bill. Now is a really important time to show support for refugee and migrant rights.

Immigration Bill updates

The government's latest immigration Bill has passed through the Commons and is currently being debated in the House of Lords. Despite widespread criticism, the government continues to push this cruel bill, using lies and sowing division in our communities.

Thanks to all the groups who wrote to their MPs, and to those who managed to secure a meeting. If you've had a response from your MP, please do let us know as it's important for us to keep track of how parliamentarians are responding to their constituents.

If you haven't already, please encourage your members to email Rishi Sunak directly calling him to stop this cruel bill.

Email Rishi Sunak now

Amnesty Summer Raffle

Enter the Amnesty Summer Raffle and grab your chance to feel like a winner! How would you spend £5,000? That's what's up for grabs when we draw the raffle in July.

Tickets cost just £2 and with every ticket you buy, you're speaking up for humanity.

Buy your raffle tickets online today for your chance to experience that winning feeling and you could help more people like unfairly imprisoned Yasaman Aryani & her mother Monireh Arabshahi walk free!

Protect the Protest Public Order Bill

After considerable opposition from Amnesty and many partners, the anti-protest Public Order Bill passed at the beginning of May – see our explainer blog about these new powers. The Public Order Act was quickly made law ahead of the Coronation, where these new powers were used by the police to arrest peaceful protesters. Our response was widely picked up across the media. After the weekend, Metropolitan Police expressed 'regret' over the arrest of anti-Monarchy group, Republic's CEO and five others before coronation.

You can read our analysis *here *for why the writing was on the wall for how these new powers would be used.

The police, members of the group Republic and Human Rights Barrister, Adam Wagner gave evidence to parliamentary enquiry about the arrests of protester. Here is a clip from the session, which highlights, amongst other things, the chilling effect of these new powers. 

Further information from AIUK

Full details of AIUK's update for local groups can be viewed via this browser link.

Updates From May 2023 Meeting

Amnesty International

Glasgow West Local Group

Meeting held on 11th May 2023

Present: Claire (Chair), Kirstie, Fatma, Neil, Mal, Sabrine

Apologies tendered: Jim, Christine, Silvia, Merle, Amjad, Andrew


Claire welcomed everyone to the meeting, especially new member Fatma

Minutes of meeting held on 13 April 2023: The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed.

Financial Update

  • Petty cash: it was agreed that each meeting, Kirstie will bring £30 in cash in a container with paper for recording expenses, e.g. stamps/stationery/travel passes (see below).

  • There was a late donation to our Comedy Fundraiser on PayPal - we have a “healthy balance” in the bank!

Social Media/Website

Silvia shared the Iftar follow-up event

Other Updates

  • May Day event: a small turnout, but good to go and have Amnesty's presence at the rally.

  • Freedom From Torture event (27.04.23) - noone went

  • AIUK Campaign ‘Stop the Cruel Bill (Illegal Immigration Bill) - no updates

  • Meeting of Church hall users (13.05.23) – no extra points for Silvia to raise

Making our group more accessible/more diverse – ideas?

  • Travel Expenses: It was agreed that the group will provide travel expenses to those who require it (self-decided). 

    • @Silvia to add this to the social media meeting graphic to advertise.
  • Logistics of this: Kirstie will take a photo of the travel pass (bus/train ticket) and reimburse immediately; upload picture (anonymous, named with meeting date) to Gdrive for our records

  • Any other ideas welcome! Please share.

Upcoming Events

1. Muslim engagement on human rights roundtable

14.05.23 2.30pm the Ark

Purpose: solidarity with Muslim groups in context of supporting human rights

Mal and Claire to attend. Low turnout expected because of limited engagement post-iftar with attendees/Muslim Council of Scotland. 

[Update 14.05.23: 2 members of the Muslim Council of Scotland attended, but the hall was locked and we agreed to postpone to a future time when more groups can attend. Claire agreed to share Amnesty meeting information with the Social Media Coordinator of MCS to encourage interested people to join.]

  • → @All to think of other ways to engage with more communities in Glasgow.

2. Erskine Anti-racist rally

21.05.23, at 11am at Muthu Hotel, Erskine, PA8 6AN


Transport: via Eventbrite

More info: “Join anti-racists in a show of unity against the fascists who are trying to bring hatred into Erskine. The so-called Patriotic Alternative/Homeland is trying to capitalise on the climate of fear, the cost-of-living crisis and the failure to properly fund Erskine's services to scapegoat refugees fleeing war and oppression. It is the UK Government's inhumane policy on refugees and its brutal asylum dispersal scheme, not the refugees, which should be the target of our anger.”

→@Anyone wanting to go - book transport through the eventbrite link/contact Claire for support.

3. June 4th vigil to commemorate 1989 Tiananmen Square protests

  • Agreed to join the Edinburgh event, not to hold a separate one in Glasgow

  • Edinburgh event: East Prince Street Garden EH2 2DG; 6-7pm, Sunday 4th June.

  • Facebook Link

  • Hosted by The Hong Kong Scots CIC & Scottish Hongkongers. They expect ~50-100 attendees. There will be speeches by groups including Tibetan, Uyghur, Chinese human rights lawyers in the UK, June 4th survivors, former Hong Kong Councillors. They are looking for speakers from INGOs and local organisations or councillors to have a speech about the human rights issues in China, Hong Kong and around the world. Amnesty Edinburgh may do this.

    • → If Glasgow members would like to give a speech, please contact Claire.
  • →@Anyone wanting to go people can go independently & meet there/confirm on Signal to go together.

4. Dungavel Solidarity Gathering

Sunday June 25th (during Refugee Week) at 1-2pm in the main car park

Inaccessible by public transport. Structure: 2 minute silence in solidarity with individuals detained in Dungavel, some brief speeches, hand in biscuits/cakes/cards into the centre as a gesture of solidarity.

→ We need a driver/2! - It was agreed we would confirm at the June meeting who can drive (Neil?!).


1. End Israeli Apartheid - Message from Arthur (Ayr AIUK group)

  • Arthur can't come to our meetings because of a time clash BUT another member of the Ayr group - Marion MacPherson was in Palestine last year as part of a delegation from Amos Trust and can give a talk about her visit. - We could ask Marion to speak in July/future meeting - @Claire to liaise to see her availability.

  • Gary Ettle is the AIUK Country Coordinator for Israel / Palestine. Bulletin attached with suggested actions. → If anyone would like to lead on an action, please say.

  • There were many interesting events by the group Scotland Supports Palestine May 8th-May 15th: - they hope to make it a yearly event.

    • Claire & Sabrine to attend the Saturday Kelvingrove park rally (13.05.23)

[Update 13.05.23: attended with the Amnesty banner. Good to represent. Dr Adrees from the Muslim Council of Scotland spoke & highlighted Amnesty's work & the End Israeli Apartheid report.]

  • Arthur is the Chair of Scottish Friends of Palestine, a trade union-based group campaigning for Peace and Justice for the Palestinian people. Arthur would be happy to have a Zoom call with us at a convenient time. He is also in Glasgow every week - happy to meet for coffee.

*→ @*All please contact Claire if you would like her to link you up.

2. LiftTheBan's “High Street Challenge” campaign

Read the High Street Challenge booklet here.

The aim of campaign is to overturn ban on asylum seekers working whilst their claim is being considered.

@Fatma will follow up with her contacts and report back on LtB's current work/contacts in Glasgow so we can work with them.

3. June Refugee Week plans

  • we'll have our June meeting in the park and make it a Refugee Week celebration picnic. We can also make a donation to Refuweegee/other (to vote in June) & share a list of local Refugee-activist/support organisations to raise their profile.

Urgent Appeals

Thanks to Merle for these

Local Group Updates

[Local Group Update available via link was included with meeting notice]

  • Tuesday 16 May 2023, 6pm-8pm online Activism Assembly: The first in a new series of Activism Assemblies will be taking place in May, bringing AIUK supporters and activists together to discuss and co-design AIUK projects and programs. The first of these will be exploring how we meet as a national movement, particularly looking at the future of the activism events programme and our national gatherings. → to gather your feedback and work together to build an exciting future for our national gatherings.

  • Ongoing:

Next meeting

Thurs 8th June - in Kelvingrove Park - Picnic for Refugee Week!

  • Meet at Tigress & Cub statue: 

  • Closest underground station: Kelvingrove

  • Suggested parking: Woodlands Terrace

  • Please bring snacks/juice for yourself and one other (suggested vegetarian!)

2023 Meeting Dates

New Members very welcome!

The Group meets every 2 Thursday at 7.30pm - 9pm.

The meetings take place at Woodlands Methodist Church, 229 Woodlands Road, G3 6LW

For further information contact

  • Thursday 12 January 2023

  • Thursday 9 February 2023

  • Thursday 9th March 2023

  • Thursday 13th April 2023

  • Thursday 11th May 2023

  • Thursday 8th June 2023

  • Thursday 13th July 2023

  • Thursday 10th August 2023

  • Thursday 14th September 2023

  • Thursday 12th October 2023

  • Thursday 9th November 2023

  • Thursday 14th December 2023



May Meeting and April Updates

Thank you to AMG for these updates. If you would prefer to read them as a PDF, you can do so here.

We warmly invite you to attend the next meeting of the AI Glasgow West Group. Please come and join in our lively and friendly discussions and help us make a positive difference to supporting Human Rights around the world.

This email includes:

  • Details of our forthcoming May 2023 meeting

  • Excerpts from and a link to AIUK's most recent update for local AI groups

  • Minutes of our local group meeting held last month; and

  • A note of all our local Group's meeting dates for 2023

May 2023 Glasgow West AI Group Meeting

Thursday 11th May, Woodlands International Methodist Church, 7:30pm

The next Glasgow West Amnesty meeting takes place on Thursday 11th May 2023 at 7.30pm – 9pm in Woodlands International Church, Woodlands Road, Glasgow, G3 6LW.

Further details on Facebook -

We would love to see you there on Thursday!

Our activities for the May meeting include:

  • Discussing LiftTheBan's “High Street Challenge” campaign. The aim of campaign is to overturn the ban on asylum seekers working whilst their claim is being considered

  • Planning for a meeting on 14th May as a follow up to our recent successful Iftar event, which highlighted various human rights issues affecting Muslim Groups; and

  • Undertaking letter writing in response to recent Urgent Actions alerts from AI.

Extract Of Local Groups' Updates From AIUK

Full details of AIUK's update for local groups can be viewed via this browser link.

This month's update from AIUK includes the following:

Stop the Cruel Bill

Rishi Sunak's government has voted to remove vital protections for those fleeing persecution and exploitation.

The cruel new immigration bill will turn its back on our responsibilities to protect the most vulnerable seeking safety, as well as many other disadvantaged people. Despite widespread criticism, the government continues to push this cruel bill, using lies and sowing division in our communities.

Call on the Prime Minister to stop the Cruel Bill now !

Here are five things you needto know about the Immigration Bill.

Celebrating 50 years of Urgent Actions!

Fifty years ago, we sent our first Urgent Action (UA).

This UA was issued on 19 March 1973 in response to the unlawful arrest in Brasília of Professor Luiz Basilio Rossi . Until that point, Amnesty's main campaigning tool had been campaigning for individuals as "Prisoners of Conscience" - defined as someone who was being subjected to a human rights violation, but "who has not used or advocated violence or hatred". However, in crisis situations it was not always possible to gather sufficient information or evidence required to meet the strict criteria of a "Prisoner of Conscience" and it was becoming clear that a more lithe technique was needed.

That initiative helped free a detained professor who opposed the military dictatorship in Brazil.

Over the past five decades, the Urgent Action Network has become one of our most effective campaign tools. Here's why:

  • More than 500,000 volunteers worldwide are standing by to help those facing imminent human rights violations.
  • They respond immediately with letters, emails, faxes, and social media posts.
  • These actions put pressure on authorities and let them know the world is watching.
  • We help protect people from torture, wrongful imprisonment, and abuse in prison.

When Urgent Actions succeed, the impact is life changing.

We thank you for all actions you've taken, and hope you will continue taking action with us.

All Urgent Actions here

Online Course Spotlight

This month our spotlight is on our People, Power and Politics course. Take this course to learn more about how to approach your political representatives and advocate for issues you care about.

We have a range of other free courses on human rights and issues that Amnesty campaigns on that you can take in your own time.

You can access them on the Amnesty Academy page here just by signing up.

You can also access the courses on Futurlearn by clicking the ‘Join with limited access' button after registering.

Further information from AIUK

Full details of AIUK's update for local groups can be viewed via this browser link.

April 2023 Updates

Amnesty International

Glasgow West Local Group

Meeting held on 13th April 2023

Present: Claire (Chair), Christine, Silvia, Mal, Neil and Andrew.

Apologies received: Kirstie, Sabrine, Merle, Jim, Sharon, Chakar and Amanda.


Claire welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Minutes of meeting held on 9th March 2023 and Matters Arising

The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed.

Mal updated on his recent nomination to stand for election to the Board of AIUK. He was one of four individuals nominated for the two vacant seats on the Board. His understanding is that an election will take place of AI's individual membership to determine the successful candidates. This is likely to take place in the summer.

Finance Update

No update this month as Kirstie was unable to attend the meeting.

Social Media Update

Silvia indicated that she should have more time in the coming months to further develop the Groups' website and social media presence.

Update on Scottish AI Groups' Online meeting

Andrew provided an update on an online meeting held on 21/3/23, which was organised and facilitated by Thea Ioannou, who holds the post of ‘Community Organiser – Local Activism' at AIUK.

The note of the online meeting, together with a link to the recording, had previously been circulated by Andrew on our Group's Signal channel.

Eleven people attended the meeting, from seven Scottish AI groups. There were apologies submitted by two other groups. Groups summarised their main activities and active membership. A number of groups had a particular geographic focus for campaigning. Capacity issues and limited numbers of active members was a common challenge. Questions were raised about the role of AI's Scotland office (which didn't have a representative at the online meeting) and how local AI groups might better engage with and support the Scotland Office's work and vice versa. Thea undertook to email the Scotland office about these issues. Thea indicated that there was an ongoing search for a volunteer activism representative to pick up on the work previously undertaken by Mal. (Positive comments on the work of Mal, particularly during lockdown, were made by a couple of groups).

Attendees were generally positive about the attempt to better link up the local groups and to encourage cross-group collaboration on common issues.

Thea suggested further meetings on an approximately three monthly basis.

Discussion arising from the Online Meeting Update

It was suggested that we should contact the other West coast group (Ayrshire) and invite them to one of our meetings to discuss their geographic focused-work on Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories (IOPT) and explore the scope for collaboration on this issue. This could potentially coincide with some of the forthcoming anniversaries relating to IOPT, which Claire referenced. Action – Andrew to contact Arthur at Ayrshire Group re IOPT

Christine mentioned that the Ayrshire Group had undertaken work relating to supporting refugees in the Dungavel Immigration Removal Centre in South Lanarkshire. It was further suggested that the Ayrshire Group also be invited to discuss this issue with our group, again with a view to potential collaboration. Action - Andrew to contact Arthur at Ayrshire Group re Dungavel

It was noted that the other two Glasgow groups might also be interested in an invitation to such discussions, assuming the Ayrshire Group are happy to collaborate. Action – Andrew to contact Daytime and Univ Groups (following response from Ayrshire Group)

AIUK Campaign ‘Stop the Cruel Bill (Illegal Immigration Bill)

Thea from AIUK had circulated an action to the Scottish Groups relating to the above Bill. The UK Govt has stated the Bill only relates to reserved powers. Human Rights organisations are challenging this and asking the Scottish Government to lodge its own motion asking the Scottish Parliament to reject the Bill, on the grounds that it impacts on devolved matters.

Action – Andrew to consider the Group's response re potential contact with Scottish MPs / MSPs

Ukrainian Refugees Questionnaire

It was noted that a response had been sent, on behalf of the Group, to a post-grad student's request for input to a questionnaire relating to Ukrainian refugees. The draft response had been circulated on the Signal group.

May Day event

Mal provided an update on a May Day march, taking place on Saturday 29th April. Participants are asked to arrive at George Square, Glasgow for 11am, with a march to Queens Park, commencing at 11.30am. It was agreed that our Group should take one of the stalls at Queens Park.

Following discussion of the online event for Scottish AI Groups, it was agreed to contact the other AI Groups and invite them to join us at the May Day event.

Action – Mal to confirm the AI Stall with the organisers.

Action – Claire & Mal to sort out materials for the stall and the banner.

Action – Andrew to contact other AI Groups.

Action – All Group members who can manage to attend the event on Saturday 29th April.

Iftar event

Claire provided feedback on the recent Iftar event, which had been attended by Amanda, Amjad, Kirstie, Sabrine and Claire from our Group.

The event was successful and aimed to encourage Muslim groups and individuals to work together on human rights. Alison Thewlis MP attended, as did local Councillor Alex Belic. AIUK's China Co-ordinator was also involved in the event.

There will be a follow-up event on 14th May at The Ark, Govanhill and volunteers from our group are requested to attend.

Action – Claire to co-ordinate our Group's input.

Action – Mal to speak at the 14th May event.

Action – Volunteers to contact Claire if they are able to attend.

End Israeli Apartheid

Claire highlighted a number of issues relating to Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories (IOPT), including a number of anniversary dates. (See details and links in the agenda that was circulated on the Signal group and at the meeting).

Action – As above, agreed to invite Ayrshire Group to share their IOPT activities with us.

Urgent Actions

Merle had provided Christine with Urgent Actions and circulated the links below. Colleagues took these away to complete at home. Others who couldn't attend the meeting are also invited to respond to these.

Action – All to consider responding to the Urgent Action appeals

Local Groups' Update

Claire highlighted some of the key items from AIUK's local groups' update. (Link to this previously circulated with the email for this meeting).

This included the following:

  • An Online Activism Assembly being held on Tuesday 16th May 2023, which is the first in a series.

  • Updates from the Europe Country Coordinators including campaign links & contacts

  • AIUK 2023 Priority Campaigns: Priority Campaigns from AI

  • Delivering human rights education: learn how to deliver participatory and effective human rights education by completing Amnesty UK's free short introductory course. & for more specific support Contact Amnesty UK's education team/visit page to find out more about Amnesty's education resources, training and projects.


Freedom From Torture (FFT) event

Christine referred to the undernoted FFT meeting:

  • When: 27th April 6pm - 8pm
  • Where: Venue: Adelphi Centre, 12 Commercial Road Glasgow G5 0PQ
  • Register: via FFT's Eventbrite link

More info:

"Come along to hear first-hand accounts of the therapy offered in our Centre in Glasgow from survivors and those working with them. Fiona Crombie, Clinical Service Manager at the Centre will talk about the evolving programme of support that is offered at present as well as future plans for the centre.

Fiona will be joined by a previous service user in a Q&A session to discuss the impact Freedom from Torture has had on their life and how they have moved forward. We will also be showing videos made by survivors about their experience of beginning a new life in the UK."

Action – Group members are encouraged to attend

May meeting

– Silvia agreed to take the minutes, in Andrew's absence; Claire will organise the agenda.

Action – Silvia & Claire

Meeting of Church hall users

– Silvia agreed to attend the meeting on Saturday 13th May @ 9.30am.

Action - Silvia

At next meeting, we will discuss LiftTheBan's “High Street Challenge” campaign - new member Fatma can hopefully lead! (she presented it at England's NE Regional Conference, newly moved to Glasgow): Aim of campaign is to overturn ban on asylum seekers working whilst their claim is being considered.

Action – Claire to put this item on the agenda

Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting will take place on Thursday 11th May 2023, 7.30pm - 9pm @ Woodlands Methodist Church, 229 Woodlands Road, G3 6LW.

2023 Meeting Dates

New Members very welcome!

The Group meets every 2nd Thursday at 7.30pm - 9pm.

The meetings take place at Woodlands Methodist Church, 229 Woodlands Road, G3 6LW

For further information contact

  • Thursday 12th January 2023

  • Thursday 9th February 2023

  • Thursday 9th March 2023

  • Thursday 13th April 2023

  • Thursday 11th May 2023

  • Thursday 8th June 2023

  • Thursday 13th July 2023

  • Thursday 10th August 2023

  • Thursday 14th September 2023

  • Thursday 12th October 2023

  • Thursday 9th November 2023

  • Thursday 14th December 2023



April Meeting & March Updates

Thank you to AMG for this info and updates. If you would prefer to read this content as a PDF, you can do so here.

We warmly invite you to attend the next meeting of the AI Glasgow West Group. Please come and join in our lively and friendly discussions and help us make a positive difference to supporting Human Rights around the world.

This update includes:

  • Details of our forthcoming April 2023 meeting

  • Excerpts from and a link to AIUK's most recent update for local AI group

  • Minutes of our local group meeting held last month; and

  • A note of all our local Group's meeting dates for 2023.

April 2023 Glasgow West AI Group Meeting

Thursday 13th April, Woodlands International Methodist Church, 7:30pm

The next Glasgow West Amnesty meeting takes place on Thursday 13 April 2023 at 7.30pm - 9pm at Woodlands International Church.
More details on Facebook -

We would love to see you there on Thursday!

Our activities for the April meeting include:

  • Planning next steps following our recent successful Iftar event, which highlighted various human rights issues affecting Muslim Groups;

  • Discussing Israeli Apartheid and considering potential events to help raise awareness; and

  • Undertaking letter writing in response to recent Urgent Actions alerts from AI.

Recent AI Glasgow West Comedy Fundraiser lauded by AIUK

The AI Glasgow West Group's comedy fundraising event, has recently been praised by Amnesty International UK's Fundraising Team as ‘ of the most successful fundraisers in a long time...”.

We provided details in last month's email of this event, which raised £3,500 for AI.

Extract Of Local Groups' Updates From AIUK

Full details of AIUK's update for local groups can be viewed via this browser link.

This month's update from AIUK includes the following:

Stop the Cruel Bill

The UK government's latest immigration bill is a heartless and cruel attack on people needing safety.The government is using lies and hate-filled language that will stoke flames of division, hatred and could end with more violence. We cannot allow this to happen.

Over 12,000 Amnesty supporters wrote to their MPs ahead of the second reading.

Local groups and individuals are encouraged to continue the pressure and further raise awareness.

Protect the Protest updates - Public Order Bill

The draconian Public Order Bill is currently in its final stage of its passage through parliament. This law, when passed will give the police unprecedented powers to restrict the right to protest in the UK. This will include an expansion of police powers to be able to ban people from attending protests, stop and search people in the context of protest and make it easier for police to restrict protest. This is particularly concerning in light of Baroness Casey's damning report that found deep-rooted institutional racism, homophobia and misogyny in the Met.

This new legislation, last year's ‘Police Act' and other attacks on human rights in the UK has led to the UK being downgraded in a global civic freedoms index to ‘obstructed'. You can read more here.

Israeli Occupied Palestinian Territory

It was in the midst of Israeli Apartheid Week that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made a surprise visit to London. An Amnesty activist greeted him by wearing a mask of his face and holding a sign saying ‘I heart apartheid.' We also unfurled a banner calling for an end to Israeli apartheid. Earlier in the week, we worked with Palestinian activists in London to put stickers on hire bikes, using the bike as a symbol of free movement to make the point that Palestinians continue to live under punitive movement restrictions.

Many of you have held screenings of Farha and Tantura to learn about the Nakba. There is still plenty of time to do this and hold a brainstorming session for actions you can take to mark Nakba day on 15 May.

Further information from AIUK

Full details of AIUK's update for local groups can be viewed via this browser link.

March 2023 Updates

Glasgow West Local Group

Meeting held on 9th March 2023

Present : Claire (Chair), Kirstie, Christine, Jim, Mal, Amjad, Andrew and Sabrine.

Apologies tendered: Neil, Merle, Amanda, Silvia, Sharon, Hala and Chakar (Chakar is a former member of AI Perth, who will be joining our Group).


Claire welcomed everyone to the meeting, particularly Sabrine, who was attending her first meeting of the group.

Minutes of meeting held on 9 February 2023

The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed.

Financial Update

Kirstie indicated that she was now officially recognised as the Group's Treasurer, having now had a bank statement posted to her!

Kirstie has received notification from AIUK Charitable Trust that they have receipt of £2823 raised at The Stand Comedy fundraiser.

On the night, a total of c.£750 was also raised for our local Group's campaigns and activities (£540 raised in the raffle, £119 in tin collections and £89 via PayPal donations).

The Group recorded its thanks to all who had contributed via buying event tickets, raffle tickets, tin collections, PayPal donations and donating raffle prizes.

Andrew confirmed he had written to The Stand to thank their staff and the performers.

Jim noted that the date of 12 February 2024 had been agreed with The Stand for a similar event.

With the imminent rise of postal charges, Kirstie undertook to investigate whether it would be possible to buy stamps in advance for overseas letters. (post-meeting update: Kirstie subsequently confirmed that it is only possible to buy stamps for UK destinations in advance).

Action from Previous meetings

Andrew noted that there had still been no response from Naomi McAuliffe regarding the invitations for her to meet with the Glasgow AI groups. However, separately and unrelated, Thea Iannou, a local activism colleague from AIUK, has been in touch with the AI Groups in Scotland and invited them to an online meeting to discuss common issues. This will take place on 21 March and Andrew will dial into that.

Debrief from the Stand night: a great night; raffle went well and we don't need to worry about having great prizes - people don't care!; take at least 10 raffle ticket books in future!

International Women's Day

Claire highlighted an event taking place in Govanhill Park on Saturday 11 March at 12 noon. This is part of a wider series of events in Govanhill celebrating International Women's Day. Details in undernoted link:

Christine updated on correspondence she had received from the AI Feminist Network. This included an Action Pack, which highlighted Urgent Action cases relating to Women's Rights, covering Iran, Andorra and Afghanistan.

The Action Pack includes various online actions that members may wish to add their voice to:-

@Silvia / Hala → SM if possible

Nomination to AIUK Board

Our local Group member colleague, Mal had previously indicated that he wished to stand for election to the Board of AIUK and our Group confirmed that it would nominate him.

AIUK Local Groups' Update

The link to the local groups' update had been circulated with the meeting notice.

Stand up to Racism March, Glasgow on Saturday 18 March

Claire had previously circulated information about the above event, which was taking place in Glasgow, Cardiff and London. After discussion, it was agreed that individuals from our group would consider attending on a personal basis.

IFTAR event

Claire provided an update on the Iftar event, which will take place on Sunday 26 March @ 4.30pm – at The Ark, 70 Coplaw Street, Glasgow. The event is being organised with input from our Group and MEND. It will involve speakers covering rights issues relating to Uyghurs including Eritrea, Palestine and Kashmir. It will involve a ‘write for rights' session relating to individuals from the various topic areas, prior to the Iftar meal.

Claire indicated that an open Eventbrite invitation to the Iftar event would be circulated. It would be helpful to get press and social media publicity relating to this – Silvia / Hala?


Claire indicated that much planning had yet to take place and volunteers to assist would be appreciated.

Amjar, Kirstie, Sabrine and Claire indicated they would be available to attend the event. Christine may be able to attend later on in the day.

A follow-up session to the Iftar event will also take place on 14 May at 2.30pm.

May Day event

Mal indicated that there was an opportunity for AI to have a stall at the May Day rally at Glasgow Green. It was agreed in principle that we should do this. Other local AI Groups may wish to join with this.

Planning for this event will be discussed in more detail at a future meeting.

Urgent Actions

Christine circulated Urgent Actions (which Merle had passed to her) and colleagues undertook letter writing on those cases.

Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting will take place on Thursday 13th April 2023, 7.30pm - 9pm @ Woodlands Methodist Church, 229 Woodlands Road, G3 6LW.

2023 Meeting Dates

New Members welcome!

The Group meets every 2 Thursday at 7.30pm - 9pm.

The meetings take place at Woodlands Methodist Church, 229 Woodlands Road, G3 6LW

For further information contact

  • Thursday 12 January 2023

  • Thursday 9 February 2023

  • Thursday 9th March 2023

  • Thursday 13th April 2023

  • Thursday 11th May 2023

  • Thursday 8th June 2023

  • Thursday 13th July 2023

  • Thursday 10th August 2023

  • Thursday 14th September 2023

  • Thursday 12th October 2023

  • Thursday 9th November 2023

  • Thursday 14th December 2023



March 2023 Meeting & February Updates

Thanks to AMG for these updates. If you would prefer to read these updates as a PDF, you can do so here.

We warmly invite you to attend the next meeting of the AI Glasgow West Group. Please come and join in our lively and friendly discussions and help us make a positive difference to supporting Human Rights around the world.

This update includes:

  • Details of our forthcoming March 2023 meeting;

  • A write-up featuring our recent Comedy Fundraiser;

  • Excerpts from and a link to AIUK's most recent update for local AI groups;

  • Minutes of our local group meeting held last month; and

  • A note of all our local Group's meeting dates for 2023.

March 2023 Glasgow West AI Group Meeting

Thursday 9th March, Woodlands International Methodist Church, 7:30pm

The next Glasgow West Amnesty meeting takes place on Thursday 9 March 2023 at 7.30pm – 9pm at Woodlands International Church.

More details on Facebook -

We would love to see you there on Thursday!

Our activities for the March meeting include:

  • Reviewing our recent Comedy fundraiser and discussing future events;

  • Discussing the nomination of one of our long-time activists for a position on the AIUK Board; and

  • Undertaking letter writing in response to recent Urgent Actions alerts from AI.

AI Glasgow West Comedy Fundraiser raises £3,500 for Amnesty

A total of just over £3,500 was raised for Amnesty International at a Comedy event held in Glasgow in February.

sold out!

£2,800 in ticket sales went directly to the AI Charitable Trust, while £750 was donated via a raffle and collection tins to support the work of the local Glasgow West Amnesty group.

A cast of top comedians, including local legends Frankie Boyle, Mark Nelson and, host for the evening Chris Forbes, helped ensure that the event was completely sold out.

Other comedians appearing on the packed bill were local and international stand-ups Laura Quinn Goh, Marjolein Robertson, Liam Farrelly and Susan Riddell.

All performers gave their time free of charge in order to help raise awareness of Amnesty and raise funds to support AI's ongoing work.

The Stand Comedy Club in Glasgow generously provided free use of its premises for the evening.

During the interval, Mal, one of the local activists with AI Glasgow West Group, provided the audience with a brief overview of the work of AI, and encouraged attendees to consider joining their local AI group.

Claire Low, Chair of AI Glasgow West Group, said:

“It was an amazing evening! We couldn't believe we also sold out all of our raffle books! People were incredibly generous despite local hardships. We have already fixed our date for next year's comedy event at The Stand, who we'd like to thank for their work in supporting and hosting the event.”

Extract Of Updates From AIUK

Full details of AIUK's update for local groups can be viewed via this browser link.

This month's update from AIUK features information on a Manchester AI member's efforts to raise the issue of ‘sportswashing' as a means of distracting from human rights abuses.

AI is also continuing its work in recruiting a series of activist representatives across the UK.

Amnesty Manchester'sletter

no qatar - human rights matter

"Manchester United fans, let's fight takeover by Qatar"

Those are the words fromKathryn Fletcher, a*Manchester Amnesty*activist in her Guardian letter on 14 February.

She's saying thatUnited and City fans should pull together in protest against the "sportswashing" of human rights abuses in the UAE and Qatar.

She's calling onconcerned Manchester United fans to join the Manchester Amnesty group to campaign against this takeover.Read the full article here.

Activism Representatives

Activism Representatives are the voluntary lead activists who coordinate and support local Amnesty groups across the UK.

We are still recruiting for Activism Representatives. If you are interested in applying or know someone who would be great for the role please follow the button below to apply.

Read more

For full details of the latest AIUK Local Groups' update, please click on this browser link.

Updates from AI Glasgow West Meeting held on 9th February 2023

Present:Claire (Chair), Kirstie, Amanda, Christine, Jim, Silvia, Neil, Merle, Mal, Amjad, Andrew and Hala.

Apologies tendered: Sharon.


Claire welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Minutes of meeting held on 12 January 2023

The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed.

Financial Update

Kirstie provided an update on the Group's finances. This included taking receipt of £26.25 from the Glasgow Daytime AI Group as their contribution to the Write for Rights postage; £49.31 in donations and £31 via the Paypal account. All contributors with contact details have been written to and thanked.

The quarterly bill for hire of meeting hall (£63) and the annual affiliation fee to AIUK (£72) have recently been paid.

A £25 donation on behalf of our Group to support AI's work in investigating human rights abuses in Ukraine has been made personally by Kirstie and she will reclaim this from the Group's funds.

The Group's bank account has a balance of £211 as at 1 Feb.

The link to the annual financial return to AIUK was briefly discussed and Kirstie and Jim will complete and submit that form. Action – Kirstie and Jim

AI Collection Tins

Two of the AI collection tins recently received from a former member of a now disbanded AI group will be passed to the Glasgow University AI Group by Hala. Action – Hala

Glasgow University AI Group Event

Mal, Neil and Hala had recently agreed to input to an event held by Glasgow University AI Group, which was aimed at supporting development of the group and helping bolster their recruitment and membership. Feedback received from Alejandra, the secretary of the Glasgow University group, on the input of our group members was extremely positive and the event was seen to have been very successful. The Glasgow University Group is keen to undertake further collaboration with our Group.

Social Media

Silvia provided an update on activities relating to social media, including publicity for the Comedy Fundraiser.

Urgent Actions

Merle circulated Urgent Actions and colleagues undertook letter writing on those cases.

Local Groups' Update

Claire highlighted some of the key items from AIUK's local groups' update. (Link to this previously circulated with the email for this meeting).

The article and photos submitted on the Glasgow Groups' Write for Rights event had been included in the AIUK mailing.

It was noted that, whilst the previous AIUK update had highlighted dates for AIUK's regional online conferences, no further details had been included in this update. (Subsequent to our meeting, AIUK advised that the Scotland conference would not be going ahead this year).

Update on Invitation to AI Scotland Director to attend meeting with Glasgow AI Groups

A third invitation / reminder had been sent to Naomi McAuliffe, AI Scotland Director, to attend a meeting with the Glasgow AI groups. As yet, we still await a response.

Resolutions for AIUK annual meeting

It was noted that the deadline for submitting resolutions to the AIUK AGM was imminent. Any member wishing to propose a resolution should circulate their proposal to the group activists via the Signal Group within one week.

Comedy Night Fundraising Event

Tasks and information for the Comedy Fundraiser, The Stand, 333 Woodlands Road, G3 6NG

Doors Open – 7pm Wednesday 15 February 2023

Starts – 8pm approx.

Finishes – 10pm approx.

Arrive Early - Jim & Hala will arrive at 6.45pm

AI Input on the night - Mal will lead the Group's input on the night. This includes liaising with the host, Chris Forbes, and asking him to lead the raffle; Providing a brief overview of the work of AI during the interval; thanking The Stand, the performers and others giving freely of their time; and liaising with the host on buying the performers a drink (Kirstie to reimburse cost from raffle proceeds).

Raffle prizes – Candles and £30 voucher for Utopia for Hair or Massage treatment - Kirstie; Champagne – Neil; Wine – Silvia; Wine – Christine; Talisker whisky – Andrew; Ted Baker ‘His & Her Bath Sets' – Sharon; Other prizes? (Individuals to bring the prizes along on the night and hold onto them until the raffle is about to start during the interval)

Raffle Posters – Merle will draft posters stating that AI Glasgow West will be the beneficiary of the raffle and that the funds raised will be used in local campaigns, etc. Jim will email a copy of this to The Stand.

Raffle Ticket prices - £2 for 1 strip; £5 for 3 strips. (N.B. Do not detach individual tickets from strips!)

Raffle Ticket sellers – Amjad, Neil & Amanda.

Raffle tickets – Andrew has 3 sets of Mal's books of raffle tickets and will bring them on the night

Money collected – Sellers to give funds raised from raffle to Kirstie.

Photographs / Social Media - Silvia will take photographs at the event for use in publicity, including providing social media updates on the night.

AI publicity materials - Andrew will bring the AI Banner, Posters, Lanyards, Badges and Raffle tickets.

Collection Tins – Neil will bring two AI Collection Tins to provide an opportunity for anyone wishing to make cash donations.

Funds Raised - Once the final total raised for AIUK Charity is notified to Jim by The Stand, he will arrange for them to send an invoice to The Stand for that amount.

Publicity – Andrew will write a short article for the AIUK Local Groups Update on the Fundraiser and include some of Silvia's photos. Hala will seek to liaise with local press on getting publicity for the event.

Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting will take place on Thursday 9th March 2023, 7.30pm - 9pm @ Woodlands Methodist Church, 229 Woodlands Road, G3 6LW.

Amnesty International

Glasgow West Local Group

2023 Meeting Dates

New Members welcome!

The Group meets every 2 Thursday at 7.30pm - 9pm.

The meetings take place at Woodlands Methodist Church, 229 Woodlands Road, G3 6LW

For further information contact

Meeting dates for 2023:

  • Thursday 12 January 2023

  • Thursday 9 February 2023

  • Thursday 9th March 2023

  • Thursday 13th April 2023

  • Thursday 11th May 2023

  • Thursday 8th June 2023

  • Thursday 13th July 2023

  • Thursday 10th August 2023

  • Thursday 14th September 2023

  • Thursday 12th October 2023

  • Thursday 9th November 2023

  • Thursday 14th December 2023



February 2023 meeting & January Updates

Thanks to AMG for these updates. If you prefer, you can also read them as a PDF.

We warmly invite you to attend the next meeting of the AI Glasgow West Group. Please come and join in our lively and friendly discussions and help us make a positive difference to supporting Human Rights around the world.

This update includes:

  • Details of our forthcoming February 2023 meeting;
  • Excerpts from and a link to AIUK's most recent update for local AI groups;
  • Minutes of our local group meeting held last month; and
  • A note setting out all of our local Group's meeting dates for 2023.

February 2023 Glasgow West AI Group Meeting

Thursday 9th February, Woodlands International Methodist Church, 7:30pm

The next Glasgow West Amnesty meeting takes place on Thursday 9th February 2023 at 7.30pm – 9pm at Woodlands International Church.

More details on Facebook -

We would love to see you there on Thursday!

Our activities for the February meeting include:

  • Finalising the planning for our AI Comedy Night Fundraiser at The Stand, Glasgow on the evening of Wednesday 15th February 2023. (Tickets now Sold Out).
  • Considering whether our local AI Group wishes to submit any resolutions to AIUK's AGM, which takes place on 24th June 2023.
  • Discussing our Group's potential participation in the Stand Up To Racism Demonstrations, planned to take place in Glasgow, Cardiff and London on Saturday 18th March 2023; and
  • Urgent Actions letter writing.

Extract Of Updates From AIUK

Full details of AIUK's update for local groups can be viewed via this browser link.

This month's update from AIUK features information on the Write for Rights campaign, including information on the work of the three AI Glasgow groups' input to that campaign.
It also includes a template for individuals to write to newspapers to highlight concerns around UK Government activities and proposals affecting human rights.

Amnesty Spring Raffle


Enter the Amnesty Spring Raffle and grab your chance to feel like a winner! How would you spend £5,000? That's what's up for grabs when we draw the raffle in just a few weeks.

Tickets cost just £2 and with every ticket you buy, you're standing up for humanity.

Buy your raffle tickets online today for your chance to experience that winning feeling and you could help more people like unfairly imprisoned Ibrahim Ezz el-Dinwalk free!

Enter now

AIUK 2023 Priority Campaigns

The link below outlines Amnesty International UK's 2023 priority campaigns. This includes current campaigns you may be familiar with, such as End Israeli Apartheid and Protect the Protest, as well as new exciting campaigns upcoming this year. 
The information in the PDF will be subject to change.

Please always check the campaign pages for the most up-to-date information, or get in touch with * * and

Read more

January 2023 Updates

Amnesty International

Glasgow West Local Group

Meeting held on 12th January 2023

Present: Claire (Chair), Kirstie, Neil, Merle, Mal, Amjad, Andrew and Hala.

Apologies tendered: Jim, Silvia and Sharon.


Claire welcomed everyone to the meeting, particularly Amjad, who was attending for the first time. Colleagues introduced themselves.

Minutes of meeting held on 8th December 2022

The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed.

Financial Update

Kirstie provided an update on the Group's finances. The major annual expenses for the group are hire of meeting hall (£252 pa, paid quarterly) and the annual affiliation fee to AIUK of £72 pa. The current balance in the Group's bank account is c.£300. Write for Rights postage expenses of £52.50 were recently incurred, with the Glasgow Daytime AI Group having agreed to cover half of that cost.

AI Collection Tins

Andrew noted that five AI collection tins had recently been passed to him by Sheena, a member of the now disbanded Paisley AI group (Sheena was referred via Alex of the AI Glasgow Daytime Group). They will be stored in the cupboard of our meeting hall and Andrew will also contact the secretary of the Glasgow Univ AI Group to ask if they want a couple of the tins. (Action – Andrew)
It was noted that AI UK had also sent us a couple of collection tins as part of the Write for Rights resource pack we requested.

Donation to Ukraine Appeal

It was agreed that the Group should donate £25 to AI's ringfenced appeal to help raise resources to contribute to human rights work in Ukraine.

Andrew forwarded AIUK's link to the ringfenced Ukraine appeal to Kirstie and she will arrange payment of our agreed donation. (Action – Kirstie)

Write for Rights Event

Claire referred to the update on our December W4R event, which had been summarised in the calling notice email for this meeting. A total of 118 individual cards and letters had been sent, covering 10 countries. Claire thanked Kirstie for helping lead the organisation of the library venue and also thanked all the volunteers who had input to the day from our own group, the Glasgow Daytime Group and the Glasgow University Group.

Thank you messages had been sent to the secretaries of the other two groups, to the head librarian (Steven Millar) and to the politician who had attended the event (Paul Sweeney, MSP). A short article on our Write for Rights event had been submitted to AIUK asking them to consider it for inclusion in their next monthly Local Groups' Update.

AIUK Local Groups' Update

Claire highlighted some of the items included in the latest AIUK Local Groups' update.

This included the date for AIUK's regional online conferences, with the Scotland AI Conference taking place on 4th March 2023. Further details to follow from AIUK.

Claire also highlighted free online course open to all AI members.

Full details of the AIUK update for local groups was circulated with the calling notice email for our Group's January meeting, and can also be viewed via this browser link.

Glasgow University Group Event

The secretary of the Glasgow University AI Group had asked our Group to provide a speaker(s) for an event they were holding on Tuesday 24th January aimed at recruiting new activists to their group. The event will focus on having an open discussion with their members about the background to AI, campaigning, events, current Human Rights issues, etc.

It was agreed that Mal, Hala and Neil would all attend and contribute to leading that discussion with the University Group members. Andrew will forward contact details and information on the discussions he has had with Alejandra, secretary of the University AI Group, regarding potential content and format of the event. (Action – Mal, Hala and Neil)

Update on Invitation to AI Scotland Director to attend meeting with Glasgow AI Groups

Andrew indicated that Naomi McAuliffe, AI Director, had been invited in early November to attend a meeting to discuss how the Glasgow AI groups can best contribute locally to AIUK's Strategic Framework priorities. The secretaries of the other two Glasgow AI Groups had indicated they would be keen for all the Glasgow AI groups to be invited to attend.

The invitation asked Naomi to speak on issues our own Group had identified as being particularly keen to engage with, such as the Human Rights Act, both in relation to protesting the changes set out by the UK Govt and, separately, in seeking to contribute to the Scottish Govt's proposed Human Rights Bill consultation.  The invitation email suggested Naomi might speak on how best our local groups can contribute effectively to these and other broader AI campaigning priorities.  For example, how can we better link our work and resources to supporting AI's Scotland office, as well as joining with other organisations locally and nationally, including those affiliated to the Human Rights Consortium Scotland.  It was also suggested that members would likely find it helpful to have a more general overview of the role of AI's Scotland office, links with AIUK and with local groups across Scotland.  In addition, Naomi would, undoubtedly, have other issues that she would wish to cover.  The suggestion was for a fairly informal discussion, with Naomi providing an overview and context, before opening up a more general chat with members of the three Glasgow Groups.

Naomi had indicated in early December that she would be willing to attend, however, there had been no further response yet to the follow-up email of 14th December, asking if the group's meeting dates in February or March suited.

Andrew will once again contact Naomi to try to get a date for this in order to give sufficient notice to the other Glasgow AI groups and members. (Action – Andrew)

Comedy Night Fundraising Event

Jim had previously confirmed with The Stand that the event would take place on 15th February. Tickets will be sold online by The Stand, with all ticket sale proceeds going to AIUK's charitable wing (also meaning there would be no tax implications).

Once ticket sales are live, we will be informed by The Stand. It is likely tickets will sell out fast, given the indication of the comedians that will be performing on the bill.

Publicity for the event would include our social media (Action - Silvia) and contacting the secretaries of the other Glasgow Groups with details (Action – Andrew)

It was noted that there will likely be minimal need for our input on the night, as The Stand will cover door issues, etc.

The one area we will need to work on is in relation to organising a cash raffle on the night. This will be the only mechanism for raising funds for our local group.

It was discussed that many people attending the event may not be carrying cash and it was suggested that using our Paypal account may be an option, dependent on Wifi connectivity (Action – Kirstie to consider).

It was also suggested that we could urge attendees to bring cash for the raffle via social media. (Action - Silvia to consider).

Mal indicated that he may have books of raffle tickets that could be used. (Action – Mal).

Neil, Merle and Andrew offered to donate raffle prizes (Champagne, Chocolates and Malt Whisky).

It was suggested that individual members may wish to contact local businesses to request donations for raffle prizes (Action – All to consider).

It was also suggested that we could bring the AI banner and some of the posters that are in the store cupboard to the event to help raise awareness of AI.

Final arrangements for the event will be made at our February meeting (which takes place just six days before the event).

Urgent Actions

Merle circulated Urgent Actions and a number of colleagues undertook letter writing on those cases.

Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting will take place on Thursday 9th February 2023, 7.30pm - 9pm @ Woodlands Methodist Church, 229 Woodlands Road, G3 6LW.

2023 Meeting Dates

New Members welcome!

The Group meets every 2nd Thursday at 7.30pm - 9pm.

The meetings take place at Woodlands Methodist Church, 229 Woodlands Road, G3 6LW

For further information contact

  • Thursday 12th January 2023

  • Thursday 9th February 2023

  • Thursday 9th March 2023

  • Thursday 13th April 2023

  • Thursday 11th May 2023

  • Thursday 8th June 2023

  • Thursday 13th July 2023

  • Thursday 10th August 2023

  • Thursday 14th September 2023

  • Thursday 12th October 2023

  • Thursday 9th November 2023

  • Thursday 14th December 2023

"Better to light a candle than curse the darkness"


January Meeting and Updates

Thanks to AMG for these updates. If you prefer to read them as a PDF, you can do so here

Happy New Year

Happy New Year to all our local AI Members and Supporters!

We would like to warmly invite you to attend the next meeting of the AI Glasgow West Group. Please come and join in our lively and friendly discussions and help us make a positive difference to supporting Human Rights around the world.

This email includes:

  • Details of our forthcoming January 2023 meeting
  • An update on the Glasgow AI Groups' December Write for Rights Event
  • Excerpts from AIUK's most recent update for local groups
  • Minutes of our local group meeting held last month.

January 2023 Glasgow West AI Group Meeting

Thursday 12th January, Woodlands International Methodist Church, 7:30pm

The next Glasgow West Amnesty meeting takes place on Thursday 12th January 2023 at 7.30pm – 9pm at Woodlands International Church.

More details on Facebook -

We would love to see you there on Thursday!

Our activities for the January meeting include:

  • Planning an AI Comedy Night Fundraiser at The Stand, Glasgow on the evening of Wednesday 15th February 2023 – ****HOLD THE DATE!****
  • Urgent Appeals letter writing;
  • Discussing our invitation to input to a forthcoming Glasgow Univ AI Group meeting; and
  • Reviewing our recent Right for Writes Campaign.

Update On Glasgow AI Groups' Write For Rights Event

To mark International Human Rights Day on Saturday 10th December 2022, the three Glasgow Amnesty International Groups came together to host a joint Write for Rights event at Hillhead Library in Glasgow.

Activists from the Glasgow West, Glasgow Daytime and Glasgow University AI Groups, spent the day raising awareness of AI's 2022 Write for Rights cases.

On the day, a total of 118 individual cards and letters were written and posted off to ten different countries. At the event, a collection was also held to support AI's work in investigating human rights abuses in Ukraine.

The intention is that this highly positive experience of collaboration across the three Glasgow AI groups will now be built on and taken further forward in 2023 and beyond.

Extract Of Updates From AIUK

Full details of AIUK's update for local groups can be viewed via this link to the local groups update.

AIUK Online Conference

AIUK is organising seven conferences across nations and regions of the UK. This is simply a ‘save the date' message for any AI member interested in attending. Further details will be available nearer the time.

Scotland Conference
Date: 4 March
Location: Online

Contact here

AIUK Chair's End Of Year Message

The end of year message from Sen Raj, Chair of AIUK, can be viewed via this link.

Amongst other things, Sen's message highlights some of the achievements of 2022, including work undertaken to support and defend human rights; examples of the ongoing challenges ahead, including in Ukraine, in relation to Asylum seekers and in defending the right to protest within the UK.

December 2022 Meeting Updates

Amnesty International
Glasgow West Local Group

Meeting held on 8th December 2022

Present: Claire (Chair), Kirstie, Hala, Andrew, Amanda, John, Christine, Silvia and Merle.

Also attending: Sara, Freedom From Torture (FfT).

Apologies: Jim, Sharon, Neil and Mal.


Claire welcomed everyone to the meeting and indicated that the main focus would be on making the final preparations for Saturday's Write for Rights event. Firstly, however, she introduced Sara from Freedom from Torture, who was selling Xmas cards to raise funds for FfT, as well as providing our group with an overview of FfT's work.

Freedom From Torture

Sara outlined the origins and work of FfT. It was founded in 1984 by a group of medics to provide care and support for victims of torture. It offers a range of services, including therapies and support to assist victims' recovery, including coping with the physical and psychological impacts of torture. FfT also provides a range of practical services to assist those fleeing torture, such as support to adjust to living in the UK, including translation services.

FfT documents the experiences of and impacts on victims of torture, including matters of physical and mental scarring. This information is typically used both to assist individual asylum claims and to help prosecute / hold to account those responsible for torture.

Sara indicated that there is an FfT centre in Glasgow adjacent to the Clyde.

FfT has c.200 staff and many volunteers, including medics and therapists who help undertake its programme of work.

There are six FfT volunteer groups in the UK, whose role is primarily to raise awareness of the organisation and raise funds to support FfT's work. This includes a group in Glasgow and a group in Edinburgh.

Sara answered a range of questions from AI colleagues, who then purchased cards. Sara was also invited to join the group at Saturday's Write for Rights event, which she accepted. Sara was thanked for her interesting input to the meeting.

Glasgow West AI Group Updates

  • The various actions from the 10th November 2022 meeting were reviewed, with the vast majority having been actioned.

  • Jim's message about potential dates for the Comedy night was discussed and it was agreed to go for Weds 22nd February. [post-meeting update: That date was subsequently taken and an alternative date of 15th February is now our preferred option. Jim to confirm with the venue].

  • Andrew indicated that he had not yet had a response from Naomi McAuliffe to the invitation to attend a meeting in early 2023. [post-meeting update: Naomi has now been in touch and we will liaise with her on a suitable date, as well as extending an invitation to attend this discussion to the Daytime and GUAI groups once we have the details of Naomi's preferred date].

Upcoming Event - Write4Rights (W4R) Hillhead Library Saturday 10th December 2022

  • It was noted that both the AI Glasgow Daytime Group and AI Glasgow University Group had responded positively to the invitation to partner with our group in the W4R event and members of those groups will join with us to run the event on Saturday.

  • Furthermore, the Daytime Group had also agreed to make a donation to the postage costs associated with the event. It was suggested that we should thank the Daytime Group for their kind offer and ask if they would consider a 50:50 split of the postage costs. [post-meeting update: Kirstie confirmed that the total postage costs were £52.50, with a total of 118 cards and letters being packaged up and sent to eleven different countries].

  • Andrew updated on the W4R booklets he had requested and received from AIUK, together with other materials, including badges, posters, etc. It was noted that there was an addendum to the W4R booklet, with a couple of the details in the printed booklet requiring to be updated to correct the mailing address.

  • Claire indicated that she had sent invitations to local politicians.

  • The rota of volunteers from our group for the event was agreed. The Daytime group and GUAI group volunteers have been asked to drop in, as and when they are available.

  • The materials to bring along were sorted into bags, covering pens, pencils, paper, cards, badges, stickers, banner, posters, collection tins, etc.

  • Silvia will continue to issue further social media updates on the event.

AIUK Local Groups' Updates

  • Claire provided an update on some of the issues covered within the AIUK Local Groups' Update, including Human Rights at the World Cup, Ukraine Appeal, Amnesty Online Shop discount code, AI Xmas raffle and free AI online courses.

  • The Local Groups update also included examples of how AI groups around the country were undertaking work and campaigns. It was discussed that we should consider highlighting examples of our own work in this way.

  • This link provides full details of the latest AIUK local groups update.

Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting will take place on Thursday 12th January 2023, 7.30pm - 9pm @ Woodlands Methodist Church, 229 Woodlands Road, G3 6LW


December Meeting, Write For Rights & November Updates

Seasons Greetings!

Thanks to AMG for these minutes. If you prefer, you can read them as a PDF.

We would like to warmly invite you to attend the next meeting of the AI Glasgow West Group. Please come and join us for a mince pie, get involved in our lively and friendly discussions and help us make a positive difference to supporting Human Rights around the world.

These updates include:

  • Details of our December meeting;
  • Information on our event being held in Hillhead library on Sat 10th Dec
  • Excerpts from AIUK's recent update for local groups; and
  • Minutes of our local group meeting held last month

December 2022 Glasgow West AI Group Meeting

Thursday 8th December, Woodlands International Methodist Church, 7:30pm

The next Glasgow West Amnesty meeting takes place on Thursday 8th December at 7.30pm – 9pm at Woodlands International Church.

More details on Facebook -

We would love to see you there on Thursday!

Our activities for the December meeting include:

  • Finalising plans for our event being held on Saturday 10th Dec in Hillhead Library, Byres Road, Glasgow. This is focused on engaging the public on AI's annual letter writing campaign, Write for Rights! We will be there between 11am – 4pm and would love you to drop in and get involved in writing short letters of protest to governments – as well as letters of support to prisoners of conscience. No experience required! AI volunteers will be there throughout the day to help you make a difference.


  • Sara Barry from Freedom from Torture will be attending our December meeting to provide an overview of FfT's work. On the evening, Sara will also be selling FfT Xmas Cards to help fund the work of that organisation. Anyone interested in purchasing these cards can also contact Sara directly at


Extract Of Updates From AIUK

Human Rights at the FIFA World Cup 2022


32 nations are competing for the FIFA World Cup. Amnesty groups have seized this chance to highlight the current state of human rights in each of the participating countries, especially the hosts in Qatar.

Amnesty Lambeth had a meeting where eight members of the group assessed the human rights performance of the four countries in their allotted group. No prizes for the victor of the final but a trophy of shame. If you want to hear from the group sign up to their mailing list here.

Ewa Turczanska, a member of the Colwyn Bay group was part of an Amnesty response to an invitation from Melin Drafod, a Welsh think-tank to speak as part of a panel to discuss the World Cup and Welsh ethical foreign policy.

Since the panel discussion Ewa has been asked to speak for S4C (a Welsh tv channel) and has conducted a phone interview about Amnesty's take on Mark Drakeford (Welsh First Minister) going to Qatar.

Sign the petition

Amnesty Shop


A reminder that all local group members receive 10% off everything at the Amnesty Shop, as well as FREE P&P, on orders over £75.

We know that Local Groups and Student activists do amazing work for Amnesty. Buying and sending out cards and gifts from the Amnesty Shop is another way in which you can get involved and help spread our message. As always, we really appreciate your on-going support.

All our products are ethically made, so you can rest assured knowing that everything we sell meets high standards. And you can browse according to your own personal values - whether that be fair trade, vegan, plastic free, or UK made.

Order online and set yourself up with an account and log-on. Enter the code 10AMNGRP into the Gift & Promo Codes box on the Payment Options stage of the checkout to receive your 10% off and FREE P&P (minimum spend: £75).

Shop Here

Amnesty Christmas Raffle 2022

You may wish to enter the Amnesty Christmas Raffle and grab your chance to feel like a winner! How would you spend £5,000? That's what's up for grabs when the raffle is drawn in just a few weeks.

Tickets cost just £2 and with every ticket you buy, you're standing up for humanity.

Buy your raffle tickets online today for your chance to experience that winning feeling and you could help more unfairly imprisoned people walk free!

Enter now

Glasgow West AI October Updates

Amnesty International - Glasgow West Local Group 

Meeting held on 10th November 2022

Present: Claire (Chair), Amanda, Hala, Kirstie, Andrew, Sharon, Jim, Merle, Christine and Silvia.

Welcome: Claire warmly welcomed Amanda and Hala to the group and members introduced themselves. Amanda and Hala will be invited to join the Signal Group and the new members welcome letter will also be forwarded to them – and also to Sharon, who was attending her second meeting. (Action - Claire / Andrew)

Glasgow West AI Group Updates

  • Silvia will continue to help update AIGW social media (including Facebook event for W4R). (Action – Silvia)

  • It was noted that Rob Hallam updates the AIGW website with the monthly updates. Andrew will forward Rob's contact details to Silvia, as she will wish to liaise with Rob in considering any changes to the website*.* (Action – Andrew / Silvia)

  • It was suggested that the AIGW website may not need to contain the monthly minutes and instead could contain a note that they are available upon request. [post meeting note - there is currently very little content on the website other than the monthly updates and minutes, so we may wish to delay any changes until we have alternative content]

  • Agreed that we should revert to one e-mail per month for the wider mailing list, containing a summary of key updates, minutes, etc. (Action – Andrew)

  • Christine distributed posters she had made and various colleagues offered to put them up in local libraries shops, etc. (Action – Various members)

  • Prisoner of Conscience role within AIGW – To be discussed in New Year.

  • Andrew to ask Rob if it's possible to obtain info on how many e-mails sent to the AIGW mailing list are opened. (Action – Andrew)

  • Treasurer's Update - Jim confirmed that the forms had been completed to enable a change of signatories to the Group's bank account. Two signatures will be required on any cheques, etc from Kirstie, Jim and Andrew. Jim will remain as Treasurer until changes are made with the bank; thereafter Kirstie will take on that role. Jim noted he had been advised that the cost of hiring the church hall would rise by a relatively modest amount. Jim indicated he would try phoning The Stand Comedy Club about hosting a fundraiser for the Group. (Action – Jim)

  • The Group had agreed at the Oct meeting to donate £100 to AIUK's Iranian Women campaign Urgent Appeal.  Having contacted AIUK regarding this, the advice was that donations to AI are generally not ringfenced for particular causes and that the appeal was aimed at individual donations. It was subsequently agreed that it would be best to rescind the previous decision to donate group funds and, instead, individual members may make a donation, should they wish to.

  • Name of Group – A brief discussion took place on whether we should consider changing the group name from AI Glasgow West to AI Glasgow. Following discussion, it was noted there could be a range of practical issues and other considerations. It was agreed that the Group's current name should remain.

  • Andrew confirmed that he had contacted Naomi McAuliffe of AI's Scotland Office, inviting her to attend a meeting of the Group in the New Year to discuss how we might work more closely with AI's Scotland office on campaigns, etc. No response had been received yet. Andrew to chase up later in November if still no response. (Action – Andrew)

  • Claire updated that she had contacted Interfaith Glasgow about the potential for joint working between our two groups. The response had been positive, though it would suit them better for something later in 2023. (Action – Claire to renew contact with Interfaith Glasgow later in 2023)

Upcoming Event - Write4Rights (W4R)

  • Kirstie advised that Hillhead Library (Byres Road, Glasgow) had confirmed the venue for Saturday 10th December 2022, where our Group will host a W4R event. The aim is to encourage members of the public to participate in W4R, raise awareness of our group and encourage new members to get involved.

  • Andrew circulated copies of the W4R booklets that had been requested on behalf of the group. (Kirstie hadn't yet received a response from AIUK to her request for booklets).

  • Agreed to cover the W4R event between 11am - 4pm. (Rota – 11am – 1pm Merle, Christine and Amanda; 1pm – 3pm Silvia, Jim and Andrew; 12pm – 4pm Claire; 2pm – 4pm Kirstie; others invited to input as and when they may be available). (Action – various members)

  • In preparation for W4R event, equipment to be brought to our next meeting, which is two days before the event: colouring pencils, pens, paper, non-religious cards, group promotional cards and banner. (Action – various members)

  • The cupboard in the church hall contains some suitable AI posters, badges and a collection tin.

  • We will share details of the event with the other Glasgow AI groups and invite them to participate with us. (Action - Andrew to share with Daytime Group and Silvia to share with Student group)

  • Also agreed that we could invite local politicians to attend the W4R event (MPs/Councillors/MSPs). (Action – all to consider and make contact, as appropriate)

  • Final preparations for the event to be made at our next meeting on Thursday 8th November.

AIUK Local Group Updates

  • Claire provided an update on some of the issues covered within the AIUK local groups update, including:

  • Jamnesty in solidarity with Luis Manuel event. AIUK was inviting groups and supporters to hold local ‘Jamnesty' live music events to celebrate Luis Manuel's life and work, raise awareness of his case and raise vital funds for AIUK. 

  • AI Conference cancelled due to train strikes.

  • *Petition: *

  • Amnesty Shop - 10% discount for members - Code: 10AMNGRP

  • Ukraine Appeal – Help Amnesty International Expose War Crimes by Fundraising with Your Group - Nov-Dec - you'll be able to donate funds raised directly to our work supporting human rights in Ukraine. We are not always able to offer groups the opportunity to raise money in support of specific areas of work, so we are looking forward to seeing how you make the most of this opportunity.  Read more about our Ukraine Appeal and how you can get involved; download a Donation Form for our Ukraine Appeal 

  • British Nationals in Iran No-One Left Behind: Download our new campaign toolkit. This new toolkit gives you information about the campaign, how to involve your MP and take part in the London to Tehran challenge, and where to find all the tools you need to take action.  

  • Update: Morad Tahbaz was sent back to Evin prison in Iran after being released on furlough. We are asking the Foreign Secretary to urgently meet Morad's family to outline the UK's plans to secure his freedom. You can read our response to this news here. Petition 

  • End Israel Apartheid: new report calling on The International Criminal Court to investigate unlawful attacks committed during Israel's August assault on the Gaza Strip as war crimes. Link to recording from conference on the Right to Boycott

  • Youth Activist Coach - piloting a new project to support Amnesty Youth Groups and youth activism in schools. We are recruiting local activists and human rights educators who are based in/can easily travel to one of the following areas, inc. Falkirk FK5! Successful applicants will be matched with, trained, and supported to offer tailored coaching to a participating Amnesty Youth Group over a 9-month period. If you are interested in being part of our pilot, please read the Youth Activist Coach role description to find out more and for how to apply.

  • Amnesty Christmas Raffle 2022 - Tickets £2: 

  • Online training courses - on futurelearn / Amnesty Academy: People, Power, and Politics: Influencing Political Decision-Makers on Human Rights; Amnesty website

Urgent Actions

Merle circulated the most recent Urgent Actions. Members within the core group and the wider mailing list are encouraged to respond to the Urgent Actions, if they can do so.

Date of Next Meeting

Thursday 8th December 2022, 7.30pm - 9pm @ Woodlands Methodist Church, 229 Woodlands Road, G3 6LW


We appreciate that there is a cost-of-living crisis and a great many are feeling the squeeze. If you do feel able to support us with a donation to help our ongoing running costs, we would be very grateful.

We have set up a Paypal donation page.

If you would prefer to donate at a meeting, that too would be welcomed!